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Everything posted by KeyOrion.9506

  1. Your "Fight Club" Commanders in WvW doesn't want ranger's, because in the Commander's own words, "The ranger class brings nothing useful to the combat ZERG". So ranger's are now relegated to ROAMING only. ROAMING ONLY! 1/2 the commanders refuse to have a ranger/soulbeast OR Druid inside their zerg combat team. They will get no invites. If they do get invited, it's accidental, and they are kicked out of the group immediately. By the commander's own words and ACTIONS, a ranger in the group will be kicked from the group in order to make room for a SCOURGE or a FIREBRAND, or any other USEFUL profession. The commander's own words. LISTEN. All I been reading for the past 3 months in Forums is HOW overpowered Ranger's are. And I don't see it. I really really don't see it. I'm seeing permaboon warriors that just eat up my bursts. I'm seeing Firebrands and Scourges that put down pulse wells and traps that do 30k damage in two seconds. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE SAYING RANGER IS OVERPOWERED?! Permastealth Deadeyes!? SERIOUSLY!? This was taken away from thieves. And now it's right back in the game again. My STOMP with bonded pet's damage was once 1/3. Now it's 2/5ths for damage. Our damage was lowered. Enemy weapon range was increased to match Ranger's reach. If anything every other class got a crap load of BUFFS. The last patch saw ONE change to ranger, because....we're overpowered. I highly doubt they did the one change because we're more perfectly balanced. I don't think Anet even knows what to do with Ranger's anymore. Pve we're great. PvP not so bad. WvW….well gee wiz, your just a ranger. You have a "niche". You might as well tell us as we're trying to get on the Zerg Bus, that we need to go the BACK of the bus, because that's how it feels like to play ranger in WvW with a bunch of commanders that think our class is garbage.
  2. Anet extended the range of Necro's to nearly equal distance of BOW for rangers. We're no longer the SINGLE and only profession with the longest range combat skills anymore. They changed it because, "well that's just not fair, that the Longbow has such a far reach, that no other profession can match...we should fix that.." OK, now it's been fixed. Now your saying that ranger's should now have LESS ability to reach the target...while the enemy can now reach further than us? I'm sorry why does the ranger need any more nerfs? I play WvW and 1/2 the commanders piss on the Ranger Class in total. Anet is supposed to be making us just as equally useful as the other classes, not continuously screwing us up to get shoved down a hole and making us even MORE hated in Competitive Combat.
  3. Well this evening the entire Jade Quarry Team....crashed in EBG. Literally we were in discord, and every last one of us had the Crash function appear on our screens, just as we engaged the enemy. Never saw anything like it. One minute we're charging into combat, then sound lockup and the Crash Message. With that and some of the Visual Errors I been seeing. I think Anet needs to shutdown WvW and run a Maintenance. It's gotten...pretty bad.
  4. It took us 30 minutes to find and kill a Deadeye that was porting enemy forces into Hills on the Alpine Borderlands. 30 minutes. 1 guy. I seriously don't know what your problem is.
  5. I don't see how you can have "11 Million Strong..." Unless that's 10 million 900,000 players in China.....Seriously.....What's the actual physical body count, because that red, orange, yellow and green don't mean squat to me. As actual base server, Jade Quarry was HUGE in population, and I believe they still are. It's just that....there's no North American PRESENCE in WvW anymore.
  6. A ranger that can't pick off his targets. A Necromancer well can be launched at the longest range of a Ranger now. And the wells are doing 15k-20k dmg per second PULSES...how is this even closely fair for the class that was SUPPOSED to be the long range class of the game? We try to keep combat ranged, and the necro's try to get up in your face. Seriously WHY would we want to close with a CONDI WELL OUTPUTTING 15k-20k DAMAGE PER GOD DAMN SECOND ANET!
  7. It's a matter of server pride. No, you don't get anything extra in it. You might thump your chest and go "We conquered again". Why? Did you specifically want something...extra? :) I didn't really are for anything extra. It just feels good...to win.
  8. Because if they did have a GvG format, there would be no reason to have wvw. All the current pugs in wvw would have to go to PvP, because the arena was too large. Especially without the population granted to the servers by those large guilds in the first place. It then would truly be a dead game format.
  9. "I want Firebrands and scourges. If your not Firebrand or Scourge, I don' want you." "Ranger's? Ranger's just plain suck.""Did any of YOU people figure out what you all did wrong?""(screaming in discord at the highest decibal it can carry) I CAN'T CARRY YOU ALL BY MYSELF! I NEED YOU ON ME! WHERE WERE YOU WHERE WERE YOU WHERE WERE YOU, YOU WERE OFF IN AFRICA!""Pugs are the worst thing that happened to wvw…""Guys, I don't want to fight Blackgate anymore...lets just go down to t2 or even t3...." I'm sorry, you said....North America is in freefall.....If North America is in free fall, I would be blaming the commanders. Because all of those comments above have been stated at least once, or a variation of that...by the North American Commanders themselves. Nobody wants to follow a commander that berates the troops, when it is the fault of the commander himself for picking the wrong place and the wrong time to battle. Especially if that commander knows that they are outclassed and outgunned and thinks just his presence alone is going to win the day. Part of the problem of people quitting WvW, isn't because it's a grind...it's because the commanders no longer want to PPT and win. There's no point to playing WvW if the commander doesn't want to attempt to win, or show at the very least he's interested in winning. We had 5 commanders that all left JQ...that no longer wanted to win. They wanted to go to a lower tier..."and have fun". Which translated as..."Our guild is underpowered against this other server, but we're overpowered against all those tiers below us...so lets go to a lower tier and dominate that. <--- There's a problem with that thinking...you dominate a lower tier, you go back into the higher tier.... So your nothing more than a drowning man that bobs back up to the surface to get a lung full of air, before he starts sinking again. Is that clear enough of why NA is free falling. When your commanders want to be nothing more than the drowning man, bobbing up to the surface of tier 1, but wanting to put his head underwater because the krill are easier to dominate?
  10. Your condi builds are built into your traps. Spike, fire so on and so forth.
  11. Although to tell the truth, I do believe that Blackgate should be designated as a European Server considering the MASS amount of non-North American players on that server now.
  12. Your commanders didn't quit. They went silent running for their GvG operations in open field. I been watching it for the past three weeks. They broke off from main WvW team play to do GvG guild related activities. Seriously if you wanted to GvG, there's a big old arena in Obsidian Sanctum. Anyone that tries to interrupt in that is going to get ran over and you know it.
  13. EU has a better internet overall. They don't allow throttling, and the speeds are some of the best. Not compared to the North America, where we do have throttling, traffic jams, and non-standard connections from east to west, north to south.
  14. When they nerfed my ranger, it's like having both arms tied behind my back, and told, "Ok...now try using the bow....but with more FEELING." I swear I wanted to cry in the last couple of nerfs.
  15. After six years, I'm at a loss on how to push ranger as a valuable valued class to most of my commanders in WvW. I'm literally at a road block. Nothing I can say or do changes their minds on how they perceive the class in any fashion.
  16. Unless you had a super nice drop like an ascended weapon or armor chest...WvW is not a gold maker. If you were just to sell the regular drops, you might average 2g at most after several hours. And tell the truth, I havn't seen nearly any more exotic drops any more in the past year. And the drop rate for ascended rings and armor/weapon boxes seem to be less than I remember also...not that you could sell any of the ascended. Still...WvW is not a gold maker.
  17. Oh oh Oh OH! How about Scholar Harvesting tools. Books that look like a bunch of moths that cut down trees, and a BIG BOOK that you can wack on top of mining nodes to crush them, and a book that opens up then digs up all those plant nodes. On a personal note, kittah would like a Yarn Ball. He doesn't care what it does. He just wants one.
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