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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. Everything you need to do activities in SotO can be obtained in SotO. So if you want to go to that content while it is still fresh there should be nothing stopping you from doing so. Yes having all of the gliding and mount masteries already unlocked will make things more convenient but it can still be done without. This includes unlocking a skyscale. As for catching up, I would just do the HoT story, then PoF, then EoD, just take your time with it, none of it is going anywhere and there are still players in all the maps. Though you may have to LFG to join some of the group content.
  2. It bugs me that certain chef crafting materials don't have slots. Every item that is a material component for a crafting recipe should really have its own material slot in the bank. It would also be nice if legendary crafting materials e.g. gifts could have slots too. I have various map completion gifts, gifts of battle, antique summoning stones, and jade runestones clogging up my bank. Mainly because I accrue these faster than I accrue the gold and multiple other stacks of materials needed to craft the legendaries. My bank is full enough as it is with spare ascended equipment, black lion consumables, portal stones, food & utility items, boosters, rune & sigil sets, relics, and stacks of materials that I have too many of to fit in my storage. You know, stuff I might want to access on all of my characters.
  3. May I just enquire as to what you think a modern day Park Ranger does as a job?
  4. It's a niche case though, your observation is otherwise consistent with how these things usually work.
  5. It does not. EDIT: I am willing to be corrected in the event I am misremembering, but I distinctly remember using these from other characters before I had full ascended in the past.
  6. Incorrect https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Forgotten_Seal I do see what you are getting at though. It may not be apparent at first, especially given the ludicrous prices the relics commanded on the trading post on day one. But you are honestly thrown so many relics just by playing that you shouldn't be shy about binding the ones you got per character to try them out. They aren't at all rare or difficult to get if you accidently bound the wrong ones.
  7. Is that a "Hmm, interesting idea", or a "Hmm, what the hell are you talking about?" 😅
  8. Relic of the Brawler? I presume you pre-buff before your burst, if any of your skills are giving you protection or resolution it's an additional 10% damage for 4 seconds.
  9. Which I prefer and which is most optimal are different questions. It also depends greatly on the game mode/encounter. I currently play power more but I think that's just because it feels more optimal in more situations. I would like to play more condi but Ranger currently has more options for power weapons than Condi. You're basically stuck with Shortbow and Dagger for main hand with Axe as a condi-leaning hybrid that doesn't have conditions on auto attack. Condi also feels slower more restricted on trait choices, almost precluding any trait lines besides Wildnerness Survival and Skirmishing plus your choice of Elite spec.
  10. On the subject of FF cooldown being 90 seconds. It is more than possible to completely reset its cooldown with Unleashed Ambush on the Hammer and/or Staff, especially when cast back-to-back with let loose. Even with modest attacks it is trivial to reduce the cooldown to be on par with "Strength of the Pack!".
  11. As a completely able person this was the first one of these puzzles where I even realised there was a timer on the targets. It is markedly more difficult than any of the others. To my mind it's more the awkwardness of the mount controls for Skyscale and its tendency to grab on to the oddest of angles when you don't want it to that make it tricky. The jumps just don't lend themselves to smooth traversal. For all the complaints about things being made too easy or too difficult, this is one I think most would agree could do with giving more leniency for those less able. No one is going to boast about their ability to complete this puzzle, but some are certainly going to get frustrated with it. It's less a matter of "get good" and more one of "get it fixed".
  12. No I am referring to a post by the GW2 Team on the 28th of June "We’ll be back in the next week or so with details about the next WvW World Restructuring beta, which will feature the ability for guilds to team up in Alliances for WvW." I believe we are still waiting on those details.
  13. Map portal scrolls exist for this exact reason. There was also a WP unlock package in the store too, I don't know if it is always there or not though. It unlocked most of the core waypoints. I understand there may still be some maps that aren't so easy to access, but you can certainly get to a lot of them without a TP to friend or completing story steps.
  14. It's not a problem really. Game mechanics change, as I said this is not the first or last time it will happen. Change your build, end of discussion. So many posts crying about how all their toys were taken away. You had your fun with those toys, try playing with the new toys, you might enjoy it. I do understand that some people chose certain runes for flavour, particularly the rock dog, bone horror, and golem summons on certain classes/races, and I do sympathise with those now being absent. However that isn't to say that something similar won't be added in the future.
  15. For one, Anet did not "steal" your items, they just changed their functionality. They are free to run their game how they choose, and make changes to any element of it at any time. That they might do that is a risk you agree to by playing. It sucks for you but that is the way it is. This is also not the first time the Vampirism runes have had their functionality changed either. They used to trigger lifesteal on heal as a 4th bonus, and trigger a mist form on low health for the 6th bonus. This was updated to the 10% heal on kill back in 2018. Might I suggest you try Relic of the Defender, it has a similar functionality restoring 5% health on block, with diminishing returns for subsequent blocks down to 1%. You may even find it more useful than healing on Kill as it allows for heals mid-battle. It is unfortunate that the new Relics don't yet include anything with summons, but they have said they plan to add more over time.
  16. I would have to test it, but I imagine it is probably just an AoE centred on the target itself, and includes the target and up to 4 other targets. That is how most of these things work. If you check the discussion page on the wiki, someone has noted that it does affect the target itself and queried whether this is intended.
  17. I know this pain. I had a character full of stacks of items I could not fit in my material storage. In the past I have even bought items from the TP because I forgot I had a stack on my bank character, or plain could not be bothered to relog to move items to the bank to be accessed by the character that needed them. Eventually I caved and maxed my material storage slots. But I refuse to buy more bank or bag tabs, it shouldn't be necessary. I get that they need to make a buck from the gem store but I'd much sooner buy skins than feel obliged to buy inventory space to fuel my artificial hoarding habit. As someone who enjoys seeing a tidy bank and inventory having some of these items unable to be put into material storage or the wallet sets me on edge.
  18. Personally, I've never found spirits to be at all argumentative. EDIT: Why did OP have to edit their post, my joke isn't nearly as funny now 😔
  19. No problem, open world is generally very forgiving so you don't need to be building for "the best" making it perfect for experimenting with what you find fun. Strikes are a little harder and you will want to have a bit more focus in your build. If you want to lean towards conditions then the following weapons are your best bet; - Dagger (main & off-hand), Torch, Shortbow, Axe (Main-hand only). I agree the new staff unleashed ambush is very cool, though it should be built either as a power build or a support build to lean on the damage or heals. Staff doesn't offer any conditions really. Hammer, Greatsword, Sword, Axe (Off-hand), Staff, Warhorn are all power scaling weapons. So if you particularly like the movesets I would just stick with power. Hammer on Soulbeast might be a good way to refresh your interest in the specialisation.
  20. If you can't make money selling ascended items anymore, find another gravy train. GW2 has never been about grinding for stats, it has always been about skins and quality of life. Arriving at max stat items should be a relatively painless part of progression to the end-game. It's already incredibly easy to obtain ascended trinkets, and has been for a very long time, why not extend that to armour and weapons? I am also a GW1 vet, and played GW2 since launch. I have no issue with ascended items becoming easier to obtain. I played enough to get most of mine after my first set from drops anyway. Not to mention the ones still gathering dust in my bank. Stop gatekeeping new players just because things were different when you first played.
  21. First to give any really meaningful feedback on specifics, what is the purpose of your build. WvW roaming? PvP? PvE open world? Raids? Fractals? Strikes? If you're going full hybrid then Celestial stats are your best bet for the sheer amount of stats you get. Viper is really best suited to condition builds as it has high values in condition damage and expertise, the power and precision don't really account for much. Even mixing with berserker trinkets the overall stats are lower than Celestial and you will have no defence at all. Basically you're a glass cannon without the cannon. Staff doesn't really apply any conditions, neither does off-hand axe. So the only hybrid weapon you're really using here is main hand axe, which only applies conditions on skills #2 and #3. If you really like the weapon set you may as well just run it as a power build with full berserkers or marauder stats. Maybe if you provide a little more detail on exactly what you want to do, someone will be able to give you better feedback.
  22. Just do /age. You can see how many months you've had your character. For the record, no one has ever cared that I have multiple day-one characters, and only a few have commented on my GWAMM title that I wear on every character for the past 11 years. Really, it's no big deal. A little disappointing but not surprising that there is no big gift, maybe at 15 or 20 years they will do another big one. In the mean time I will just collect the weapon skins and a pile of Proof of Legend tokens that I can't spend because I bought everything already.
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