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Everything posted by KeyOrion.9506

  1. Shutup. You had me at 9:00 =^o.o^= Riverdance golems.
  2. I have not seen tier manipulation in six years. Six years ago, yah I saw tier manipulation...if you considered it tier manipulation. Two servers working purposely 2 vs 1 every single time vs. specific servers. No rule against it. Literally. 3 seperate teams? Nothing says 2 vs. 1 is against the rules. That's not manipulation. That's building an alliance against some group you really don't like. You all know how that works out. So tier manipulation? Is that what its called?
  3. You can have a high population server. That does not translate to a high population server that will play WvW. Right now if your not linked it's because you have too many WvW active players on your server, more so than the other servers. Consider that a blessing. Give you an idea of one of Anet's worst WvW mistakes for North America. We started losing a lot of WvW players, and because of that, they started to link servers to fill that population. However most of these linked servers weren't always equal early on. One server link put two of the top servers together. Jade Quarry and Blackgate. We were only linked once, but once was enough. We did so much damage within 2 days, that the other server links basically stopped playing WvW for the next several weeks. The score was a complete upset, and the domination was beyond ludicrous. Anet has never linked us like that ever again. Links were then always top high population servers linked with the smallest.
  4. Blackgate currently does not have that problem because originally they recruited heavily from European and SEA time zones. In fact I doubt Blackgate is a purely North American server any longer. They have a large caseload of both EU and SEA players, so they are able to fill more Timezones than the majority of OTHER North American servers. That's their own fault, and they are paying a slight price for that. Some of their SEA and European players, are now unable to find "content" after majority of NA is in bed. Like I said, that's their own fault. They shot themselves in the foot with their type of recruiting messages to fill time zones in order to win. Ok, their PPT score puts them over the top. That's their own fault. IS it a good thing? Depends. Some of their commanders complain now that they can't find anyone to fight late night NA. Heard the same problem is occuring with some European servers who recruited some NA players to fill their late night timezones. Same problem, just on a different continent.
  5. Markbecks this goes back to year one, where we had team members who purposely used to report our location to enemy teams. They also purposely would siege cap us, where we could only build one type of siege so many times on a single map. They would build 50 rams....and then we couldn't build rams anywhere else on the map. Same with catapults, or arrowcarts. Anet basically at one point said, unoffocially that spies are part and parcel of the wvw experience, and that they were not going to deal with any player that actively worked against their own team. I feel your pain. But if their vocal, yah you can block them. As for their pulling tactivators. Not much can be done about that, as per anet's position on players working against their own team. It's not their position to deal or act with players who may or may not be working for or against their own servers.
  6. Well Sweetpotato, the problem occurs when the server in question has guilds that purposely recruited people within their particular time zone. If a guy on east coast recruits, he's probably recruiting people that are awake in his time zone. I'm west coast, but most of my guild was East coast. As I was logging in, they were logging out. That's something you will be unable to fix. You're just going to have to recruit people that are awake in your time zone. Or if you're having problems not finding "content", then your opponents will have to recruit people that are in your time zone. Good luck with that. My idea years ago was treat players like a deck of cards. You shuffle them into the team for a week like a hand of poker. Texas hold'em. What you got dealt is what you got dealt. However this idea doesn't take into account say if you wanted to fight with guildies or friends. And what happens if one team was dealt more heavies with few lights, or too many mediums. Well they could have treated it like 3 decks of cards. First set of cards were heavies shuffled out, then second cards passed out were mediums, and then third round of cards were lights. Repeat and rinse, and then you would have had your players shuffled out to each team. I'm sure it has it's pros and cons. Just waiting on alliances, because this is kinda somewhat will happen soon. You'll be having a version of Texas Hold'em with Alliances. Should be interesting.
  7. You can roam on any server. As long as your with friends, doesn't matter what server. Long as your doing what you like doing with somebody to share the experience with.
  8. I want to know why a Firebrand puts down a stack of 2 fire, that i take 18,000 dmg per second, and when i put 2 stacks of fire down with a Ranger and i'm putting out...600 dmg per second? Even with Fire runes of some sort? What gives? Say you got two different classes, with same runes, and sigils lets say.....and both classes have the same stack of Fire...for some reason Firebrand vs....whatever other class, the Firebrand fire condition does + extra dmg. Sigils are the same. Runes are the same. # of stacks are the same. But the damage is unequal as all hell.
  9. The idea of EU and NA servers was that some servers were European, and some were North American. I personally don't believe that Blackgate should even be considered a NA server anymore. They recruited heavily from Europe, and Oceanic. But hey, any of us could have recruited American or European players from anywhere in the world to fill in those needed time zones. What I do NOT care for, is the continuous farming without capping. I consider that an insult. When I watch Blackgate decide their gonna farm us over and over and arn't even going to bother to cap, I leave. And I tell my team to leave. No use putting a hand in a blender for no other reason than to cause pain to you or your team with little benefit. When you can not find equal footing in battle, then give them no battle.
  10. The inability of any Guild or group to shut me out, because my "rank" was too low. Like Hall of Heroes in GW1. Hated Hall of Heroes in GW1..."you must be rank 6 to be part of our group" You couldn't get to rank 6 because you had to already be ranked...and you couldn't get rank unless you were in with the groups. You can run with groups, without having to be part of the group. So, all those hidden tag groups doesn't mean nothing. You can just run right beside them, and they couldn't stop you. Unlike PvP where they can get very exclusive on who they want to party up with in spvp. I Loves WvW.
  11. Any CC on a thief, they usually break and stealth, or they port and stealth, or they just shadowstep repeatedly of range, then move right back up into you. I play Ranger and it's pretty much impossible. If they stealth, I can entangle, and I can see my roots on the ground where they entangled something. But then they just shadowstep out of the entangle rendering it useless in less than a second. I can put a Superior Sigil of Fire on my bow, and when enemy stealths, i can fire Barrage on my personal location. A flame blast will occur on critical, showing location of anything that's stealthed. But then i only have a few seconds to try to wallop that one little spot that the flame burst occured. But again the thief just moves out of the field or shadowsteps out of the AoE area, again making it useless. You can have multiple players place traps on one single location and hope that the thief isn't watching you all kneel at one location which would indicate to him that your placing a bunch of traps there.... And if he's stealthed and watching, renders those traps useless. Does work if they keep contesting your waypoint at your garrison or keep, if they keep hitting the same spot. Then they just run around in circle of the location walls, and then you can place the traps. We burned several thieves, but didn't really stop them from coming and continuously contesting the location. Again, it becamse useless. There's little or no repurcussions to perma-stealthing. Cooldowns are inneffective at this juncture. Three to four shadowsteps added with stealth makes catching up impossible. 1. If you set traps, and their stealthed, they're watching where you place traps. Or maybe they are aware of the most common areas that traps are set. 2. CC's have become useless vs. a thief if they have any stab on. And if it's a staff thief, then it's permastab, making CC's beyond useless. 3. Area of Effect Sigils or skills are meh vs thief who just leaves the area fairly easily. This is magnified even worse when a team of thieves and mesmers get together and then it's like swimming through pirahna. One positive aspect to all this, most of this stuff doesn't bother me as much as it used to. I've given up trying to deal with thieves 3/4 of the time. Just isn't worth my time to fight them any more, if my class can't see them, can't hit them, or can't catch them. But you do have unique ways of detecting them. Entangle roots, appear on stealthed subjects. Nova blast from Sigil of Fire on any AoE skill can show location of stealthed subject. Have no clue what class you play. I'm sure you can put something together.
  12. The first four points were glitches/bugs. The last paragraph was an issue with Communications with the large and allied Guilds that use Communications Protocol, who don't want to communicate or have an open tag, or decide to go around on hidden tag, or have a private discord for any and all battles. The issue with alliances now, is this problem will now be compounded ten-fold. Whether this is good or bad, i'm seeing this lack of open communication as a large problem. And it seems to be rooted in some sense of ego. If you don't want pugs, that's your problem. IF you don't want scout calls, again that's your problem. You want to keep chatter down during combat, that's your problem. But if your gonna do private tag or hidden tag, i don't need to be part of that. You want to put up a brick wall and say "You can't play unless you have this specific class, build, this armor set, these sigils, these runes, and anything else or we are going to burn you at the stake." Yah, i'm gonna see that as one big con. What can we do about this communication blockage? Open tag, non hidden, be a little bit more open to team criticism. For example: Every time your Driver and his team gets smashed to bits, and the Driver goes, "Ok, what's going on, what happened to you all"...then the team speaks up about condi's took them down, or CC's took them down, or they got lost because the Driver was moving so fast and not being really explicit with directions..... "NO, that's not the problem, this is the problem..." and lays every thing at YOUR feet. You didn't have yoru cleanses on. You didn't have your stability on. You squirreled off. Even if everyone is stacked in a dead heap at the foot of the driver., for some reason it was still all your fault. That's a con. And this is why when the Driver asks, "Ok, what happened to you all," and then they are greeted with dead silence. It's because they know if they speak up, they will be shredded openly in chat or discord. So your team remains silent. And you will never get the criticism you obviously deserve, if you want to attempt to win your battles each time you get defeated. Right now during this entire beta test for Alliances, I seen a complete lack of communication, snubbing, and quite a bit of disrespect to the pugs and solo's. Again, i don't need to join a corp or group that's gonna expect all these smaller groups to fold into a Megacorporation that just gobbles up everything smaller than them. Again. Open tag. Little bit more respect for those not part of your zerg. A whole heaping bucket of patience. Maybe. Just maybe you'll see a game performance improvement from everyone nearby.
  13. Ok. Several issues popped up immediately. 1: On reset night, we entered into the maps, played for a few minutes and then were immediately kicked out, and then had to re-que. 2: After being kicked out and requed...you would be qued for a #...and then after a few minutes, the Que would show a growth, pushing that # higher, making you wait longer in que. It's like people were cutting in front of you while you were waiting in line. 3: Some people were complaining of the lag...but besides the lag...skill bars were Inaccessible. I'm not talking about, pushing the button and skills not activating. I'm saying the skill bar was nothing more than a picture Icon, where you were NOT even allowed to click on to access and activate. You could hover over the icon, but the skill icons themselves were inaccessible. 4: NPC's were killed, like a Quartermaster or Veteran Supervisor. Then they were ressed. They would then run back to their original position...and then auto-die as soon as they got back to their original position. There were no conditions on the NPC, nor were there any enemy nearby. Onwards, the only LARGE complaint I would have, had to deal more with the security measures used by Guild Wars players on their Discord channels. The Guild Wars API keys were pretty much useless for a large portion of players who did not share the specific Server registration with the group you got hooked up with. For example say the API Key shows that you are Jade Quarry player, you could not talk in a Discord whose Verify bot only recognized Sanctum of Rall players, or Devona Rest players. And on reset night, there was nobody checking their Waiting Room for players that were sent Discord channels, which a number of players couldn't access anyways. That I know is a Discord problem and a personal problem with the Guilds/Alliances. However if there is an API Key being created by Anet, then it's a problem securing access to communications protocol for allied teamplay. I'm sure it's great for large guilds, and large alliances. For solos and pugs, this is a brick wall. "Well they can always join that guild...." You need a better solution for solo's and pugs that don't want to join ten seperate guilds if they're not feeling any connection to those guilds in the first place.
  14. When your in downed state in water, you are considered "crippled", and your given a speed reduction. What I witnessed a couple days ago were certain individuals in downed state that did not have this "cripple" effect while underwater and in a downed state. I need to see if anyone else has seen this effect, and if's possibly this specific infusion which allowed the effect to occur. Normal swim speed in a downed state, as far as I've read, this is not supposed to be possible. But I and several others have witnessed something that deters from this fact.
  15. Soulbeast can "merge" with their pet, and you can add additional skill set to use in combat. Or you can stow the pet, if you don't even want that option. Either/or, soulbeast does have options beyond having your pet run around now.
  16. Well if their able to move at "normal" speed in downed state in water, due to an infusion...I would like to know, cause it looked like there's a few people that have been in downed state lately that are able to swim as if their not in downed state, when they are in downed state. It looks kinda hinky.
  17. Just as the title says, can Swim Speed Infusions +10 Stack? Does this infusion also allow downed players to move through water at normal and/or above speed of a downed player? Because today I seen some things for downed players in water combat that should not be possible, and I also seen higher than normal speed of players beyond that of teleporting or shadowstepping within water.
  18. Actually I like the no downed state. I would also like to see No White Swords Wintersday, where you have to have a live player watching locations. 😛
  19. Never heard of this. Never seen it. And if it's true, it's been a very closely guarded secret that hasn't been shared with any of the Ranger's I know that I'm on a first name basis with. If it works, fantastic. About time Ranger's get some mega-hits in.
  20. Tell the truth. The whole "Vulnerability" condi we have for rapidfire, could use some improvement. "% amount of damage actually caused to enemy...." It's absolutely useless. I hit up to 10 stacks of that on an enemy with rapidfire...and it does nothing, absolutely nothing. And when I say nothing, i'm not seeing bigger numbers in the damage department, especially when it's on a player that's tanked. And if their built for tank, then I don't see + extra % damage to no one. I stack a simple single condi on enemy, and it does nothing. It's the most worthless condi I have, and it's the only condi that I can just rake into a target, and i don't see it doing anything extra beyond the damage I do. I'm going to say for the last 5 years, I've been supremely unhappy with it. I've kept my mouth shut about it, but here I am. Tell me there's a single ranger even happy with that particular condition? That is one condition that needs severe rework. % dmg should be higher against those that have a higher toughness score, because those tanky builds, it's a worthless condition.
  21. You have XP in PvE mode, and you have WxP for WvW mode. So you gain WxP from enemy kills, capturing Camps, Towers, Garrisons/Keeps, and completing certain map Events. So your gaining WxP and when that maxes, you gain a Rank. And you gain Mastery points as you rank up. Get so many points and you spend it in WvW Attributes, like Siege use, or gliding, or Warclaw Mount. Never forget to be spending them points. The bonuses do help you, and by helping yourself, your also helping your team. And the Reward tracks are very very helpful. Especially if you want to gear up with exotic armor, or get certain needed crafting material.
  22. I'd tell the the poster of this thread to play a Ranger and then get back to me about nerfs. Otherwise I'd say against certain players I win 50% of the time and I lose 50% of the time. And the thieves and Deadeyes are always experimenting on either a two or three shot and your downed build. So I don't want to hear anything about nerfs towards Rangers, when they keep finding builds that allows them to perma-Basilisk an enemy into the ground, or fire 2 or 3 shots and your downed state without even the ability to see your stealthed body or have reaction time in order to evade such an attack.
  23. Fight mobility with mobility. Shortbow, Sword/Dagger, Hound/Wolf. Shortbow for pushing back, Sword/Dagger for the extra dodges, Hound to root the enemy, Wolf to fear them. You can easily stay alive against a thief, maybe a few ele's. Can't say it'll work against a condi Mesmer because you'll take damage for moving from torment, or using skills when your hit up with Confusion. But I used to not be able to catch Thieves, and most thieves were unable to catch me, even if they had Basilisk Venom. Most OP thieves would count to three before the attack, so i'd count to 2 and hit one of the skills and that's when they were shadowstepping to my position. One guy called me a cheater, and I told him to start randomly counting between the start of his Cloak to the end of his cloak of when he was going to launch his attack. He was able to hit me, but he always feel back into the three second routine of attacking after cloaking. 🙂 Smokescale I have lots of fun on vs. thief porting. I'd bond with my pet and mash the Smokescale assault button after the enemy cloaked. It also works if I stand my position while mashing that same position and the enemy teleports to me to attack, my Smokescale assault begins and i'm doing more damage to them than they were on me, and when they port back to their original position even in less than a second, I port with them to their original position. 😛 You got some crazy options vs. those teleporters.
  24. Thief takes the #1 spot for mobility and ability to get away. However the Ranger, most people do not know has quite a few dodge abilities. Running with Shortbow and Sword/Dagger you can really shimmy all over the place, in small confined area. Add your regular dodges in, Hound/Wolf pets. And you can pretty much dance circles around most enemies. If you can keep your stability up if you have any.
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