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Yellow Rainbow.6142

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Everything posted by Yellow Rainbow.6142

  1. In my opinion it's pretty balanced and fun. Ita not extremely difficult or easy. Congratulations on 3 man kill now do it again without boon.
  2. I feel like new strike mission is almost perfect. I have been in fail group alot more than success kill. But, I am really enjoying it even fail attempt unlike raid is downright frustrating.
  3. I am casual as well. And, I have almost a million karma without even trying. And I earned this in a month.
  4. Here is an idea, and try to bare with me here okay? Have you ever tried just PLAYING and ENJOYING this game? Why would you even care about this? What is wrong with people ... This is always my thought. Why do you even care. Just play your game the way you want..
  5. stability and protection works. it gives you enough time to get out of wrong side.
  6. T4 might be easier to play compared to T3 because group usually consist of more focused players.
  7. Maybe WoW is trying to be the next GW2 ? ;) Maybe you should actually check out feature of the new expansions before you make comment like this. Because Blizzard is actually working to address this issue. And that is the difference between Blizzard and Anet. When people call out Blizzard on bad designs they actually work to improve it On general topic. Bashing and diminishing other games and other player bases doesn't make Guild Wars 2 look better. It just makes this forum seem like its populated by children. I am playing multiple MMOS, and this is only MMO community that I know of which constantly has topics like these where we try to diminish other games on the marketYou know, that's what people do to justify their choice when they are insecure. And, no I don't play any other MMO or game for that matter. GW2 is the only game I play on all platform. I don't even game on cell phone. I need sudoku lol
  8. kinda like saying why should I play this game? for entertainment value. If you are not enjoying then you shouldn't craft, lvl up, buy diamond, collect gold, hunt AP or Play game.
  9. you run 100+kp run and then come to forum and cry about no challenge. At the end, you can only have so much challenge on PVE boss.
  10. 1) make template save option. I can't theorycraft with auto save feature.2) Price too expensive.3) build storage needs to have at least 100 space.4) legendary stuff is more pain with this new system like everyone mentioned.
  11. Same, lfg issue again. Be it fractal, raid, dungeon, or even hp run.Gw2 lfg system sucks.
  12. Challenge in this game is not dps or mechanics. You are talking about pve boss with almost 0 AI. Even chimp can kill vg with some guide and practiceThere is no real challenge the game itself present.Real challenge is finding like minded people.
  13. reasonable should be free but my guess is 300 either for build or equipment template.
  14. @ flog, sure make leggy armor character bound. Some logic here... we have a winner /not.
  15. I have been reading about this build template and I have noticed so many people complain about not getting enough. Is it that hard to spend $20 on game that you play and enjoy for something useful like build template?I see people running around in game with bunch of rainbow mounts which cost $25??'
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