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Everything posted by Silent.6137

  1. And yes, there are ways to do it with macro but most players, I would suspect, would prefer apps that have UIs with options rather than trying to figure out how to set the macro themselves.
  2. The only thing that most will agree with you on. Aside from that, most of your assertions are highly subjective. Hardly anyone agrees with you. Are you wrong? Maybe not. But it is just your opinions. Anyone that presents any argument to the contrary, you'll claim they are wrong. And accuse them of "Of course, you would attack the interlocutor, throwing off the idea being discussed. Anyone who treats topics like 'reedit warriors' can only produce this, personal attacks on the forum." That is exactly what you are doing. Not everyone thinks the quests are bad or there won't be any debates whatsoever. I enjoy scavenger hunts. And I'm sure there are children who enjoy them as well. You mentioned you have kids who play. Have you tried getting them to do the quests by themselves? Wiki the locations so they can refer to them if needed (all the quest locations have maps). They might just love running around looking for the items. What's repetitive and boring for you, it might be lots of fun for them.
  3. Although not what you're looking for, pressing Ctrl key will show where your cursor is if it is set in Windows. Or alternatively, use apps such as BlishHuD where you can set and adjust the image to highlight your cursor.
  4. As with everything else when newly released, players set very high prices. But those prices are never sustainable. A few of us speculated that the prices will stabilize around the 5g mark then. If there were no options to purchase them weekly from the vendor, the prices would have remained much higher. I do think the prices have already stabilize and will hover around that price point.
  5. I'm on NA and when our group was doing it today, there were 2 other groups on LFG as well. If you just hop onto a DE map, chances of it being a meta map is very slim. This is no different from most other maps where players will join meta maps. DE meta especially, where it requires some organizations, few people will just tag up, have players on map join and hope for virtually guaranteed successes. Most are formed in LFG but as I stated earlier, they fill up very fast and do not stay on LFG for very long. If you check 1/2 hour or less before meta starts, chances of finding a group is almost zero. The Discord group that I mentioned, OTC, runs about 3 metas per day between Eu and NA. And that's just 1 group. No, you do not need the meta to craft legendaries but if there's no meta, the price for Summoning stones will simply skyrocket. Not everyone will buy 5 per week from the vendor since they require various items that you have to farm for. Like Cyninja.2954, I have crafted my fair share of Gen 3 (10+) and know a few guildmates who have crafted quite a few as well. And we all need those mats from the meta.
  6. Try looking in LFG. Any organized squads fills up very fast. Many of us do it almost daily. There are Discord squads as well such as OTC that do quite a few runs daily for both Eu and NA servers.
  7. Margin of Errors. Higher sampling size = lower margin of error.
  8. Do you know what percentage of the US eligible voters are usually canvassed by Survey/Opinion polls for their elections? As low or lower than 0.0000001%. Assuming there's 500k active GW2 populations, this is 50 to 100 times the sample size, percentage-wise.
  9. Wrong again? You do know what is a Poll and how they work, right? You take a samplings and not the whole populations
  10. Although this is just from forum frequenters, this poll suggest that about 70% think the quest is fine or not hard enough. This is a reflections of the playerbase as a whole even if you would to take a certain percentage to account for the margin of errors.
  11. Use this to filter: List of fish Includes everything you need, as well as Day/Night cycle for Tyria or Cantha.
  12. This always make me roll my eyes whenever someone try to justify their points by stating them. You're assuming that other people do not work, do not have families or have no life outside of this game except you?
  13. I suspect this is more of an attempt to be a reviewer by Op than it is an actual dissatisfaction with EoD. Starting with the title which was designed to promote views, to the often flowery words and hyperboles. It is more of a first impression than an actual knowledge of the story/map/events. There is no attempts to explain exactly how most of the various issues are lacking. Or what OP actually did. All it did was paragraphs of words without saying much at all. Another thread by the OP: Unsurprisingly, the cost of End of Dragons Legendaries and Power Cores is NOT the raw materials, which imo is also somewhat lacking. More of the same and doesn't even bother to reply or defend.
  14. Right. The Tsunami Slam that's telegraphed by the circle AoE. You will be downed instantly if inside the AoE. The waves can be jumped over. The only one that will cause instant death is the Crystal Phase Tsunami. Most of the other attacks can't be blocked and will downed you instantly but are survivable. No, that is Tsunami Dodger where you hide behind the crystal. This is Shock-wave Jumper from the Tsunami Slam.
  15. Trying to understand the rant and failing miserablty. How does having Arborstone makes it bad? All it does is give you fast, cheaper and easy access to EoD maps. It doesn't take anything away from EotN. It has services that EotN doesn't. Why is Echovald bad? It's easy to navigate if you follow the roads. The events are no worse than any others. You tried to join a meta at DE by just going to the map? You stated that you were even "questioning all the people who were slamming it for months". So apparently, you must know it takes a little bit of preparation to succeed. "...after my fourth senseless death from something one-shotting me down" At the meta? Really? Unless you stayed in the AoE during the Bite sequence or did not hide from the Waves, there's really nothing that can kill you in 1 shot. You do realized that staying in AoE fields is bad, right? And not knowing the mechanics of the fights, regardless of what event/fight it is, is never a good thing? With your decades of gaming, fight mechanics should not be a stranger to you.
  16. I wasn't refering to most of the map currencies, which I think is needed. There are certain currencies which I think are unnecessary. Do we really need so many WvW currencies, for example: Badges of Honor, Skirmish Tickets, Proof of Heroics, Testimonies of Desert Heroics and Testimonies of Jade Heroics? Or both Unusual coins and Canach coins? Consolidate some of them just like what has been done for Strikes and Dungeon currencies. The Central Currency Exchange is just for some of these. They shouldn't be all that hard to implement. Or just have it as a fixed exchange in the vein of Eternal Ice Shards for various map currencies. There are many items such as Potent Potion of Sons of Svanir Slaying that you can craft by the 1000's and have them salvaged immediately into Notes with just 1-click.
  17. Read the Overview, It'll tell you what each are best for. MetaBattle may not be the best but they're certainly not crap. They have been tested and are very viable. Just because a build that you think is good, it doesn't make the rest bad. If MetaBattle is indeed very bad, I highly doubt it'll last long or be so popular. The one in the video you posted is just a CondiRen, not much different from the one in MetaBattle. Yes, Lord Hizen and Mukluk do make good builds but there are many others just as capable and/or even better.
  18. Revenant Builds. Browse through the Open World section builds.
  19. Have you actually crafted any Gen 1 or Gen 2 weapons? Go through the steps for most of them. They made Gen 3 crafting including salvaging for Reseach Notes seem like a walk in the park by comparison.
  20. No, they don't make them any less convoluted but what do you want? They have to design some methods for any achievement steps. It'll be either this or something else. I have always maintained that anything to make it smoother and better is always welcome. Who doesn't want it to be more fun? But trying to make an extra step in the process is something of a game-breaker? Using Research Notes is no harder than anything else. And making it seems harder than any other steps is simply disingeneous. It's the exaggerations that I'm debating against.
  21. Bringing real life analogy to a game situation really doesn't make it any more convoluted. They are just simply steps to achieve something. Whether it's done this way or another way, it'll take just as long with as many needed steps. Sone players are quibbling because they want a one-click action to gain items. In other words, it's the same old "too grindy" complains.
  22. Ah, I forgot to factor in the TP tax. I knew there was something there since I'd checked it ages ago to see if it was a viable way to make gold. You do get some returns but not enough for most to bother with crafting and selling them. With a new Xpac, we should expect a new currency. But there are way too many currencies and there should be a Central Currency Exchange such as the Gem/Gold exchange. Research Notes per se, I have no problem with them since they are just another method for obtaining certain items. Without it, we'll still be doing the same amount of steps/work but in another way.
  23. You should be able to place an external link on the forum eg. https://imgur.com/a/lNUW7TP You can't place any Soulbound on Use items in there. It treats them as Soulbound items. Which was probably mistakenly coded that way unintentionally since you can transfer them through your bank or sell them on TP.
  24. I stand corrected. TP scam 5% off your account immediately and put the rest of your earnings minus 10% in the delivery box. After all these years, I always thought TP was a shark but didn't realized it was shark of leviathan proportion.
  25. It will be very difficult to set up anything like that here since those that visit the forum is an extremely small portion of the player base. But you can certainly try by listing your server and date/time. The best bet will be either constantly checking LFG. Or list it yourself on LFG if you have a commander's tag. Also announce on mapchat that you're doing it. If not, a mentor tag might also work but it'll be somewhat harder.
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