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Everything posted by KeyOrion.9506

  1. Us Ranger's just love shooting you off the side of a cliff at Hills is all. Although we have more fun with destroying any class that stand near a ledge in Edge of the Mist. Including those pesky necromancers, scourges and other what not.
  2. WvW is like rich chocolate. If you eat too much, you'll get a tummy ache, and get sick of it. Taken in moderation it's not bad.
  3. Because some skills like Cloaking or Stealth require that you hit a target. If your in a run state you can look ahead of you, see an ambient creature, target it...and fire off the skill activating said bonus. I've done a number of double backs while being chased by an enemy and stealthing on a target hit on an ambient.
  4. Jade Quarry was like the Roman Empire. It had it's rise. It had it's fall. And all servers are the same, like the tide, they have an ebb and flo. It's ups and downs. Jade Quarry was at one time, top dog for nearly 3 years. Usually it took double teaming to grind us down. Come fourth year, groups get burned out, or switch servers. Our composition and quality of guilds within the server have evolved over time. It's a community like any other. And for you, i'd treat Servers like shoes. Some will fit and you'll be comfortable as all get out. Some will not fit, and it will be an uncomfortable experience. Welcome back to Jade Quarry. If for some reason it's not your cup of tea...well, you can always spend the gems and switch servers. I highly reckomend, you hook up with friends, if those friends play WvW. If your friends are on Jade Quarry, more power to you. If your friends are on a different server and play WvW....i'd probably want to switch to that server to play with the friends. More comfort with buddies and all that.
  5. Interesting points, but you did forget to take one thing into account. A commander infecting his guild/teammates/server into the same methodology of thinking. Two things happen. One you got a sassy commander that basically punishes any player that plays ranger either verbally in such things as discord ow within chat. And those that gravitate towards that commander tend to become more likeminded in agreement. The second one is, since a ranger is punished verbally, either the ranger becomes more set in their ways, or decides, "ranger is not welcome, might as well reroll". In which case, the only thing you have left is the ranger set in their ways, a community group and leadership that still doesn't see any reason or an improvement of abilities from rangers...to show that they are either wanted, or needed. Same goes with thief. Every commander and player will say, "They have their niche." That's it. They have a niche. And to those players and commanders that niche is very, very small. And since it's so small of a niche, they do not intend or attempt, or try, to implement a composition for ranger or thief to use within their organization of combat teams. You can't change a commander or players mind who is set in the belief that the class is useless to zerg play. That sentiment can not be changed unless that commander or player sees a purely, massive change to a boon or abilities that throws bonuses to an entire group. In most cases, those players and commanders see Ranger players as "self serving", or "non-team players" because...they won't reroll. I can go in as mesmer. I'm accepted. I come in as a support engineer, i'm good to go. I go in as warrior dome support, i'm great. I go in as Ele healer, that's fantastic. I go in as a ranger...."(SIGH)....you know the deal. WE can add you in", if they decide to do that...."but as soon as a BETTER CLASS comes along to the group, we'll have to KICK you." If you don't player ranger, i'm going to say you can't even begin to understand the problems facing ranger's from the community. But since you've played long enough, you've heard those other commanders. You've heard from those players. And you know everything about exactly what the original post was trying to state. But as I see it. Until Ranger's has some sort of favorable mega top specialty ON the battlefield, it will not begin to see wide acceptance into a zerg composition. After all, players and commanders that don't play ranger, have like already relegated Ranger's to a "niche" part of play within WvW. Acceptance is limited to a few. "Well taking camps is important..." Any class can take a camp. Any class can take a sentry. "Well ranger's die so easily within a zerg..."....lets see....when a Ranger is placed in his OWN party within the zerg, doesn't really have support of a party teammate heals, boons or what not. Might pick up something if i'm stacked up closer to them vs. their own teammate who may be further out. But without those heals, boons and support within the party...well yah, i'm gonna die pretty damn quick. As a party of one, that's going to happen. Changing a player with C mentality, into a B mentality, or B mentality into an A mentality.....well... It's just not that easy. Especially when the player and/or commander states multiple times, and ingrain it within their troops mentality of their server or guild, that there will never be anything impressive of that class that you play, your not going go see any acceptance of that class. "They're solo players...."....We are solo player's because we got pushed off to the side by our fellow players. Can't say much else on the subject to tell the truth. When the players show annoyance, volatility, or just downright hostility towards the class, no, there is just not going to be any acceptance on getting that class into a composition zerg group. The most common niche a ranger is relegated to. Camp/sentry capture. Scout. That's it. Right now as of this date, Ranger is considered Niche.
  6. I hate rotations. It's like jumping jacks. Up, down, up down. Repeated infinite.
  7. Server jumping in mass ended in 3rd year, due to mass shifts of players to become part of the "winning teams" during Seasons. Seasons 1-2 caused a massive player population based imbalance. Reason why servers transfers are now LOCKED behind gem purchase along with closed server bases.
  8. No it doesn't. And before you go of on a tangent saying yes it does....i've already had it tested by other players from guildmates, friends, and a few strangers. It does not. So stop argueing it does. Whether that is a BUG or a GLITCH, i don't care, or a nerf/change, i just DO not care to argue that you THINK it does. It does not.
  9. Also there is a reason GW2 doesnt have so many limitations on your "main". You are meant to play different classes. So pick another if you want a specific purpose. As you say - almost all of them can do it. Seriously? "Pick another class", to what? Be accepted into a WvW zerg combat formation within the group? I don't even think you understood the full title of this particular thread. Medium class Thieves and Ranger's are basically back seat, second rate disc jockeys, where your commander basically gets pissy, gets huffy, gets heavy sigh, or the whole, "it's a ranger, just kick them from the group". And you go, "Play another class." Wow. Thanks for your advice, but i'm going to ignore it. Now, if you can come up with something more CONSTRUCTIVE, on how a Ranger OR Thief can get a little bit more...ACCEPTANCE into a zerg without commander's getting all "screw that class" ATTITUDE, I would love...LOVE to hear or even read it. But since i've listened to nearly every single damn commander on multiple servers give the same excuse, i'm not seeing much on the end of "constructive" or "objective" arguements of how you can make a build that is UNIVERSALLY ACCEPTED by those same commanders. I would love to see in chat, or HEAR in discord, "Damn we don't have enough Ranger's/Thieves, i need some people to switch to Ranger and/or thief. But you don't read that. And you don't hear it. Because none of you can make a full on meta thief/ranger build that can slip into your whole "need 2 scourges per party, 1 burn guard, one ele per squad...." <--- garbage.
  10. Anet: "When we have more news, we'll let you know."
  11. It's called a CHALLENGE. Your supposed to challenge yourself. Your supposed to challenge your team. When the team says, "Let's lose" to go down in tier...<---what's the purpose to that? "Yah know what, i don't want to challenge myself..." Going up a tier, means a harder challenge, win or lose. You talk about rewards. Has it ever occurred to you that there was more to WvW than rewards of a Loot Bag? One of the biggest reasons I EVER joined WvW when GW2 launched, was for the CHALLENGE. And you...you don't even want that. "Lets lose". Some challenge.
  12. Sniff against a STEALTHED opponant. mmmhmmm... As for the teams doing a "mesmer/thief sweep"....according to the commanders, "who cares". When your team no longer cares, that's left up to the solo artists, and they get frustrated to all hell trying to run down an individual without teammate support. I will agree, any time that gets the "I don't care" attitude of sweeps should lose that location. Even if it's my own team, I tell my fellow mates, "you didn't care enough to sweep, this is the consequance."
  13. "How strongly you feel about an issue is not itself a measure of the strength of your argument." And he was paraphrasing an even older quote which has been around my entire life. I don't have to have an arguement for a belief. And then listening in and reading on both player and commander comments in both Forums, Discord, and that Chat within game....it's pretty much factual. I don't need to make an arguement, if my personal belief says what I see is what I get.
  14. Permastealth is still a thing, unfortunately, some players have worked around Anet's nerfs in the last 2 months. A deadeye can stay hidden within a location indefinitely, and if they stay in one location where nobody looks anymore after a capture or breakin.....you will never ever know they were ever there. Several locations such as Northeast outer bay, after capture, a mesmer or deadeye can remain stealthed and wont' show up as a dot on the map. Same thing with Air keep on the red borderland at the vista point at the most southern portion of the lip, won't appear as a dot and a permastealth can just stand in that spot, without anyone the wiser. I found a lot of challenege with stealthed, or invisible opponants. However that means i'm happy with an opponant that can continuously remain stealthed forever. It's bull. And it's stupid that Stealth Traps are completely worthless against Deadeyes. That's bull too. "oh but they appear for a second...." A second....and then you have to lay down more stealth traps....but you can't lay them down without him noticing because he sees you 10 feet away, kneeling...knowing full well WHERE the stealth trap is being placed. SERIOUSLY...anet....Permastealth AGAIN!?
  15. Actually WvWvW was a wonderful idea. However it's reached the point now that only Guilds have or give an active challenge on the battlefield. However...these same guilds now no longer care about war score, PPT, or Capture the Flag mechanics of WvW. Time to let WvW die and move on to GvG. I'm going to have to agree with the poster way above. WvW has served it's purpose but that purpose has been twisted into nothing more than GvG. I will be sad to see it go, but it's reached the point where WvW is seriously no longer any fun or enjoyable for me in any sense of the word. I'd rather see WvW die right now than continue on with this charade.
  16. Keep the animals and NPC's right where they are. I found them to be helpful vs. opponents that didn't mind their surroundings to well, and they've saved my bacon a number of times.
  17. IF Cantha is coming, chances are Jade Quarry and Fort Aspenwood will be on a comeback. WvW and PvP will empty out, just for a taste of the old days. Can't say, that I wouldn't be tempted if such a thing occured. PvP has reached the threshold of active death, and WvW has reached the point where players no longer care about winning or actively Capturing the Flag of locations, which makes playing WvW completely and totally moot. Especially when WvW has turned into nothing more than one big GvG free for all. I've got to the point where i'm seriously thinking about throwing in the towel.
  18. Back in the day, people cared about the score. About getting to the top. People and commanders cared about the "Challenge" of attacking, defending locations on all the maps. Today it's "Screw PPT" or the whole "Bag farm" concept. Majority of WvW players have lost their WvW way. When players actively try to "throw" the match to lose...to go down a tier ...what does that tell you about the state of WvW. ANET you hear that? Your players actively, ACTIVELY promoting to lose to go DOWN in tiers, instead of rising to a "challenge" to go up the ladder. Come on. How bad is WvW, where the player's care more about losing than winning. How far have we fallen?
  19. It's worse on PvP I heard. The PvP players got so bored with people NOT coming to do PvP, that they had to come over to WvW. And then they get all mad when more than one person gangs up on them. World vs. World vs. World, combat field. TEAM PLAY. And then they get all snippety when they sneak attack an opponent, and the opponent's ally comes to help, and then it's "what...you couldn't 1 vs 1..." WvW isn't one vs. one. It's team play. Learn to play as part of the team, or go back to PvP arena. But I agree with the Flee up top. Majority of the commanders just "Want to fight" "Get bags"....they don't even bother with the whole Capture the Flag of WvW anymore. I mean....what's the point of even having WvW, if the commanders just want to go a single site and just duke it out over and over again. The whole "bag farm" concept bores me to death. There's no intelligence behind a bag farm. There is no concept of outsmarting your opponent, it's all about outmaneuvering your opponent. The whole concept of "dancing" around in circles bores me. I seriously believe that Anet should have thought about instituting GvG, because the whole Capture the Flag of WvW is starting to break down and become something they no longer care about doing. When you hear from every single commander, "I don't care about the PPT" , Points Per Turn....seriously....why WvW. There's no purpose to WvW, when commanders go, "I dont' give a ..... about PPT score..." Let WvW die. I love WvW, but I can't stand the commanders that don't give a damn about WvW, or the score, or even about winning. No you don't get anything extra, except a fist thump on your chest, or the pride of your accomplishment that you stayed on top...or that you at least attempted to climb the ladder. Seriously have 7 years, let WvW die, put in GvG...you could create your GvG alliances, and we can be finished with this once and for all.
  20. You have more evades and stealth. We can't hit, what we can't see. And a lot of thieves and deadeyes go Condi/tank. SO I suggest you learn Condi/tank or go full glass cannon and pop off your shots quickly from stealth. I've had 7 years about listening from players how OP ranger is, and then not find but a handful of six commanders..>IF THAT....who will let me into their damn zerg. The rest don't even bother for an invite of any ranger class. IF we were OP , the commanders in WvW would be saying "We got too many firebrands in our composition, we need more rangers...." <_----- have you EVER read that statement in WvW? If the answer is NO, then no, we are NOT OP.
  21. Stickerhappy. Some of the suggestions you made, the Ranger's had before, but it was considered to OP by Anet, so that all got nerfed. No joke. I saw some of your suggestions at top, and some of them WERE part and parcel of ranger abilities and were REMOVED, because it gave to much ofa benefit to the ranger. I'm sooooo sorry that your just coming back now, but ...it used to be in game for ranger's. Anet took it out, so ranger's couldn't use it no more. And then you come back after it's all been said, done. I wish Ranger's were Op, but with so many complaints of Ranger's being Op we continuously have to be nerfed, raked down and have our claws pulled, it's getting to the point of ....why even bother.
  22. There are several locations where there are invisible...patches, blocks, walls. Some of these areas are in fixed locations. If your always standing in the wrong spot when firing any long distance weapon at those locations...you will get an obstructed message. And to you and me, it looks like crisp clean unobstructed space filled with air. For one your not crazy, these locations do exist, and requires an actual Anet employee trying or attempting to find said location. Then they have to talk to the programmer which then needs to find out what was AT that location. Most of the problem is, that they had placed an item at that location, but decided to remove it.....however, they only removed the Visuals of the object, but the object is STILL THERE. You can talk to them until your blue in the face, but most of the records of the object at that location are lost in the the mists. Not even the PROGRAMMERS even remember WHAT the hell the object was at that location BEFORE revisions were made to that one specific area. We were able to find out, because supposedly 4 years ago, one of the programmers that DID play ran into what appeared to be an invisible object. What he found out was that originally there was a LAMP POST placed at the area that was causing the block. But they decided to remove the lamp post. HOWEVER, they didn't remove the lamp post, they removed the VISUAL aspect of the post, but not the actual ITEM of the lamp post. When the programmer went in he found that the original item was there...but the Iconagraphy representing what the lamp post looked like...was deleted. Hence...your invisible object. And after 7 years...many of these objects still exist in those locations...but the programmers dont' know what the objects ORIGINALLY WERE, because nobody took notes down of the revisions of those objects which were to be removed. And since they don't KNOW what they are looking for....box....lamp post....bread basket.... It's like looking for an Invisible needle in an invisible haystock....."Hey....OUCH....what the ....why can't I move past this spot.....what's blocking me....what caused my finger to bleed...." <-----
  23. Ranger's hit Scourges at distance and keep them at distance. A scourge gets near a ranger, the ranger is pretty much toast.
  24. Want to have more insect pets. But make the pets, swarms of bugs. Give us bee Swarms, that cause excruciating pain. Locust swarms, maybe causes cracked armor. Butterfly swarms to blind and confuse the enemy. Flea swarms to cause bleeding. Or maybe swarm of rats, causing players to trip over themselves. And since they are swarms they'd be harder to kill in arena's like....WvW against zergs. A single pet gets destroyed by an enemy zerg....however....swarms of insects would be harder to destroy because of their sheer bug numbers...... Now there's a thought. And their effect wouldn't be just one opponant, they'd be an area of effect around that one opponant and be able to move as the opponant moves, keeping them within the swarm area. Ranger specialization : Swarm-Bringer. The solo pets just don't cause opponants to quake in fear. Give me a swarm that causes an area of effect, so I can feel USEFUL in a commander's Zerg in WvW. Something that a Commander can get behind and go, "WE don't have enough swarmbringer's, I need someone to switch to swarmbringe..." <-----I would love to HEAR commanders say that at least once. "We need more ranger's...." Get my drift.
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