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Everything posted by KeyOrion.9506

  1. Should have thrown Arcdps into the Garbage File. That's one reason why classes and professions are not wanted or needed. This is what causes Shut Outs overall to entire swaths of professions and specializations. "Oh, your THIS class. Your DPS should be XX,XXX." Or, "Oh your a healer, well your healing should be XXX,XXX." If I had the option, and I was in charge of Arenanet, I would make sure that particular program had no proper access to the game. Before it's implementation, nobody questioned what profession/specialization you were. Now? Now it's gotten out of hand.
  2. Lot of groups, zergs, don't even bother to mount up to sniff. IF they do, sometimes they just don't even bother to hunt the dot down. Heck, they don't even do proper Mesmer sweeps in WvW anymore, and just keep running with the thought that "someone else" will hunt the dot down, when it's seen. Apathy of a zerg to hunt down a target usually leads to the location being switched quickly back to the enemies hands.
  3. Some skills are considered a counter to Crowd Control effects. It's a Stunbreak. And certain Traits allow for a Stunbreak within limited circumstances. I don't know how many times I went up against a guy that had one, two, three stunbreaks. It was literally impossible to stun them without four or five other players just swarming them with boonstrips and Crowd Control. Usually makes me unhappy, that it takes five or more players to take out a single PermaStab player.
  4. The difference between winning and losing Servers, becoming a certain color and having to defend certain locations, really only effects EBG and Red BL. Mostly because each location has different breakthrough areas. And either less or more of those areas to break through or have more defensible positions to defend against an incoming attacker. Lowlands has barely any areas, except for a single bridge, that would be considered a chokepoint, but can be easily escaped from by jumping into the water on either side, or just backing up the path of the bridge, towards Stonemist castle. Compare that to the watergate at Valley or Overlook, where it's a narrow space, with only two ways out of those rooms. Either the way you came in, or through the gate that the attacker has to get through. Even the Ramp leading from the south outer gate of Overlook, leads to another gate, and a long wall, which can create a type of "Gauntlet" which the enemy must run through before sieging either the gate at the top, or wall towards inner. However, it is difficult to get the Vista's, Point of Interests at locations, if you can never reach them, due to an inability to "Win" or "Breach", due to the team that you have. And without a "variety" with a team, or always becoming the same color, that can become frustrating. I know most everyone knows that doesn't really effect anything on the player account anymore, but it shows that there is a problem if they can never get those objectives. Especially in the Tier 4, for new players.
  5. Actually with the change in WxP reward, I was finally able to get to Diamond rank sooner. Took 10 years...but whose counting.
  6. One aspect you did not all take into consideration, is that some players are not transferring. Some of your players have multiple accounts set across multiple servers. They can literally hop between servers at the drop of a Logoff and Login. There are a couple of WvW commanders and those guilds that those commanders lead, that have multiple accounts. If you don't know which commanders, and which guilds, then you really haven't been paying attention. Not everyone can server jump without spending a bit in gems, which requires either a lot of grinding, or a nice big fat wallet. Even then, the server has to be "open". Which quite a few of those WvW servers are closed. You have to understand, the old WvW Seasons, actually caused a severe imbalance as players transferred to those teams that were considered winners during each Season. Seasons was taken out specifically because it caused a massive player population imbalance. That's why it costs so much Gems to transfer to a server, and only when it's open. Right now, Arenanet has been hoping beyond hope that there will be a proper Balance in population. That has not happened. Entire guilds have already chosen that if a certain Server opens, that they will transfer immediately and have saved resources to do so, when it occurs.
  7. 80 minutes wait time? In the first year of WvW, there were 200 to 500 player ques, with wait times up to four hours. That's why Arenanet made Edge of the Mist, for those players who were waiting to gain entry to EBG and the Borderland maps. I highly suggest that if you or others get bored, waiting in a que, to go ahead and go into Edge of the Mist, and enjoy some very unique mechanics in that area. At least temporarily until your Que pops and you enter into regular WvW combat maps. Edge of the Mist isn't all that bad, and at it's height, had some momentous battles never before seen in regular WvW combat conditions.
  8. Well, you just put your foot into a trap, and I'm going to call you on it. Name all classes that are considered "Useful". You messed up right there. You have declared that a certain set of professions are Useful. That requires that there are classes that are not Useful. Name them. Part of that Toxicity that we were talking about, is what we call Shut Outs. The ability to not allow specific classes into your group, because your dead set in the belief that those particular classes/professions are the most Useless, or at the very least, not optimal to a specific type of game play or group build. Who is supposed to have the most fun then? The Commander and his group vs. the Unpopular Professions? This only leads to one thing. Nerfs. Because the meta classes are the most favored, what do you believe is going to happen? Still you did put your foot into it, which shows that you, yourself, believe that certain classes are not optimal or wanted during "Group Play". Name the professions that is not Useful. And give the reason for the Shut Outs to those professions in question.
  9. Let's see. I see all sorts of interesting remarks over the many years, since launch for WvW. Nothing that can be done about players or groups that insist on being on their worst behavior. Although I find that most groups get their mindset into a certain mentality, due in no small part to the actions or words of the people that lead them. Most behavior comes from the top. Guild leader, Zerg Driver. You got them in comms. And their talking. Move here, move there. And then they start giving their input of what a "Bad player" is. And they also lay down the "facts" of who the "Good players" are. The good players are the ones that run the meta, that always does every last step and detail of running that meta. They never run off. It's expected that if you're in the team, that you are always on the commander. Scouting and capping is for "Pugs". And the only good Pug is the Pug that gets off the map when commanded or told to by the Zerg Driver, so he can get his guild on the map. I do not see Alliances fixing this particular problem. In fact, I see this compounding the problem, and a lot more arguments on the way. As for the bullying, I'm not really affected by it, because after 10 years I finally got to the point that I no longer care about burning my bridges with people. The only thing I see as bullying is spawn camping. I don't really care for it. I believe expectations are too high, nobody plays WvW for the Capture the Flag component of this aspect of GW2, and show off their expertise by stating how many "bags" they received for reward. If that's the case, Anet might as well shutdown WvW and just move onto GvG arena's, because that's the only thing people care about nowadays. In no small part due to the leadership within those guilds that have pushed that mentality. Once you have a group that thinks this way, they then try to "pressure" everyone else to think the same way. I see most guilds as no longer caring about the "Team" or "Working Together". It's now more of a Us vs. Them in what they all believe is "Guild Fun Time". Getting wiped 15 times in a spawn camp is not my idea of fun. It doesn't improve the team. It does effect Morale pretty badly. But we're told, that this is "Fun". It's not fun. I see this as toxic. Feeding an enemy force, because it seems to increase the enemies morale, instead of your teams, and sometimes it looks like it's being done on purpose to destroy one's own team. The worst Toxicity I ever saw...that would be when a Commander literally chased the opposing commander across several maps, to specifically destroy his guild/team repeatedly until they stopped playing for that evening. In the worst case, it caused the opposing team to stop playing for weeks, if not whole months. That's the worst toxicity I have ever seen in game.
  10. We're not in WvW all day and night. We do enter the game through PvE. And I do get people that are new that go, "Hey, how did you get that title", sometimes titles gets a new player or even an old player interested in a different aspect of the game. Believe it or not, I've helped people figure out how to get certain titles. "Hey how did you get that title?" WvW, PvP, Mission, grinding. Believe me, titles catch peoples interest.
  11. I have never switched servers. I have been on the same server since early access in GW2. If anything, give a title for so many years on a specific server. "Jade Quarry Loyalist" etc etc. That way we can rub the noses in it of all the players that server jumped.
  12. The idea was to reward "Defenders" who stay at one location, always watchful, always waiting. And you are rewarded for defending and repairing. Give you a rough idea. In the first three years of playing WvW, I was a Tower scout, and my rank only reached 333. For front line combat players, they were up to to rank 3000 to 4000 after three years. roughly 1000 to 1200 ranks per year. Believe me, in the old days, as a tower scout, you were rewarded with nothing, and spent lots of gold, buidling and rebuilding loose siege to defend the location. It was a loss for most players who watched or defended a location and got nothing in return.
  13. It actually doesn't make players in WvW very happy, when a body slot is being taken by a skin and bones "Rewards" taker that does no work. We need active body players on the WvW map to help the team fight the enemy. We can't do that if there is 10 to 15 crash test dummies at spawn, that literally are there to get "particpation" rewards, and not do one thing. Let's increase that to 20 Crash Test Dummies that do nothing. Increase that to 40. 50. Let's just have a small squad of 5 people, with multiple accounts that just have all these clothing store dummies just stand around and just waste space, that could be used by an active player. It's one thing when it's just a Solo player doing this with multiple accounts. You try it when there's 10 players with multiple accounts, wasting active space. That adds up. You seen those Necro minion master bots in Orr? Try a dozen players with multi-accounts, that have "reward" bots standing in spawn, running into a wall, while people are qued attempting to get into a map to play. That's why we get hot and bothered, when we see entire squads, that are just reaping and raking in multiple account rewards in WvW, while other players are trying to play, but can't get into the map.
  14. No it's not buggy. In the old days, healing spring would pulse heal you when it activated, and only if you stayed in the circle, but at the same time gave a small debuff/dmg to any opponant when an enemy had crossed the circle. This was considered too OP for Ranger, and was changed/nerfed. It then became a healing field, but only activated when you crossed the line, however the amount of time it stayed on the field of battle was increased. However for PvP or WvW, this wasn't very helpful, since it no longer did anything to the enemy, and it also required that you moved outside range of the circle then move back in it, and fighting in a tight area was not always in the ranger's best interest. I used to run Healing Spring a lot in WvW, but I no longer use it. The healing was limited to a small unmovable field, and battle tended to progress over a wider area, making the skill supremely worthless in PvP and WvW formats. What would be wonderful is if the field followed you. Much like how i have Damage follow me, every time i fight an elementalist that puts a burning field on me, with a big fiery rock hovering over my head to smash down, which also follows me. Not to fair when damage fields can follow you, but a pulsing healing field can't.
  15. Transferring to larger servers with more players from differing time zones might give you a longer wait in que. Also, each server has it's own "attitude" and style. I treat servers like I treat shoes. Either it's going to be a comfortable fit, or it's going to be uncomfortable. Depends on you. Depends on the people you play with. Are you wanting to transfer to Mag because they're top dog? Jade Quarry was top dog once. So was Blackgate. Maggumma is top dog. But if your wanting to switch to a top dog server, that's on you. Just remember one thing. Rome had it's rise, and it had it's fall. Just like Jade Quarry. Just like Blackgate. Same thing will happen to Mag. I recommend you join a server where your fellow guild or friends play on. The friends that play together, stay together. Don't switch servers if it has anything to do with "losing all the time." It's not worth it.
  16. Never overfish a pond, otherwise there will be nothing left to fish. Don't spawn camp. Pull back, once you dominated, and let the fish resupply the waters that were decimated. Otherwise, you got nothing to play against. And if you have nothing to play against, why even play?
  17. A lot of times, an exploit isn't an exploit. There are times when a wall or gate has already been broken, allowing an enemy thief or Mesmer to simply gain entry and hide. And a lot of players no longer do, "Mesmer Sweeps", checking to see if there is anything hiding within after a breach. I have seen both thieves and Mesmer's break in, and then disappear, while our team would repair a gate or wall to 100%. Then the enemy opponent just waits and hides, until a majority of allies have left. Afterwards, they port in more enemy. Failure to sweep after a breach falls upon you or your allies to respond to. If you are near, there are telltale signs. One is auditory sound effects. Thief or Mesmer skills that have unique sound effects, detailing that they are stealthing. NPC's firing towards a specific location without a visual enemy or target to be seen. That's a big clue. A lot of times, the location comes under assault, there's been a breech, enemy leaves, and one Mesmer or Thief stays behind hidden. You'll repair the damage, and most will just jump out and move on. Again, failure to sweep for enemies taking hiding positions.
  18. I love it when my shots are blocked by a blade of grass, no taller than my character's toe. I don't know how many times my shot has been blocked by non-existent items or materials that are not there whatsoever.
  19. Portion of the video was played in reverse, making it look like the thief is flying back into the tower. Only problem is, he's flying backwards? No. That part of the video was played in reverse. There's a splice at the 19 to 20 second mark in the video showing the player in question, moving in another direction after, "flying backwards" back into the tower. It was a shoddy fake video.
  20. Most of those ranger builds aren't doing anything to the new ele, mesmer and thief builds.
  21. I'm noticing that certain coups are faster than others depending on class or the skill used to coup an enemy player. They are not equal in timing. That gives a far better advantage to that class or player that has that faster coup effect.
  22. Actually several months after launch of Edge of the Mist, the Jade Quarry scouts quit scouting for JQ server. We went into Edge of the Mist and pretty much destroyed the Ktrains. After that it was just a regular battlefield for players that got fed up playing on EBG and the Alpine border maps. It finally came to an end when they launched the Legendary backpiece in WvW. Edge of the Mist cleared out, was never the same aftre that. It's a ghost town. Great place to show people the ropes of defending or attacking a fixed location for training purposes.
  23. I got bored this week with the matchup. Went into Obsidian Sanctum and helped couple newbies on our server through the JP. Day two was still bored, so went back in, actually saw a Maguuma in there. Saw their ranked title was low, figured must be a WvW newbie, showed him the path. They were stuck in the dark room. Bout the only time I really spared another player in that JP, mostly because it's still a combat zone, and every once in a while a ganker messes with the new players in that JP, and I hate that.
  24. Mag was spawn camping all locations for four straight days, some of us, depending on timezone were unable to get and keep participation. At all. Guess what, you can get and receive, and keep up participation in Edge of the Mist, you just don't get any pips. And Edge of the Mist resets every 2 hours, so at least the "pugs" can do something than listen to the guilds tell the pugs to get off the map, so they can get the rest of their Guild Members in.
  25. Actually, there were multiple paths, all over WvW that certain individuals could access. Hidden walkways, doors, and even in one spot a hidden tunnel in EBG that lead into Jerrifer's. There was also a hidden balcony that Anet used near Aldons. I caught several anet employees on the balcony cliff near Aldons just...sitting there and afk'ing. But that was years ago. But over a period of time there were a few buggy areas. Watched this one guy, run a thief, always glitching into Valley on EBG. He showed me a spot he could shadowstep through, because the two walls at the Northeast corner of east side of valley never touched. You could see into the courtyard of Valley and stare at the supply shed. But he basically would shadowstep between the crack because there was a "path" available to shadowstep to. That section of wall took them ...three...or four years to fix in WvW? And I don't know, three dozen videos that were sent in over that three or four year period. Or Mesmer's being able to blink into Valley watergate, if they were at the same height as the top of the wall of the gate. The invisible wall near ogres, used to be no wall there, because when mounts launched for the warclaw, you were able to jump into Ogre's. Heck there's still an exploit in Edge of the Mist south tower. Ranger's pets were able to go into the tower, and attack the NPC's, if you timed it just right at the death of the NPC, your toon would get pulled into the tower. People began to bring their ranger's to Glitch into towers in Edge of the Mist. The New Glitch/exploit I been seeing is, apparently you know those fancy movement items that allows you to hover above the ground? Yah, apparently when those launched, temporarily before it was "fixed", since your feet didn't touch the ground it considered you as flying, and therefor unable to be hit. Perma invulnerability. Everyone was crying foul, but at the same time everyone was buying the item up to do the same thing. I have no doubt that there's always a couple of guys, continuously looking to exploit something, and if it's there, they will find it.
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