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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. If it isn't a bug, I can only assume it's to address a way someone may have used mounts to glitch in somehow?
  2. My Charr actually isn't so bad since I changed his appearance from the biggest fattest mofo to the shorted medium built Charr for this exact reason. Otherwise yes race is mostly an aesthetic and lore based choice. There is maybe an argument in PvP/WvW that Asura has an advantage being smaller, only because they are literally harder to see. Hit boxes, jump distance, move speed etc. are all identical across all races. That being said Charr and Norn especially can feel slower because of this, just due to their size.
  3. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAg6JlJw0YYMIGKe6XevbA-D6gfKNKEKVE0tCIjJgMfCAAA Made a build with as much revealed as I could, OP should be totally unbeatable now? πŸ™ƒ
  4. Literally couldn't find a game this morning, so it must be working πŸ˜…
  5. I'd just like to see the game get an engine overhaul. If I could play 50v50v50 in WvW at 60fps I'd be pretty happy.
  6. You'll take your event reward track and you'll like it, now get back in your corner. 😏
  7. I'm not having a go at you, you mentioned people with different ranges of PCs, it doesn't matter. Believe me someone on a mid-range PC is not getting much worse FPS than your 3080. Newer maps have a lot more visual clutter going on in general, so they do tend to perform worse, even with no players in view. I'm pretty sure that individual map optimisation will only go so far when there is a massive core issue with the engine itself, always has been. It's still a bottleneck due to engine optimisation. What we ask of that ancient code these days is probably far beyond what the original engine was intended to do. You are right here, many of the original developers have long moved on. It has been stated by Anet themselves in the past that some of the code in there is complete spaghetti and the people who originally wrote it are no longer working on GW2 or with the company. Making any changes to the game at this stage is far more arduous of a task than working with more modern tech.
  8. Guild Wars 2 has three trait lines directly related to Guild Wars 1, Marksmanship, Beast Mastery, and Wilderness Survival. Guild Wars 2 has all the weapons from Guild Wars 1 apart from Spear (land) and Scythe, and Ranger can use all of them except Focus, Shield, and Wand (Scepter). (Rifle, Pistol, Mace, Torch, and Warhorn weren't in the first game). Ranger can still use traps in Guild Wars 2 and it has some of the best bow skills in the game, especially on Longbow. What about the Guild Wars 1 Ranger specifically do you want in Guild Wars 2 that isn't already here?
  9. The core story you can do in berserker gear (or really any gear you want), but there was a marked increase in enemy difficulty in Heart of Thorns necessitating more balanced builds. Playing a glass cannon there solo is much more difficult. This difficulty was cut back a bit in subsequent expansions though. If you're really not bothered about doing optimal damage and getting things done quickly, then celestial is probably the best bet, if you had to choose just one gear set. It's flexible enough to allow you to experiment with build types or hybrid damage, while still being able to make good use of your own heals and boons.
  10. First decide what build you actually want to play on the Firebrand, for this consider what content and role you want to fill. There are third party sites that offer builds such as snow crows, metabattle, and hardstuck. If you have all content unlocked (i.e. living world chapters), I would recommend going to those and using the respective currencies from them to purchase ascended trinkets (rings, amulet, accessories, back items) which all have selectable stats. If you enjoy world versus world, there is an NPC that will sell you armour and weapons with selectable stats for a very cheap price, but you do need some badges of honour. If you don't want to play that game mode or don't have time to farm the badges, depending on your role you can quickly get set up with exotic armour in a core stat set cheaply from the trading post. Berserker for power, Cleric for support, Carrion or Dire for condition damage. Although berserker is often still best in slot for power builds, you will likely want concentration or expertise for support or condition builds, in which case Minstrel, Viper, or Trailblazers would be preferred, however they are significantly more expensive to buy or make. It may also be worth mentioning Celestial gear (all stats), it has some very strong solo builds for world versus world, and is a bit of a jack of all trades in other areas. You can get a full set of celestial gear by getting a new character to level 80.
  11. That's because it's simply not the graphics that is causing the issue. Your GPU is going to be sat there going "is this it? I'm ready to give you more frames already?" while your CPU is running around screaming "help help I'm on fire trying to juggle all these lemons with one hand, I'll give your renders to the display in a minute". If that CPU bottleneck was somehow optimized, most players would experience an enormous improvement in performance. It's just not a simple task, the resources required to upgrade the engine with the whole game built on top of it, without potentially causing innumerable game breaking bugs in unforeseen parts of the game is going to be huge. While I don't doubt that players getting more enjoyment out of the existing game with double the performance is going to have a positive impact on the reception of the game and therefore generate some additional income, I doubt it would be sufficient to justify the costs. I can't understate what a massive undertaking it would be, compared to just adding some skins and calling it a day.
  12. It tends to be a CPU bottleneck not GPU with GW2, always has been. I get similar frames on an old GTX1070, and even that doesn't run the game much better than whatever card I had before that, back when the game launched. The game engine itself is ancient, running a modified version of the original GW engine, it simply doesn't support any new tech developed since, including proper multi-threading. Which is why the CPU bottleneck is such a problem too. At this stage the game would most benefit from a complete engine upgrade, although that's highly unlikely to ever happen. The resources required to do so simply cannot be justified, as optimisations also don't sell copies nearly as well as new content.
  13. If you are attending your PC while engaged in whatever activity, it isn't AFK. Not actively using skills (i.e. letting pets or minions do the work) is not being AFK either. As far as TOS and getting banned go, you could sit in one location with your minions all day, watching them kill stuff, if you wanted to. Provided you respond to gold whispers (Anet staff) if questioned, nothing bad will happen to you.
  14. Yes you can just combine stuff to see what you get. That can actually be quite fun if the process entertains you. Otherwise you can pick up all sorts of recipes from various vendors all across Tyria. Many Renown Heart vendors have recipes. You can also find them on the trading post, or in some areas just as drops from mobs or events. Most food you can make isn't particularly useful though, only a few specific level 400+ recipes are widely used. At the very top end getting to level 500 and making the platters of ascended food is really the end game, but they are very expensive to make. If you just want to max it there are guides available that show you the most efficient ways to get there, otherwise the wiki is your friend if you just want to see what can be made with a given ingredient.
  15. I guess we have to agree to disagree. I still think you're talking about a subset of players that already character swaps when needed. I also think this is far less likely than mounts ever were, because firstly they aren't just adding something new, they'd be implementing a change that has to alter some very old coded parts of your character story steps. Secondly, it's been eleven years now and hasn't been done yet, there is no evidence they are even considering it.
  16. It's still not going to happen, so I guess we'll never find out. πŸ˜…
  17. Tell me you didn't read my posts without telling me you didn't read my posts. This is exactly the type of player a class changer would appeal to. It's easy to get a class maxed in terms of gear and stats, but not everyone has visited every map (including living world chapters etc, not required for gift of exploration) and completed every story on every character. Some players may be attached to their main for what they have accomplished on it, and for ease of getting around content on a whim, not for which profession it is. Anyone who isn't happy to reroll to fotm now isn't going to care enough about the meta to do it with a class changer either, at least not to the extent you believe. Especially since your gear wouldn't carry over, so you would still need different weapons and gear stats if you class swapped (not even mentioning different armour weights). I'll use myself as an example. I have a main which I have spent thousands of hours on and have explored every map, completed every story and expansion with. I also have at least one (if not more) of every single class with varying levels of story and map completion on them. For WvW and PvP, I don't actually play my main as much, I tend to switch around a bit. Similarly for end game PvE I like to use the couple of professions I am comfortable with, but I also change from time to time. But my go to for doing new content first, or for just open world stuff is my main, because I know it has every waypoint, every map, and was the character I used for all the stories first. Would I like to have all this convenience, but also sometimes be a different profession? Yes, sometimes. Does not having a profession changer it stop me from playing the fotm whenever I need to? No.
  18. Didn't receive their "congrats on purchasing End of Dragons, to show our appreciation, here is a free mount, legendary weapon, 500 gold, full profession unlock, and free pass to skip all the content" mail when they logged in, so they come here to complain about how hard it is.
  19. No it wouldn't. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚players already migrate to the fotm as much as they ever would because they have multiple character slots. For things like WvW and PvP, anyone who cares enough about the current meta to profession swap regularly, already has multiple character for it. In all other game modes it doesn't affect you and therefore would not be a nightmare, were it even true. The only thing profession swapping would change in theory is letting you keep your progress and map exploration etc. Some players feel very invested into a character but grow tired of the profession they created it with. That would be the main draw for profession swapping. If it ever becomes a thing (and it won't for reasons already stated), I can say with reasonable confidence that it wouldn't cause 90% of players to migrate to a small subset of professions any more than they already do with alts.
  20. In theory, if it were possible, it'd just be a quality of life change so I would see no reason to oppose its inclusion. Sadly the way the game is coded, I don't think it's possible, it would mess with personal story stuff and I think they have said before that it's simply not on the cards. If it were possible, even though being free through a quest or NPC would be best from a user perspective, at this stage of the game lifecycle, it would likely be a gem store item. But again, while nice to theorize, the question is moot.
  21. It's not. It's not. Complete Dragon's End Meta (join a squad, it requires basically no effort) - Get the egg. Go to NPC in Arborstone. First collection - If you have none of the materials already costs about 10g. (Unlikely since it's just stuff from plant nodes). Second collection - If you don't fish at all costs less than 1g. Third collection - This is the "hard" bit and mostly consists of content you should already have done at least once before in completing EoD. 1. Do jade maw event in Dragon's end map, you already went here to do the meta, just camp the spot and do the event. 2. Go to Elora in New Kaineng, costs 16g+7k Karma after completing the renown heart. 3. Do Seitung Province Meta - there are regular groups for this, the wiki page will tell you when it starts. 4. Go the Echovald Wilds, do the Forever Tree event chain, it's in the south of the map, just camp there until it's up. It can be done solo. 5. Go to Seitung, kill the Leviathan, just wait for the event in the water at the south of the map. 6. Go to Tengu Spy in Echovald, costs 16g+7k Karma after completing the renown heart. 7. Do the Ministry of Security Strike, this is easy, just LFG for it. Someone will always be willing to help. Arguably this is the hardest step. 8. Give 25 unidentified dyes to Fidget in Arborstone, costs less than 1g. Total cost assuming you had nothing to start, about 45g and 14k Karma. If you check timers on the meta events etc. in advance you can do the whole thing in one day.
  22. I refer you to my post in another thread.
  23. I see you've been spectating some of my matches πŸ˜‚ There is always that one player who thinks they far surpass the whole team in ability. They will also be the first to rage quit at the first sign they aren't steamrolling the enemy. You know, I think I agree on being spawn camped too, although in that case you're better off getting in team chat and at least trying to get everyone together to push as a team. Too often people also get mad and just start throwing themselves at the enemy one by one hoping to get through. They see they are losing and basically just panic trying to cap points.
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