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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. It doesn't because consecrations are all ground targeted area skills. They consecrate that area of ground. Shelter is just a heal and block on the guardian only. Also does Shelter really need to be a 4 second block? I agree it could probably use a rework though, maybe be replaced by an actual consecration type skill.
  2. Considering the recent complete lack of communication followed by the announcement of no further alliance betas this year I can't say I blame them. I for one welcome any events or attention on WvW, I would support implementing regular little events to keep things fresh in the absence of any real meat in the alliance/balance department.
  3. I wonder sometimes if this is a UI issue, since boons and conditions all appear as small often homogenous looking icons that shuffle around as they appear and disappear. Considering that cleanses are easier to stack up on than blocks, the only way you are punished versus a condition build is that the total condition damage is usually somewhat higher per skill than power damage, though it is applied over a longer duration. Not cleansing a big DoT is the equivalent of face tanking a power build without making any attempt to dodge or block. Ultimately it's just another facet of combat, why shouldn't you take cleanses into consideration when building your character? If you want to be self sufficient you have to make sacrifices in other areas to achieve the right balance of offense and defence.
  4. +15 Expertise = 1% condition duration. You are correct though, why make us do maths when everything feeds into a percentage increase anyway? Just do the maths on the item itself and tell us the result on the tooltip?
  5. I would also like to see these changes. Even if they have to tweak the damage slightly on some skills. Ranger Whirling Defense has always had this issue since the very similar Whirling Axe on warrior has always been allowed to move. Plus they even made this revision on Flurry recently. You can now move while executing it. Standing still in this game is far too high of a cost to justify it on those skills, not only are you more vulnerable while performing them, your opponents can easily avoid them just by moving slightly without even wasting a dodge. Having to hard CC someone to land the full skill needs to be far more rewarding than they currently allow, especially seeing as you also have to be in melee range.
  6. They were reworked in the patch a couple of months ago. They are now designed to be used more actively with their slam ability. You can also trait into them in nature magic allowing them to slam twice. Two of them have a blast finisher on slam, and one has a daze. They really aren't designed to be "always up" boon faucets anymore.
  7. That would be an interesting change, seeing as the flamethrower does thematically feel like it should be a condi weapon. Yes, agreed. If it was condi focused with a 5 target cleave on the auto attack it would actually be quite a fun and effective weapon in scaled-up open world events with lots of adds. Competitively I think maybe it needs more of a CC element to it, or more functional area denial, since it's never going to be a single target DPS powerhouse. Perhaps more use in WvW where larger numbers of players would allow it to shine.
  8. I have played Juggerscrapper and while I love the build and think it has great synergies, it just isn't that strong in reality. Perma-stability, might stacks, barrier, on paper it's great. In practice though, the barrier from auto attacking is enough to maintain a couple of hundred points of barrier at best, the damage is very low and doesn't even cleave 5 targets, and the stability is only a single stack which isn't enough to really do much as it is easily overcome with just two hard CC in quick succession. The best use I have personally come up with on such a build is maybe to run as a zerg commander with a full bunker build against opponents that like to try and pull commanders. Even then there are probably much better options to lead with. I want it to be good, it's just, not that good.
  9. If you did week 1 and week 3 you will only miss out on the black lion ticket, you can still get the bag slot expansion. I made the same mistake, I had guests over last week and didn't play at all, only remembered at work yesterday but didn't get on in time to rush week 2 before reset.
  10. There is already a topic up about this issue. Yes you get double progress towards the daily, but you don't get the extra Astral Acclaim for the duplicated objective.
  11. Burning on every damage tick! 🔥🔥 🔥🔥 🔥🔥 🔥🔥 🔥🔥 🔥🔥 🔥🔥 🔥 🔥🔥 🔥🔥 🔥🔥 😈
  12. I had to get this meme out of the way first https://imgur.com/a/sfg2moe
  13. Sorry what is a boonless foe and where can I find them?
  14. I for one would like to see flamethrower brought up to current game standards. There has been so much power creep over the years and the kit remains mostly untouched. At the very least it should cleave 5 targets, if not more, it's a flamethrower for goodness sake. That would at least help make up for the pitiful damage. Also being a kit that encourages you to camp it with the grandmaster firearms trait, it really wants to be built around. Just to note, for anyone initially confused, "Moloch" is German for "Juggernaut".
  15. It seems to me that Anet did not properly implement the 4th daily slot that was added after launch. Judging from the anecdotal evidence here, having only one game mode selected seems to be more likely to cause the issue. Until it is fixed I can only suggest that players check at least two, if not all three game modes for their dailies and weeklies.
  16. You uh.. Really want to find those centaurs huh? It would actually be a really nice tool to have, I usually go by my own knowledge of the game on the odd occasion that I need to find a specific enemy type. I mean this will utmost sincerity, why don't you go make one? There are already interactive maps of the game available, it can't be that much of a stretch to have a community contributed set of pins for each enemy type with filters? I know that doesn't really help you in the short term, but it could be a cool project if you were so inclined. GW2 has, in my experience, one of the best and most comprehensive wiki communities I have ever seen. We are spoilt by them really.
  17. The no downstate weeks were fun. I'm not so sure the game is balanced around them always being gone though. That said, regular events like no downstate weeks would certainly help keep things a little more fresh. Throw some other modifiers into the pan and see what sticks. I certainly wouldn't mind having some different game modifiers applied at least once a month.
  18. Whether or not you can still complete the daily is irrelevant, it's still a bug. Plus it is causing many players to earn less AA than others. Even with no bugs it does not look like it is possible to acquire all of the skins and limited rewards during a wizards vault cycle. Currently purchasing everything costs just under 19,000 AA while the theoretical maximum one can currently obtain is just under 17,000. This gives zero room for any completionists to miss out on dailies because of bugged events or objectives if they want to purchase everything.
  19. I very much doubt this as runes and relics are functionally separate items. It would be like tying legendary weapon collections to requiring you have 6 pieces of legendary armour. Players without legendary runes will be able to craft a legendary relic without crafting the runes first. The whole point is supposed to speed up the process for those that do have runes. I have this feeling that the "significant progress" won't be as significant as some might hope, but progress none the less. Ultimately I expect the material investment will still be high either way, as that is the function of legendary items. They give you quality of life at a high price, which is good for the game economy.
  20. Best bet is to put up an LFG stating that you are going for the achievement. You will likely get others also having the same experience as you, or someone willing to help.
  21. I get that they want to encourage players into different content, but If you ask me they shouldn't be in dailies. Most players don't like them and so throw the games to end it as quickly as possible, which only ruins the experience for the players that do want to play, and those players would play whether or not they were a daily (masochists).
  22. Just thought I would mention that you can craft Conflux twice and wear two. The other jewellery slots are all unique.
  23. Not explicitly mentioned but given that it is currently the top DPS build at the moment I would consider it an educated guess.
  24. I'm not sure what is the bigger joke, the idea that mastery points would give stats, or that you seem to believe that having mastery points makes you a better player. Firstly having mastery points is not an indicator of skill in any real measurement. It is more an indication of how much time you have sunk into the game as unlocking them is relatively trivial and only requires your time and dedication. You can get a good portion of your masteries by just interacting with an object in the open world, the majority of the rest are earned by simply playing all the content once. The remaining ones just require you to repeat a few specific instances, or in very rare cases complete a modest challenge. As has already been pointed out, this would only lead to unhealthy behaviours in the community, such as excluding players who don't have maximum masteries. The reward you get for masteries are the quality of life improvements and access to specific mechanics unlocked by them, and a number next to your name. I really don't think anything more is required.
  25. Just FYI that Scourge build is prime target for a nerf in the upcoming balance patch in less than 2 weeks.
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