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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. Oooh I didn't realise we got a new pet. Where can I find this bad boy?
  2. Dragonhunter Relic interacts with traps. I believe it gives you +10% damage and +10% condition duration to enemies struck by your traps. I can only assume commands were separated from shouts precisely because they didn't want them to interact with shout runes, presumably for balance reasons.
  3. Consider the Dark Monarch Skyscale with a good dye job for a Necromancer.
  4. It's just a fun post. Unusual to see here I know, but it's okay.
  5. It's even worse if you run it with Eternal Bond, in which case you take the damage on behalf of your allies.
  6. Rangers are incredibly mobile, especially on Soulbeast. Some of the pet merges give you access to multiple leaps plus what they already have on Sword and Greatsword. That would be on Dolyak Stance only, the shout is "Protect Me!" which rather unsurprisingly gives protection. Although the elite "Strength of the Pack!" does give stability but only to the Ranger. Agree with your other points, I think the original design of Soulbeast was not too supportive so as not to step on Druid toes. I have heard (this is only third-hand mind) that they didn't give Spiritual Reprieve i.e. a supportive pet archetype to the Moa line because of this as it would be too good at supplying heals when merged.
  7. Protective Ward is a dead trait as far as I can tell. The effect is the same as Protection but it often results in your pet getting deleted, especially in a high damage scenario (where you would want to have this option). Even worse is it is applied on swap, so your pet swap will still be on cooldown too. If I am running spirits I like the extra slam, otherwise I just take the nice heal on beast skills. This is a GM trait, it should be defining of the whole trait-line and something you would look to build around. Unless anyone has had any better experiences with it? The removal of the internal cooldown on evasive purity was a welcome change, it's pretty much an auto-pick for me now.
  8. Don't forget two of them are also blast finishers, so you get double blast finisher on them. I actually quite like the spirits now.
  9. Too many spiders, we can't get near you to give you anything.
  10. While I don't doubt your sincerity, they may well have said that. I assume the logic there is that Moa has Harmonic Cry, a relatively small AoE heal on a 25sec cooldown? Power creep really has come so far these days where in the past such a small thing might step on the toes of the Druid profession identity.
  11. Drake has bear beat good Blasting smoke fields is such fun I am noob no more
  12. "Quintessential" means it is typical/representative of the subject, not to be confused with "essential" meaning that it is something that is required. What Psycoprophet was saying is that most people would agree that thematically the Longbow is strongly representative of the Ranger, not that it is necessarily essential to being a Ranger.
  13. Warrior Rampage elite skill. Not exactly an archetype or profession but if you really want to punch things you can.
  14. Brown Bear is a pet With Longbow as a weapon Bear-bow is noob build Please don't take this Haiku seriously.
  15. Yes you can use it, although it is not directly supported by Anet. Just be aware that it tends to break with every major patch. This can be annoying as it will crash your game client when it does and you will have to disable it until it gets updated (usually within a day or two), but this can be a source of annoyance come patch day, especially when you are used to using it.
  16. Maybe that was the announcement 😂 blink and you'll miss it, just like the amount of attention the game mode gets.
  17. On this one I will grant you, of all the professions that get pushes, it's always a Ranger that does this. Less of an issue with the profession though, more the players that migrate to it. I get the impression that of all professions Ranger most appeals to the casual audience who have no desire to learn the nuances of the game and are happy to just face-roll through content, unwittingly giving a bad reputation to the profession as a whole.
  18. Then don't get caught with your pants down and no cooldowns? There comes a point where you are arguing that a class just shouldn't be able to win a fight. Why should a squishy with no cooldowns up be able to survive a one-trick burst? I will not dispute that the combo is very strong, you can make it unblockable as well, but in doing so you have to use your elite, two utilities, and two weapon skills. If you are aware of the presence of the ranger this can all be at least partially negated with a single dodge. All of those skills then go on cooldown giving you 10 seconds to down the Ranger before it can use Rapid Fire again (even longer to get the full burst). At this point the Ranger has only their heal, one utility (probably a stun break), and alternate weapon set (probably greatsword) to deal with you. If it is a Soulbeast it probably has some pet skills to follow up, most likely smoke assault. I don't see how this is any more problematic than any other cheesy build like stealth spamming Thieves, Mesmers that have more block and invulnerability frames than I can count, or Willbenders that get to decide to just leave the same plane of existence at the first sign of losing an engagement. Competitively I am coming from a mostly WvW viewpoint, PvP mileage may vary.
  19. I use all three Choya tools, and specifically recall the mining one being the most entertaining because of the three Choya. To my knowledge and having used them for years, it has always been that way. I don't know what else to tell you.
  20. Why would that help? The older video shows that it has been one Choya for at least 5 years. Are you suggesting that it was one Choya, then they changed it to three sometime in the last 5 years and then changed it back? I also have the set of three and I use them on my main. I always thought the mining one was the most entertaining because it is three Choya with a silly animation where one is actually holding the mining pick backwards, and wished the logging and gathering tools were just as funny, but sadly aren't. I'm sorry but I think you may either be misremembering or you experienced a bug.
  21. Hybrid almost always refers to being split between power and condi for DPS.
  22. Notes Enemies are able to be struck by this skill only once every 0.5 seconds. Can hit 5 enemies per burning section for a total of 25 targets. The reason why the DPS appears to be so high is that it is hitting up to 25 enemies for decent damage. I think the point being made was that wells deal more damage to 5 targets than scorched earth does (to 5 targets) because scorched earth hits 25 targets. Under optimal conditions you need to divide the damage done by scorched earth by 5 in order to compare it to other skills that hit fewer targets. In large fights almost killing 25 people is less effective than actually downing 5 people.
  23. You were whining and moaning on the forum about the people whining and moaning on the forum. Please understand it was all in good humour. The forum is unfortunately a very negatively biased microcosm of the community. Which is annoying because zergs is one of the places Ranger is not so great (besides support Druid). Will be interesting to see if any of the current and upcoming changes have any impact on that.
  24. The irony is not lost on me. They are still fine, they will likely still excel in the small-scale role in WvW. The change to untamed being able to reset unleashed ambush on weapon swap has potential for DPS, but it is still early days. I never played support much before so I can't really comment on that side of things. Will also have to see how the changes with using all weapons goes too. Plenty to look forward to. I'm sorry you feel that way.
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