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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. Oh yeah 😅, but I also wouldn't blame someone if they literally stand up and run if it was serious enough.
  2. I've won plenty of games where we lost the first mid fight, it happens. But I'll tell you what, it's a whole lot harder if one player throws a tantrum, decides the game is over, and then subjects the rest of their team to 10 minutes of frustration and an all but guaranteed loss. If you deliberately and knowingly afk in a competitive match, you are solely responsible for ruining the game for someone else. It's right up there with throwing a fit in a busy restaurant or farting in a crowded elevator.
  3. Hard CC skills (Stun, Knockdown, etc.) mostly have their damage reduced to single digits in WvW. May be an obvious question, but are you running Virtuoso? If so the signet will stock blades instead of making clones.
  4. While I am not denying that this was changed, I looked through every update page on the GW2 wiki for the word "Wildcreek" and also then "Wall" and could not find any reference to this change being made. I did find one for a very similar change to Mendon's Gap a couple of years ago, where a destructible wall was removed and another added.
  5. Relic of the PPT commander: Siege you place requires half supply and has double health. All enemies are invisible to your squad. Relic of the Zerg: Gain 30 seconds of Stability, Might, Swiftness, Aegis, Regeneration, Fury, Resistance, and Resolution when pressing the "W" key (30 second cooldown).
  6. These are exactly the sort of changes that to my mind, require so little effort but would be a huge quality of life improvement for players. Unfortunately it doesn't generate any income compared to say, a new gathering tool, outfit, mount, or chair, which is clearly where the art department resources are being spent.
  7. I think a medical emergency or real life event is probably reason enough to afk. Outside of that, if you're getting tilted enough to afk matches out of spite. The mature thing to do would be to finish the current match and then take a break.
  8. 100% a proper kill tracking system would be good. Even for your own personal achievement. There is an argument that this only leads to kitten comparison and further elitism. But that can't be much worse than what we have now, where players are asking for arbitrary quantities of a token (that you can also spend on stuff). I used to PUG T4 fractals regularly, and generally found it to be no problem, I know it's not the same as CMs and I haven't tried public groups for those yet. But generally I found most people capable enough to get through the content. If we couldn't do it, the weak link was more often than not the one complaining the loudest and belittling everyone else. As soon as they rage quit and we got another player in, we'd usually complete the content on the next try.
  9. Okay, I'll agree that you can make a distinction here if you want to, I was using KP in the general sense, whatever token you get to prove you have completed a given piece of content. I do agree that if they introduce multiple ways to gain the same tokens, especially if one is very easy to obtain then sure, I think we both agree that the system is imperfect. But I would argue that all this does is completely devalue the KP as a whole to the point that asking for any quantity is irrelevant, since a player could have simply been grinding the easy content for weeks on end. Meanwhile you gate keep and exclude a very good player who has completed the difficult content but just hasn't been doing it for as long. There is simply no way to tell. I think the point here is that you can only raise the entry bar so much before you unfairly exclude skilled players who have not had the required time to accrue what you ask for in your efforts to weed out the carry's who have been grinding the easy method for a long time. It doesn't take more than a few CM runs to be perfectly competent at it (if you're a good player) but such a player starting out only recently isn't going to achieve the required KP being asked, despite the fact that when the concept of KP was new the number of proofs being asked for was lower, yet those players had no more experience at the time than the newer player does now. This in essence becomes the gate keeping that has been mentioned by other posts, it becomes a club of players who have both been playing for a long time and at a high level. You have an ever increasing grey area of players who have one or the other (time or skill), but you only admit players who have both, when what you should be asking for is skill alone for CMs and KP becomes ever more imperfect at identifying that.
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  11. For once I feel the confused reaction is being used as intended. I am really struggling to understand the question.
  12. What the hell are you talking about? Kill proof is not a currency, it's only supposed to be a check to prove you know what you're doing, and a crude one at that. The fact that more players have kill proofs now doesn't devalue the fact that they have the capability to complete the CM multiple times. There will come a point that having more KP does not delineate an increase in ability. A player who has been scraping by, getting carried by their team for years will have more KP than a player with a dozen solid completions, and I know which one I would rather have in my party. I ask you this, what is the difference between a player that has 5k now when the top players have 140k, and a player that had 5k when the top players had 40k, and why does that difference necessitate increasing the UFE required to join a party?
  13. Unlikely to happen, why spend resources creating armour for small sections of the player base when you can create an outfit that is broadly the same for all races and whack it in the store for 1,800 gems as an "appearance package"? Any semblance of wanting to explore and expand cultural identities within the game have been long abandoned in favour of a homogenous experience.
  14. Glitches with clipping and textures aren't uncommon, in any game for that matter. Unless it is both repeatable and game breaking, it is unlikely to be of high priority for a fix.
  15. I think the Moa were not given supportive because they already have harmonic cry, adding a further heal would make them too strong for healing. Birds are I assume lightweight and agile, not really reflecting the stout archetype. We only have two versatile ones because the white raven was a hall of monuments exclusive alongside the black moa, widow, and one of the jellyfish of which all are reskins of other pets (except moa which actually has a multi-hit screech, different from the pink moa). I would like to see more skill and archetype variation, but I think they did have reasons for excluding certain archetypes from given groups of pets initially, whether that logic is still relevant is another question though.
  16. Tools is a fantastic traitline. It has a flat 10% power damage increase, 50% endurance regen, 20% toolbelt cooldown, Elite cooldown reduction, condi cleanse & vigour on toolbelt usage. The elite cooldown and cleanse both synergise with the faster endurance regen and toolbelt cooldowns.
  17. Can I have your job then? Sounds like a breeze if "research" consists of literally one wiki page per collection with pictures and a big X on the spot you have to go to. Using the wiki isn't even required, it just makes it even easier. The collections give you hints where to go. It's also significantly easier than the original Skyscale collection was. For a start it can be done in a single day if you have gold to buy rather than craft the bits that need charged quartz (if you don't have it already).
  18. You are using the forum in dark mode and this person has copy/pasted text directly from the wiki. Which if you don't paste it as plain text or reformat it will become stripy white nonsense to any of us giga chad dark mode users. If you want to read it, you need to highlight the text.
  19. Heal NUM0, Skills 2-5 NUM1, NUM2, NUM3, NUM Enter. Utilities and Elite, NUM4, NUM5, NUM6, NUM+. Jump HOME but I have rebound my Home key to my Right Shift because leaving jump as right shift interferes with numpad binds. Profession toolbars are on Del, Ins, End, and Pg Down. Profession Mechanic is on NUM8 Special Action NUM7 Mount NUM9 Pet Swap Pg Up. Weapon Swap NUM Period. Interact and weapon skill 1 are on mouse buttons Dodge is on ' key which is re-bound to my mouse clutch. I move with arrow keys I am left handed.
  20. Well done pointing out an adequately balanced skill, they will probably nerf it now.
  21. Engineer also has some of the best and easiest access to combo fields. I think the original design philosophy was that some professions could set up combos and others would exploit them with finishers. This is perhaps why those pistol skills were left out in the past to prevent engineers from having too much access to combos. Imagine a world where combos are considered OP, power creep has certainly seen an end to that.
  22. In the grand scheme of making legendary items I don't think even 8 hours spent in WvW is a big ask. You can do that in 2 hours per evening for a week. You even get a day off, and don't have to waste your weekend on it either. Considering that it is in fact demonstrably less than 8 hours, I really can't get behind any of the complaints.
  23. Are conjured weapons actually bad or do players generally just not understand when/how to use them. Especially if a player doesn't ever play ele. Or could be both you know.
  24. Out of curiosity, do we know what the actual population of PvP is right now and in each region and timezone? I only started getting into PvP recently when they revamped dailies and added the wizard vault. I used to hate the game mode and avoided it like the plague. Currently at low gold with probably about a 50% win rate. Matches for me are usually either heavily skewed to one team or the other, 500 to 150 about 80% of the time. Only once every 5 or 6 games is a close fight. Sometimes matchmaking feels a bit non-existent, but that would make sense with a very limited pool of players.
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