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Everything posted by Silent.6137

  1. Aside from what is mentioned above, you can use Ctrl+Key, Alt+Shift+Key, Ctrl+Shift+Key. Unless you meant something entirely different.
  2. What people really want is rewards, rewards, rewards. Making the pre-events more difficult and more engaging, I don't think many will disagree with as long as they see tangible rewards, i.e. non-auto-lootable chests. Compare that to Drizzlewood, Dragonfall, and even Dragon Stand. Chests and pods spawn that you have to manually loot. Thus, the perceptions is that it is more rewarding. After every such encounter, have a boss chest. Final fight, if failed, spawn a few consolation chests so people don't feel like they have wasted so much of their time for nothing. Give it a 5 minutes looting period to grab the few minor chests before closing the map.
  3. Hmmm...never seen pop-ups for GH before. Perhaps it's because you haven't paid your monthly guild membership dues yet.
  4. If you've tried everything and they didn't work, I'd suggest looking at deleting local.dat and client repair. Any issues I encounter, I'd always try those first and they usually will fix the problem. If those still doesn't work, then contact support. They are very responsive and helpdul.
  5. I would have use "Often" but I can't qualify that so the best I can do is use "Sometimes". Since I had encounter it on a few "Sometimes".
  6. You explained it very well only to yourself. You assumed your definitions is the only correct one. By most definitions, Endgame in MMOs are all the things available for progressing your character after you've reached max level. That includes not just your narrow definitions.
  7. Sometimes, when someone is so focused on their own narratives, they'd ignore or refuse to acknowledge anything that doesn't support their arguments.
  8. Check LFG for squad listings under Heart of Thorns > Dragon's Stand and join them. If you're on any non-meta map, you'll often get the pop-ups since most of the players will have moved to maps with squad listings.
  9. Not sure what you're talking about. Are you refering to Drakkar or Icebrood Construct? Was told the Icebrood Construct was bugged after release of EoD. Not sure if they fixed it because I haven't tag the meta there since EoD release. There were no problems with either of those metas before then.
  10. The main reason why I chose the update thread. A thread I will only visit once or twice depending on the updates. I don't know how the Youtube system works but if I'd to view any of the videos on GW2, it's because I intentionally do a search. And I'd spend a certain amount of time to view the contents for what I'm looking for, not just open and close. I don't disagree with your points. But more people knows about the forum than about Mukluk, since it's for the game they're playing. More people will be visiting the forum even if just to do a quick browsing of the update thread.
  11. Maybe what you said is true for any other maps, but definitely not for Bjora. I can't recall how it works in general for other maps. If the map is closing in Bjora, you absolutely cannot taxi in. A few of us take turns tagging the metas there virtually everyday for over a year. And we've tried that countless times. If someone can taxi in, then the pop-ups will disappear after a while.
  12. I seriously doubt that. Just looking at Game Update Notes May 24, 2022, that's 14.2K views for a single thread. He's definitely my favorite for GW2 contents. And some of his older videos certainly get lots of views. But they're all cumulative and myself alone probably contributed to quite a few of those views.
  13. Unless it's to reset the maps, there is no reason to close the maps even with low populations. What purpose does it serves? Gives players the options to join a more populated maps if you must, but re-populate those maps instead of closing them. Bjora Marches is especially prone to map closures. Which I suspect is due to that map being implemented in two stages, and they never fix the problem. When the West side has the Drakkar meta with a big squad, the East side will be empty. This will often cause the map closure pop-ups. Similarly, during the Icebrood Construct meta on the East side, the West side will be empty. Again you'll often see the pop-ups. Doing those metas regularly, you learn to ignore those pop-ups. And they will usually disappear after a while. As I mentioned above, it does not apply to Bjora Marches. However, on any other maps, it is certainly true. But a commander can ignore it if there's more than ample time to complete the metas on those map since the timer is for an hour. Also, if the map is closing, players will usually be unable to join a squad on that map. When tagging both metas at Bjora, sometimes we'll have someone leave the map and try to rejoin. If they are successful, and often they are, then we know the pop-ups will disappear after a while.
  14. Notice what I said? It's not the ONLY definition. The point I was trying to put across is that players comes in all stripes. You can't just place them all in an "either or" group.
  15. You reply makes absolutely no sense at all. You're trying to peg a casual as something that's not. A casual by most definitions is someone who are not very invested in the game. Play the game but do not spend inordinate amount of time in that particular game. They range from those who just like simple and easy contents to those who enjoy more challenging events. There's no one-size-fits-all. A raider is someone who does Raids. Period.
  16. Who are the casuals? Anyone who dislike harder contents? No real meanings as in the game context. Terms created merely to impress.
  17. There are players who may dislike any of these: PoF, HoT, Raids, Fractals, WvW, PvP, JPs, etc., etc., etc. So what are you suggesting? Get rid of all of them or don't make anymore of them because the company "loses" money?
  18. But those words sure sound so impressive, don't they?🙄 Convoluted words with no real meanings,
  19. Again, your usage of vague words to describe something that you can't prove. What small minority according to what metrics? The small minority are those regular forumers posting on virtually all EoD threads complaining about how bad it is. You hardly hear that on mapchats or even on guildchats. Maybe the rare times people complain are when a few does so at failed metas. If we'd to take the 60% success rate of DE meta as a measure, then the majority (of those who does the meta) will be satisfied. If anything, I'd hazard to say most people would not give it a second thought. Those whose meta succeeds do not complain. Only those who fails. And even then, only a very few will complain.
  20. Squads ask for that but as you said, there are many who have no clue about what professions offer which boons. Or if even their main offers that. However, there are usually more than enough who knows who can fill those roles. Even if not, most commander will assign them to subgroups so any splits will have some. The only thing that I directly responded to your comments was the first paragraph. The rest were general responses to all the other comments. There is no need to multi-quote and directly respond to every single person with the same comments.
  21. Asking for builds usually only happens in small groups instances. Even then, it's not a common occurences. What is asked is the roles. For metas like DE, with a squad of 50, the commander will have to be rather egotistical (and have too much time) to demand to ask all for their builds. It might have happened but I've never seen anyone being kicked for reasons like that. At one point, there were a very few who asked to ping KP or LI, but I doubt they were ever successful, since those have virtually disappeared. Organized squads are not 1 size fits all. They usually involved asking for a Quick and an Alac for each subs and filling the rest with whatever's there. A very few will start in Arborstone to ensure all in the squad gets on the map. I truly doubt there are any squads who do not use LFGs and/or get players from map to fill up the squad. Some use Discord but even then majority in any of those squads will not be on it. Seriously, how many guilds are there that are capable of filling a 50-person squad each and every time? Not everyone plays at the same time for even a maxed out guild. Really? It's a good place to farm, even if you don't do the meta. Isn't that what you do on any other maps? As an example: Farm Train although small in the data set yet, but still consistent. EDIT: My suggestion for the Dragon's End Pre + Meta is for there to be non-auto-loot chests. At every phases, after killing the Saltspray champions or the Crystal phase, there will be loot chests. You'll still get the same rewards as now but maybe the players will have a different perceptions on how lucrative the map is for farming.
  22. You are equating people who likes more complex metas, as opposed to vanilla guarantee win meta, as all raiders? People who likes harder and/or more complex events are not exclusive to one type of groups. The gamut of the player base range from extremely hardcore to extremely casual. Of the hardcore, there are bound to be those who dislike raids, just as there are the casuals who love raids. I'm by no means a casual player and I don't do raids for various reasons. Just because someone takes the opposite view as you and likes the meta, does not make them a raider.
  23. You know this, how? You have some data to show that most have already moved on? What is raid-tier boons? Try to get a quick and an alac into each sub, if possible, and then fill in with whatever's left? Since that's what most squads do at this meta. I've yet to see any squad that has a tail-killing group, and I've join at least 50 to 60 different groups on my personal successful runs. And what exactly is raid-tier dps? The 6 or 7k average required?
  24. Been there, done that. Quite a few had offered advice and suggestions on how to obtain very high win-rates percentages on many of the threads. And have the usual small group of forumers complaining about how bad DE meta is. And how elitist it is. And we shouldn't expect players to learn simple mechanics because it's too raid-like. And OW metas should all be a last minute walk-on, ignore all requirements and mechanics, semi-afk, and end up with guarantee win. I've no idea what the minimum average DPS should be but just with basic dps exotic gears, the contributors and protocols, you'll more than likely surpass that very easily. Unless you are constantly being downed by the AoEs which you either ignored and/or have no clue what they are. And spend very little time actually attacking. Just to emphasize, you can get all these during the meta with a little preparations : Dragon's End Contributor: Gain 10 seconds of might fury, swiftness, regeneration, and protection when entering and exiting combat. 20% increase to health and outgoing damage. 10% increase to kill experience. Jade Tech Offensive Overcharge: Swiftness (30s): +33% Movement Speed Might (5 stacks )(30s): 150 Condition Damage, 150 Power Quickness (10s): Skills and actions are faster. Fury (10s): +20% Critical Chance Alacrity (10s): +25% Skill Recharge Rate Power: +150 Condition damage: +150 Jade Tech Defensive Overcharge Swiftness (30s): +33% Movement Speed Regen (30s): 3,900 Heal Aegis (10s): Block the next incoming attack. Protection (10s): -33% Incoming Damage Vigor (10s): +50% Endurance Regeneration Toughness: +200 Vitality: +200
  25. Ah, so you have absolutely nothing to back up your claims? I never said Drizzlewood is always empty. It really helps if you learn to comprehend whar was said. Maps with metas are populated but not if there's none. Players look at LFG and hop maps. Why? Because players leave those instances to go to more populated maps with commanders. And you called that blatant lies. You obviously haven't play this game very long if that's your experiences. I go to DE during prime time to do the metas there and the meta maps are always full. If I'd to claim just because of that DE is always full, then I'd be as tunnel-visioned as you: only see what you want to see. Meta maps are full. Non-meta maps are not.
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