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Everything posted by zityz.6089

  1. They could have kept his hammerhead looking head from GW1. I'm okay with the rest of him, Even though he looks a bit like a old Muppet with some of his fur missing on him :joy: With the rigging mechanic, they could of added some effects of his tail swiping at you from above during the gate segment as well. Gives off his full look without needing to put his whole body on screen and makes it feel like he's on all sides of you completely. I do appreciate the information on his creation and how they did it, I would like more posts about "how they made it" in the future as it's always interesting to read.
  2. Pretty Much how GW1 was with death. You'd have a Death Penality of -15% to a maximum of -60% and then you could obtain a boost of maximum +10%. Killing stuff removed the DP slowly or unless you had food items that removed 10%- All DP. The difference is that GW1 didn't have armour repair, so the DP % is basically the Armour. What would be nice is if they did add an armour icon when armour is damaged to show the % of effectiveness you have lost would be.
  3. Nah, you're thinking too small! Real penalty should be if you die once, the game uninstalls and you need to re purchase the game! that will teach people!
  4. if they were to add it, it would just be a water node like tree,ore and grass nodes. Problem that arises with that is now adding countless nodes to every map with water AND having to focus on cooking items related to aquatic type of meat. Not to mention a a slight change in the UI to allow a "rod" gathering tool. Wouldn't be worth it. Even if they WERE to gem store the permanent "water node" items.
  5. A new race can be done.Theoretically, Tengu are not even a new race since the models are already done, its just a matter of graphing armour to the models properly. As far as how it works into the story though, or as far as personal story for them, it would just take place either A. After the events of current living story and on wards or B, a new continent, just how GW1 introduced new classes/ Races with their Add ons with Factions, Nightfall, and EotN, and still fit everything into the story. What blows my mind is when people have this mindset that " too hard for them to do". It's basically saying " Anet is not a competent nor talent company compared to other MMO devs to pull it off, so we'll give them a pass" or just flat out saying they're too lazy. Anet is still a company of people who are talented enough and hopefully have enough experience in the industry to pull it off. They've managed to make elite professions work, in a way to add new skills into the game while changing how the character plays. They've managed to pull off adding mounts into a game that actually feel like they're more engaging than just a speed buff. So I'm sure they can figure out a way to add in a new race with animations and voice acting. Further proof they can add a new race and make it work with a little extra time: Kodan combat tonic.
  6. There is literally no need to have open PVP in PVE in this game, that's what WvW is for. It has PVP and there are events going on inside them.You want duels? sure why not? Put them in the main cities to have people duel their brains out. Having open world PVP in PVE leads to trolling and taunting and other toxic behavior. It's for the kind of people who get their jollies off on spawn camping way points.
  7. If they can add raids and place them into currently existing maps to please a small core audience without monetizing it, they can update dungeons.Personally, I feel there is an identity crisis between Dungeons, Fractals, Strike missions and Raids when essentially Raids are just Elite Dungeons , Fractals are stand a lone dungeon style scenarios, and strike missions are just Champion boss fights but for smaller groups instead of open world zergs.
  8. I don't think the term "challange" is what your going for, I think you mean you don't want the world bosses to be basic. Which a lot of them tend to be, but the idea of having to communicate WHILE you are fighting the world boss is a terrible idea because that usually indicated poor planning. Most fractals/or more intricate bosses, the mechanics are typed before the fight so people know what to expect, not during. That's usually left to people getting too emotional during the fight and typing non helping phrases into the actual chat. If they want to fix the intricacies of world bosses, before they change mechanics, they need to make a way to cut down on the eye sore that is 50+ people's skills going off all at the same time, making the barely seen dim red circles/patterns more effective. The reason why it works well in Dungeons, strike missions, raids, fractals is because with 5- 10 people in a team, the skill spam animations are no where near as bad so mechanics can be seen/ more diverse . Triple trouble is hard to some people, not because the mechanics are "challenging" but because instead of a squad of 5-10 people per spot, you have multiple squads with tons of people moving about and creating skill animation clutter which can get lost in the mix of what needs to be done, but since it is a world boss, they're defaulted to having absurd amount of health to compensate for the amount of people. More proof of this can even be seen in the ooze pits in Grothmar. It's just a group event, but look at the difference between a group closed off into one of the 3 sections with skills going off, to when the whole pit is open. How many people attack the ooze without colour changing? a lot, because I'm sure most of them cannot even see the colours on the ground due to the bright intensity of the skills being spammed to kill the oozes. This is just from my perspective from over the years of playing, this may not represent from everyone's play perspective.
  9. What Gw2 is missing is the is the armour/outfit look of the divinity reach nobles (can be a cultural set). I would like to see more pants options for light and heavy, and a bit less coats for medium. They are doing a good job with that so far, but a few more would be nice. As far as GW1 sets or armour, Only set pieces I would like to see are the Kurzick/ Luxon armour that they had, which could be applied for each weight class. Examples: Light https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/thumb/c/ce/Mesmer_Kurzick_armor_f.jpg/216px-Mesmer_Kurzick_armor_f.jpgMedium https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/7/72/Ranger_Luxon_armor_f.jpgHeavy https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/thumb/7/7d/Warrior_Kurzick_armor_m.jpg/283px-Warrior_Kurzick_armor_m.jpg I would even take them as outfits. Only problem is that those sets would only work for Human, Norn and Sylvari . As they're similar body type, they would need to be redone for Charr and Asurans. Other issue is location, however, at the same time they did release the ritualist armour as an outfit, and you can find Oni blades in the game.
  10. This is a great idea. It is like how GW1 had regular missions and then hard mode version of those. At least this way for people who just want to experience the content or learn the raids can do so and still feel like they're not being judged because of what they're doing/ learning. Once they get the hang of it and want to step up then they can do the "hard" version and those will have better rewards.
  11. Pretty much everyone is pretty even minus Kasmeer and Majory, Majory being barely there. Up until episode 1, I forgot she was even still a part of the game. Kasmeer is basically written in to do some hocus-pocus plot line illusion trickery and then peaces out, while Majory is basically "oh there is a thing going down? I need to go do some research" and then is just written off for another year +.
  12. I feel monks do exist still , they're more combat focused than healing. My best guess is that they more or less practice their profession alongside pure Ritualists in the Canthan region as that school of magic fits more with that region than the main land now. They've probably developed a different hybrid of the two there as well.
  13. Well, Guild Wars 1 is still playable, and they did enhance the visuals a bit and added in some graphical features. I do jump into that game from time to time. It still holds up great. Although, going from space bar jumping to space bar "auto attack" throws me off now. Really doesn't need a remake. For a game that came out in 2005, I think it's still pretty visually stunning.
  14. i can't see them using the actual hall of monuments as the building is kind of permanently "under repair "
  15. I think it's more for completionists and people who would like the achievement armour/chests. That would be my guess.
  16. I have no hope any new races will be added into the game.They didn't bother finishing the Domain of Winds and Tengu playable race 7 years ago. They're not going to bother now. Heck, when they brought out a new profession, even that was half baked. Only way I can see them adding another race into the game is if its Tengu and it takes place in Cantha, but I also have zero hope that they'll add any new continents into the game either. It is a nice dream, but it will only just be that.
  17. I would love to have polymock added back into the series. the minis are as of right now are a plethora of uselessness right now, and they would be great to use for it.
  18. I believe that the Elder dragons are not the real threat overall. I think that they either consume and kill and absorb as much magic to prevent whatever the real threat is from awakening. We will probably kill all the dragons, all the powers will be absorbed into Aurene, and we'll have to face off against an Eldritch God/Dragon that has existed since the birth of Tyria before Elder dragons/ major life races existed. At this point the only thing that would be able to stand up to this would be Aurene due to her ability. After that thing dies, we may have to kill Aurene in the end. Or at least that's what I would like to see anyway haha.
  19. Only extra thing you need would be to "Show as offline" in contacts, which would prevent the yellow dot on the map to not show ( unless that is only for guild members you're not in party with) I don't know if they need to go to the extent of Blocking basically removes the person out of your sight forever. Not to mention the amount of resources that it would take just so that the small percentage of people can have a "out of sight out of mind" placebo effect. Currently, blocking them stops them talking to you period. If they are doing other stuff, you can report them. That or maybe people you block just turn into a skritt or quaggan on your screen only permanently. :p
  20. Bring back Heroes. They can only be used in Fractals, Dungeons, Raids, story mode stuff.It would be nice for them to have added dungeons to the PoF and HoT with added story stuff as well. I hope they do bring back mini dungeons. They're great content for people who don't have the time to get into raids.
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