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Everything posted by Silent.6137

  1. You obviously do not understand what I'm trying to get at. As i said, those are all just illustrations and optionals. Not nit-picking, as you put it. It's that many have absolutely no clue there are other ways of doing them. For example, Twilight Oasis, how many actually know the normal route. I've seen many who have no idea how to get back if they reset because they followed some online guides.
  2. This is pertinent to all contents, not just instanced group contents. Content creators rushed to make videos and other guides to gain followers. Often their initial guides are less than optimal and full of flaws. And they never update them. Their followers learned these and teach others, and it just trickle down from there. Eventually, they become normal mode of play. Maybe there’s something I’m missing, and there’s a very good reason for doing things these ways for some of them. But for several, it just left me scratching my head because many have no clue that there may be better ways of doing them. To illustrate, I’m going to use a few things I observe in Fractals. Toxic Sickness – Why is everyone running all over? The vomit are always discharged outwards. Stacking together will prevent getting hit by them. You run away to discharge it away from team mates and get turned around. Guess where it’ll land quite often? Uncategorized – Most groups will just run past harpies (soon as you go into the instance) instead of killing them all. Seems most people do not realize that only by killing them all, you can /gg to respawn at the top. Seen so many who gets to the top, will just go to safe zones while some of their team mates fall or die. And if group gets wiped by the champions, reseting will means starting at the bottom again. Running past mobs – Particularly at Molten Boss and Urban Battleground. How much time do you actually save by skipping them? If 1 or more of your team mates die, it’ll mean a lot more time wasted from less fire power until you can all get out of combat. Besides, did anyone notice the loots from trash mobs are pretty decent for the few minutes you spent to kill them all? Running past mobs Part II – At Aetherblades, many will just ignore the Extinguishers. It’s great when everyone managed to get past them. But often, groups will have problems de-activating the traps. When that happens, you’ll lose lots of time from being downed by these mobs. Ok, so you ignore those who died and go to the next stage. However, you’re not at full complement and will take lots longer to kill the mobs again. Twilight Oasis + Social Awkwardness – Seems majority have no clue there’s a normal route to get to the 3rd Sandbinder. Using the shortcuts, with this instability, you’re forced to wait your turn. Often there’s some who’ll have lots of problems navigating the jump. You’ll save a lot more time if the entire group uses the normal route in this case. Also, if the entire group is wiped at the 3rd Sandbinder, many will have no clue how to get back there because they only know the shortcut. Twilight Oasis & 1st Amala – Why do so many hide behind the pillar on the left side? Which great strategist started this and everyone seems to imitate? Doesn’t it make more sense to hide behind the pillar on the right since it’s closer to where you need to jump up? Sunqua – During the water phase, when the Spellcaster is casting radial AoEs. Why are so many always dancing close to the middle and risk getting pulled in. There are lots more room to manoeuvre closer to the walls. And if anyone is downed, you’ll have time to rez them. Siren's Reef - Not waiting for team mates to get in place to retrieve 2nd treasure before depositing 1st treasure on the ship. Granted, many of the strategies are very optional depending on the group. What I'm getting at is that many only know one way of doing some of the contents, and they're often less than optimal. And where did they learned all these? Mainly from people who learned them from content creators, and treated those steps as gospel.
  3. All nodes synthesizer do is upgrade what tier materials you can get. Example: Lumber synthesizer 1 = green or soft wood; Syn 2 = green, soft or seasoned wood; Syn 3 = green, soft, seasoned or hard wood.....etc. Synthesis Output (1 to 4) is what increases the amount from the nodes. So in effect, if you are in 5 guilds, each with different level, you'll be able to farm from all 5. That is Guild A with no Synthesis Output, Guild B with SO1, Guld C with SO2, Guild D with SO3 and Guild E with SO4. If you can't get from a hall with SO1, then it's probably a bug that was never fixed since I doubt many will farm from 2 halls with 0 and SO1. Personally, I farm 3 halls daily: halls with SO2, SO3 & SO4.
  4. The main reason why you can't consume Tomes of Knowledge all at once is because we are supposed to stand in a crowd and annoy everyone. Just go "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!"
  5. I'm not there every. single. time. so I'll consider that statement either an exaggeration or false.
  6. Yes, less relevant because it's not what most people use. Maybe you guys do but I do the meta daily to farm Summoning stones with various groups and majority will take the zip lines I posted. I guess I did not pay attention to which one Pifil mentioned when he said "the horde", and I assume all "hordes" will take the easier one. I did not claim it doesn't exist. I just assume he meant the one I posted was hidden. Anyways, very minor issue for you to get so worked up about.
  7. Most accessible after you guys complained about it being hidden? Hmmm... And definitely not more direct or fast when you have to skip obstructions. Please do go try the one I posted.
  8. There are 4 ziplines to get to the top of the tower. One from Southern Bluff and another from just southwest which involves climbing or jumping, which you'll not take when doing the meta since they're both away from the event. I guess they were refering to the line directly south, which very few will take since it involves scaling quite a bit of rubbles to get past the stairs and then over more fallen rubbles. The lines that practically everyone take to the top is just to the right of the stairs of the bottom platform.
  9. https://ibb.co/82Z3h6T - Zip line from bottom platform to mid-platform (across from the crystal platform) https://ibb.co/KwhJPQH - Zip line from mid-platform to top of tower. Not sure which zip lines you use to get up there but none of them are hidden by any rubbles.
  10. I take it you've either never done the meta before or did not look at which way people go after the crystal phase? The zip lines are not hidden in the rubbles. It's located quite visibly at the side of the platform across from where the crystals are. Yes, using a skyscale and attempting to climb will probably take 4 or 5 times as long to reach the top. When the meta is not on, the ship's waypoint will be unavailable but you can still get to the top at any time using the zip lines. Although, after the meta has started, the top will have void corruptions until the crystal phase is completed.
  11. There are 34 MPs leftover from Central Tyria, 54 from HoT, 20 from PoF, 13 from IBS and 26 from EoD. No, I haven't completed all the extras. Although some are a bit challenging, I didn't think it was that hard to finish all the masteries. Quite a few within the Story Journals are very easy to get, that we usually skip through the first time. I'd suggest taking a look at the MP still available to you and see which are easy to do. I managed to knock off a few when doing the Return episodes, although I didn't need them anymore.
  12. The full list of all the End of Dragons Mastery Points Go through the list and choose 26 to skip. That will get you all the MPs you'll need. To assist you, click on any of the items under Achievement columns, and it'll take you to the relevant pages with walkthroughs. If OP is unwilling to use Wiki, there's an alternative. Just filter the Achievements in the Hero panel to just show EoD MPs still available. Just choose what is still available to fill all the masteries. More than enough easy ones to finish all categories.
  13. They re-introduced LW S1, something from 9 years ago, for those who had never done them before, or who wanted to re-visit it. There is absolutely no need for you to do the content if you don't like it. You lost nothing since it is free additional content. Just pretend LW S1 never happened since if they had not given it to us for free, you wouldn't have notice and will have no problems in the first place
  14. So essentially you just want to get rid of the mastery system. Just get the points without really exploring the contents. If you're still 14 short, that means there are 40 achievable points, most of them very easy to get, that you'd rather skip. How do you run out of them? Lots leftover after completing every single mastery achievements. Some clues are indeed too obscure and can certainly use better hints. As for POIs, HPs, etc., those are hardly a problem if you're talking about map completions. Just go to Options>User Interface>Content Guide and choose "Hide Events and Personal Story". The compass will point you to areas you still need to explore. It'll even show you the directions with Hero Points icons on the minimap to those you had missed.. There are 26 mastery points leftover after finishing all your masteries. Total of 115 obtainable on EoD maps.
  15. Tried and true method. Complain enough and the fish you need will drop. Guarantee!! Posted on this thread yesterday, and got the one I needed today. Same with a few hard to catch ones. Complain to guildmates and the fishing gods just got tired of me whining.
  16. This is what Anet promised: Guild Wars 2 Free Account (Features) Nothing else are free and no one should expect them to be otherwise. Is anyone under any illusions that they should get any new releases and expansions for free? If they made any releases available in-game, then the item is free. If they bundle an item with a purchasable item, then the bundle is free. Saying that it's not free because the expansion is B2P is just word gymnastics. If any items are in the gem store, then they can be obtained for free. Play the game, earn gold, convert gold to gem and buy the items. This includes all LW episodes, bank tabs, etc., etc., etc. You should not expect anything more than what was advertised. If you choose to fast-tracked and purchase with real money, it's your choice. Or alternatively, grind for them. If you choose not to spend real money or grind for them, it's also your choice. Then just go without them. You shouldn't expect to get everything especially when they were not advertised or included in any expansions.
  17. I've basically giving up on getting Saltwater & Avid Saltwater. Already completed every single other achievements as well but the one item for Saltwater remains totally elusive after spending countless hours at many locations, following the completions of the rest. If so many are having problems with this one achievements, then it needs to be severely tweaked or completely removed. Not just increase the drop-rate by a miniscule amount, which doesn't really address the issue.
  18. I'm sure we'll see a gem store personal workbench sooner or later. Something you can put in shared inventory slots to do quick changes. I have several T3 service chips/sensory arrays but rarely bother to use them because it'll require detouring to get to a workbench. Granted it doesn't take long for the detour but it's a hassle for me, personally. And I'll only do it if I really want to use them such as switching from a Mount Energy to Turtle Seige, for example.
  19. Agree. Have to remember that Mukluk's video was done very soon after release. And it's only one person's take on the strikes. Just because someone is a veteran gamer does not mean that your strategy cannot be much better than his/hers. Also, his strategy would probably be lots different if he would to re-do the guide. Most groups nowadays will concentrate on
  20. Admittedly, this is not an easy strike. But then, it is not very hard either. The problem is many go into the strikes without knowing even the simplest of the mechanics. If most in the team are running around blindly during the whole strikes, trying to stay alive, then chances are it will be a failed strike. Age certainly is not a deterrent to success. Join a guild that only accept older players (at least 35+ or 40+), and you'll see there are some of the most skilled players in the game. As for the strike itself, there are some good videos/guides as others had pointed out, that will prove very useful. A good team composition will help greatly. Above all, revive your teammates asap. During the fight with Li, use skills to block attacks, know where to run to during fights with Li (huge telegraphed arrow), know when you have to separate from the group (Numbers - edges of your screen lights up) & know when all have to disperse (AoEs). As for the fights with the lieutenants, know which ones to attack first and which to ignore. If targetted (purple icon above your head), separate the lieutenants.
  21. Is it possible the same people who are complaining are boosting each others? Threads like this attracts people who are experiencing the same situations. People happy with whatever the issues are do not generally frequent forum to search for and read about other's miseries. As for me, I couldn't be bothered with using it even if I totally agree with what the person has to say.
  22. Like you, I've had considerable successes. After last night's meta, I've done exactly 50 metas and won 45 of them. Of the losses, 3 of them occurred not long after initial release and 2 after an update a little while back. All the groups that I've done with are from the various listings on LFG. I do set a few conditions on joining the meta including: Not joining groups that just sprout up on the map late especially if it's formed less than 1/2 hour before meta starts, i.e. after timer starts. Have joined early-formed tags on a few occasions. Look for LFG squads to join at least 45 mins before meta. Look for LFG squads that have experienced commanders first before opting for others. Avoid any LFG listing that says "Meta Taxi", "let's do it", "Chill meta", etc. Asking commanders a few simple questions to gauge his/her experience on the meta. So far, only came across 1 commander who ignore most questions. Should have bolted then as it was 1 of the later losses. Commanders that get very bad win-loss ratio are probably very inexperienced and are just starting commanding squads. And commanders that only get average results over a considerable sizeable meta attempts are precisely just that - very average commanders with average ability. I know my win-loss ratio is not unique or rare since there are lots of people farming antique summoning stones with very great successes as well. Regardless of the RNG, this is not an extremely difficult meta. Everything that needs to be done to ensure an almost guarantee win has been discussed and listed ad nauseum on this and other threads. So, it's always mind-boggling to me when someone claims to have done 20, 30 or more without a win. Or just have a handful of wins. The amount of time wasted on those losses can be avoided to a certain extent by exercizing a little more care in choosing whether to join the meta/group or not. For those still having losses after losses, there's really nothing else to say that haven't been said before.
  23. There are new mobs like kirin, phoenix, wallow, etc. Not everything has to be totally different, although more will be better.
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