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Everything posted by KeyOrion.9506

  1. Actually the whole "No communication" has always been severe, between Anet and the WvW community. In fact there has been little to absolute no communications on the part of Anet. We got a missive what? Every 4 to 5 months, in relation to a post being closed or locked, or moved....and that's all that's done. There is NO conversation between Anet and the WvW community in general. Yah, I can see the abandonment issues we have.
  2. I didn't say a GvG map. I meant what I said. A completely GUILDWARS 1....GVG format. In the old days they had to fight in their own Guild Halls. That's the only map they need. They can have their own GvG rewards, their own GvG area, their very own GvG Lobby. The lowest tiered servers after year three, began to "Duel", in WvW. They gave up the whole PPT. They gave up on winning in general as a matter of form for their server. They had literally reached a point where they "GvG'd". Things changed when certain Guilds switched servers, which threw the lower tiered servers out of wack and how they preferred to play. Lets put it this way. When your Commanders start complaining about the MORNING CREW because the morning crew is PPT'ing...what is that about? When the Commanders during the evening start cursing, yelling, and just outright having a conniption fit because morning commanders are PPT'ing….is when some commanders don't WANT to win to move up OR down the tier? Then...again...I ask you....why even WvW. You want to sit at a certain tier...to do what? You don't want to challenge you or your teammates in a higher tier? Because your bored? Afraid? Or just plain ambivalent to the very idea of combat with certain teams you dislike because either it's going to be you doing an "overkill", or your the one's going to be slaughtered. Do us all a favor. Recruit players from outside WvW. I barely see ANY of you recruit jack and squat in any major city or Lions Arch. You all complain that we're losing body's in wvw, and that is no lie. That's an absolute truth. Then again....who wants to show up to fight, when your commanders want to LOSE. There's a difference between going in to fight, and losing. And making sure you LOSE purposely. Who the hell wants to be on a team that purposely wants to lose. Hell if you were going to tell the team, hell lets just LOSE this week....why would I show up to WvW? Why would anyone show up to WvW to lose? "Well maybe we just want to fight and have fun..." THEN GET YOUR OWN DAMN GVG FORMAT AND BE DONE WITH IT!
  3. Do what we've always done. Know what to build and where, and know how much power to use in order to be most effective. Memorization.
  4. Does anyone actually believe that alliances are a thing? Im 99% convinced that anet just spouted some nonsense to keep players from leaving the game. I am yet to be convinced that even to this day that they've ACTUALLY started working on any sort of population restructuring. I mean surely they'd have some kind of draft on how it's gonna work? Maybe they could ask for feedback? It's far more likely that anet have just lied about working on alliances. 2 Years and nothing solid to show for it? I'm not buying it. It's a little HARD to implement an idea when your damn programming team was LAYED OFF. Anet had to dismantle all their side work, and focus on four areas of GW2. If and when things become available it's going to have to take time. And if anet is working along the idea is "launch when it's outstanding"...then your looking at a three year timetable.
  5. The night time commanders of several servers get pissy when the morning crew PPT. <---This isn't even a joke.
  6. JQ is not medium, we're pretty much empty. WE can't even fill up a single map on reset night without a link. That's a fact.
  7. Always believed they should have treated it like Poker. Shuffle players into a WvW...server, randomly every week. Work with what your given. Sometimes you would have gotten a good hand, sometimes a bad hand. But you could still change your professions, skills all that other good stuff. If Anet had to they could have placed all the top DPS players, or even the highest level players at the top of the deck and slowly dealt them out to each team server.
  8. I use the Jacarda and Smokescale. Used to use Melandru Stalker exclusively for the boons. If your in a team, your team would prefer boons, so Jacarda (if you use Soulbeast) for the bond heal, and Melandru Stalker for the stacks of Boon.
  9. My AoE for Barrage #5 from longbow doesn't really DO any damage to begin with. And with permaboon invulns and condi clears, my ability to SLOW the enemy down is already completely useless in WvW. Three rangers with Barrage #5 can whittle down an opponent pretty quick if their unable to clear condi's, and their stuck dying under that AoE of Arrows. But taking away my AoE damage makes those three rangers ability to work together, nothing more than a DPS tickle. Completely useless.
  10. "Muahhahahhaha! We will drop you INTO THE PIT! With Blackgate! Muahhahaha!...." Where they will be gobbled up and destroyed, and thereby quit. A top tier server forced to the very bottom to be used as what? The Executioner? The Punishment? They go up in tier, they may unilaterally be destroyed. That's like saying damned if you do, damned if you don't. "You have LOST, you will now be thrown into the bottomless well known as the Blackgate Well of Dispair….HAHHAHAHAHAHA" Seriously. Bad idea.
  11. "All I wanted it Firebrand and Scourges." <--- The two most top AoE condi DPS in WvW currently. And when your commander puts together a team of 15 Firebrands and 10 Scourges...you pretty much lost already. Intersperse that with roughly 5 Ele healers....you don't have the "Stamina" to last in enemy red fields of a force with that much firepower at close range. You can only match the enemy build with same class, quantity of players, and skills. And then it comes down to true Stamina. At the very least, both teams might fight to a draw and be unable to kill each other after that. Permaboons are a real pain in the ass, and when you can't strip that many players of that many boons, and keep those boons from being thrown back up, your still dead. Watched last night 15 players attempting to kill 1 single warrior. Warrior had the stamina to fight for ten minutes. Should not take 15 players , over ten minutes to kill one Warrior. But this is how the game is now.
  12. You had two teams. The third team being nothing more than a monkey wrench. You could plan all you wanted against a single enemy, and their tactics and strategy. But when you had to plan against two enemy forces, well, that through your well laid plans all to hell. It put pressure on any one team. We were Piranha. The minute we smelled blood on any one server...the other two teams would swiftly gobble up the territory of the one server we deemed to be weakest at that very moment.
  13. Blackgate recruited heavily from Europe. When they recruit they still recruit Europeans. Even though it's considered North America...the few recorded conversations that Sau gave me, showed a base that couldn't even talk to each other, due to the extreme differences in language barriers. About 1/2 spoke English...the other 1/2 spoke whatever native language they had, and knew very few English words.
  14. Hmmm surprise surprise thats where you will get fights , no such thing as "fight " guilds they are a figment of peoples imaginations.And the first 2 years, you were all complaining about going up in tier to fight Jade Quarry. There will be rise and falls of servers. Every empire ever known has never lasted forever. You'll grow, you'll expand. Then overconfidence creeps in, then laziness and boredom, or perhaps what drove you to get to the top will no longer matter. And then your empire slowly starts to recede or succumb in time to internal or external pressures. Every dog has its day.
  15. What about players who don't have PoF? I don't understand why restricting other players access to such an essential mechanic influences your own enjoyment of the game. Do you enjoy bullying players who don't have the mount? I don't understand. Hey this is exactly the change that should be brought to EVERYBODY'S mount. And honestly, it should be removed. I can dream, but sadly this won't happen. So I think its fair that PoF should not be a requirement to play WvW. Without a mount rent feature or something similar, WvW is essentially unplayable for anyone who doesn't own PoF.Actually you can still play WvW without a mount. You however will be relegated to roaming status. Or defense of a location. Castle, garrison, keep, tower defense does not require a mount. I did scouting and location defense for nearly a year and a half, and that was before mounts. And even today, mounts are not needed for roaming or defense.
  16. And this already happens to reset. „We will lose the match-up, so we don't need the points.“. So, just to make this clear:There are ppl, very experienced long-time hardcore players, that believe that we defend T3 structures „just for the points“. lul It seems that the idea of fighting for objectives is too complex for some. And all those benefits that come from it, even if they're just „here for the fights and bags“. I can make a long list, why ppl flip enemy keeps, defend own ones, scout, kill dollies, give roamers a squad slot from time to time, even if they are on a roamer build and not in voice chat . . . . . . just a hind: its not for the points (primarily), it is, surprise, surprise, for the fights. To create fights, to force the enemy to fight, to thin out superior forces so you can fight them, to avoid excessive enemy siege wars, to stop enemy karma train / objective sniping etc. Reset night is a joke. We had no Ques on any map. None, this last reset a single que on a single map played out for 2 to 5 minutes...after that it was gone. Multiple maps either had no commander to rally, or nobody wished to enter that particular map because they either hated the map, or they felt that it was so full of enemy forces that it was useless to fight on that map. And each reset night, the time that a que pops and lasts is getting smaller per week as time drags on. It's time to let the GvG guilds go, and give them their own damn format. WvW no longer serves any purpose to any of the major guidls that play in WvW any longer. They purposely go HUNTING for large groups, bypassing one capture point after another. Ignoring open walls or gates. Or breaking into a location, and STOPPING right there, and wait for an enemy force to actually show up to fight. Seriously you all can't be that blind to have seen the tactics of group FARMING? The GvG guilds want bags, they want fight, and nothing else anymore. They said they don't care about PPT or winning. They just want the fights. Give them the fights, give them their GvG, just get them out of WvW. We can rebuild WvW, but not with the mentality of player base or of commanders that are no longer driven...to win.
  17. The commanders wanted HIDDEN TAGS. You all have read the Forums. The commanders wanted hidden tags, to do GUILD related fights. They didn't want capture the flag, OR zerg vs. zerg. They wanted to go to specific areas, without being bothered by PUGS, in order to do their own thing. And that thing was to fight other guilds with the same like minded attitude. They wanted to come into a WvW and doing nothing but play Guild vs. Guild. And you seen those battles quite often. You know which Guilds specifically have fallen into the GvG format, on a WvW map. There is quite a few guilds that play small scale GvG within PvP, same can be said of large PvE guilds, and there's quite a few WvW guilds that would love nothing better than to just GvG without outside interference.
  18. Been playing WvW since early release, and have never really stopped. The only thing I don't care for is the Fight Club mentality of certain commanders, who no longer care about the Capture the Flag mechanics of WvW. I keep hearing the same old dull witted response from these same commanders..."We get nothing extra...nobody cares to PPT." <----And they infected some of their server or player base with this idea. "I don't care about WINNING, all I care about are the fights and the bags...." I'm sorry anet. I'd probably play WvW until I was the last player loading into WvW and find that there is nothing left to fight. But when commanders DO NOT CARE ABOUT WINNING....then the format no longer serves any purpose at all. Might be time to start up GvG maps so we can get rid of those commanders, because it's just not working anymore. I can not FOLLLOW any commander on any server no matter how down or up the ladder they are in tiers....if they no longer care about Winning. And their mentality that they don't care about winning infects their player base. Lets just face it Anet. Quite a few of the major guilds in WvW, no longer care about PPT, score, or Winning. It's turned into one big Fight Club format, where all they want to do is hunt down other large forces to go Zerg vs. Zerg. It may be time to institute a Guild vs. Guild format for Guildwars 2. WvW would still be there, but WvW is a format where WvW players do want to PPT, do want to win. The Fight Club commanders of the major guilds, no longer want to win. They don't care about PPT. All they care about is the fight. And you can easily give that to them in GvG. Implement a GvG format for the Fight Club guilds so WvW can get back to "winning".
  19. I'd have to agree. There are players that can't keep up with mounted forces, leaving them to trail behind and get destroyed or swamped by enemy units.
  20. Some pets will have an ability to give you boons. Some can give out poison, or cause bleeding on your enemies. Some can cause blindness on an enemy. Some can freeze your opponent to the spot, and others can cause the enemy to run in fear. Each pet has a unique ability that can help you in any number of ways. It's best to just open up the pet panel and read what each pet can actually do.
  21. I think the triumvirate of forces work out just fine. You can plan against one enemy....but two....no. IF we had large forces, we'd have enough body's on all maps to deal with whatever comes their way, and if the locations were properly reinforced, sieged and manned. A third party is nothing more than a wrench in your plans, and adds to the fog of war. While your off messing with one enemy, the third team would be taking advantage of the situation...whether that's in your favor or not is up in the air.
  22. I went into Edge of the Mist just into the third year. I only came back out again after they launched the Legendary Backpiece for WvW. And literally the Edge of the Mist emptied out in order to get the backpiece. By the time we got the backpiece and went back to EotM...damage was done. Some people were just still grinding for the backpiece, and learning you needed ranks. Then you also had some wishing to get the Legendary WvW armor. Same thing. Required lots of resources and work. HOWEVER...if you are in a guild, and you need to Train in Assault or Defense of a wall or tower location....Edge of the Mist is still a good option for training purposes. There's very few zergs that will appear in that map do actually do anything. So Edge of the Mist still has a purpose. Training in defense/assault. Training in running a target down. Hell I suppose if you really wanted to , you could have a large option GvG field....although you still have Obsidian Sanctum for that GvG crap. Although in Edge of the Mist, if your Guilds are not on the same colored level...conceivably you could fight another guild from an option of six other servers. Be aware, that if your interested in this method of GvG...yes it is possible, no I have not seen it used for that purpose THAT MUCH....but yes I have seen it...just be aware that you as a WvW guild would be taking away your firepower from the server that you help support on Eternal Battlegrounds and The Borderlands.
  23. What are you talking about? Well of suffering has a coeff of 3 over 6 hits. That is only 0.5 coeff per pulse. Meanwhile longbow auto is 0.7-0.9. Power soul beast has way more modifiers than necro. How the heck would necro hit 15k-20k per pulse without sic'em? Also wells are 900 range. So are shades. Longbow is "1500" but actually is closer to 1800 range. That's almost double the range of necro wells/shades. A MAX dps power reaper vs a golem is only doing maybe 10k per tick with the power well and the power well does twice as much damage as the condi well. There is no way a necro hits you for 15k with well of suffering unless you are naked. Anyhow, if they want to give ranger a spot in WvW Zergs, I think the best shot is to buff SB group stability to be a contender in replacing FB in some subgroups. The only other group stability right now aside from guardian is either mantra of concentration mesmer (not long enough duration) or dwarven road on rev (which just sucks at 1 stack). Shared Dolyak stance is actually good and almost comparable to stand your ground (especially after it gets nerfed next patch). 6 second base stability, 5-6 stacks each. Stand your ground is 10 targets but will be nerfed to 3 stacks soon. So SB has the only real contender for group stab for WvW. SB just needs 1 more source of group stability. I would do this by basically copy-pasting shared Dolyak stance onto Unflinching Fortitude. Remove the 100% dmg reduction and make it aoe stability + immunity to chill, cripple and immobilize. So only SB (not core ranger which makes it easier to balance), only when merged with a stout pet (easy to balance again) has two sources of group stability. Furthermore, the stability + immunity to chill, cripple and immobilize give SB an "unstoppable movement" niche. I could see this version of SB being useful to WvW zerg subgroups that melee push. So it wouldn't even completely replace FB in all subgroups but just a melee groups. Giving a second class group stability that competes with FB would significantly shake up the WvW meta and give ranger a spot in zergs. Traits. I've been hit by necro wells at the same distance that i'm firing my longbow. If i'm being hit by a damn necro well at the max distance at as my Longbow, I really don't know what to tell yah, other than some crap would seriously be messed up. Then again, i'm not the fool programmer trying to hide things behind my boss' back in the programmers office.
  24. Anet extended the range of Necro's to nearly equal distance of BOW for rangers. We're no longer the SINGLE and only profession with the longest range combat skills anymore. They changed it because, "well that's just not fair, that the Longbow has such a far reach, that no other profession can match...we should fix that.." OK, now it's been fixed. Now your saying that ranger's should now have LESS ability to reach the target...while the enemy can now reach further than us? I'm sorry why does the ranger need any more nerfs? I play WvW and 1/2 the commanders kitten on the Ranger Class in total. Anet is supposed to be making us just as equally useful as the other classes, not continuously screwing us up to get shoved down a hole and making us even MORE hated in Competitive Combat. Fair point. Maybe the range should stay the same. I still definitely think damage modifiers need an adjustment though. And my issues are more for smaller scale combat than zerging. As far as the blob aspect goes, I don't really know what changes need to be made to make ranger more wanted/viable. I think the first thing that would need to happen would be a revamp of the current meta that exists with scourges and firebrands. If that changes then it would be a step in the right directions for rangers and other classes. The Damage output is greater at longer range, and does less damage the closer you are to the target. IN fact, your damage is penalized for being CLOSER to the target with a longbow in hand. The opposite is true for a Shortbow, the closer you are to your target, the greater the damage, while further away it is lesser damage. And most of the time, the heavies and Necro Scourges, and Firebrand burners are attempting to CLOSE the distance. Their damage is HIGHER....and if a ranger isn't using hand to hand weeapons at the point of closure, their penalized for using a Longbow with an enemy up in your face. I don't NEED to have my DPS STRIPPED OFF ME FOR ANY DAMN REASON BEYOND THAT.
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