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Everything posted by JunkJunk.8971

  1. Amen.. This is one of the main reasons PVP stinks right now.. I can hop across maps asnd just stay far even after I wipe.. Takes me 2 rocket boots and f1 superspeed. I give up nothing to do that.. WB are worse.. They need to nerf mobility
  2. Op. Don’t look at this until you see the nerfs that go with it
  3. I’m sorry but I just don’t understand the post. Maybe English is in your first language and I don’t mean that in offensive way but what you’re writing is confusion
  4. You never had the time run out? I have gotten at least 3 this season.. Normally tanky types cause that, but it is common enough... I mean it has a TIMER lol look at it
  5. Ranked or unranked. Unranked he or she can pound sand. Unranked is where you learn to play. Ranked. Well, get good. 👍
  6. Lol@ op on that post. So he or she streams and that makes their word carry more power. That is a freaking joke.
  7. When the nerfs hit hard in a few weeks. Harbinger will be gutted. What fotm should I roll?
  8. Willbender. F1 to f3 timers increased 50%. Line of sight for off hand harbi. Elite 50% inc on timer. Shroud gravity well (think Bailey 5) double reuse timer.
  9. Just pick what you like to play. The nerf and buff so often it changes. There is no best class
  10. Can’t wait for the Willy and harbinger nerfs that are coming. Their tears will fuel my happy dreams. 👍
  11. Pick one then. Either get tone down dps or tone down the mobility. WB are 2012 thief 2.0. Oh and you want a resume for PvP. I will email that right over to you office
  12. They heal off condi damage, have blocks, invis and other shields.. But that is fine.. folks can be "confused" because that means less chance of nerfs
  13. We need damage back on cc. All damage needs to be buffed.
  14. What about more pips for a percentage of team heals dps decaps etc. so if you are afk you get nothing. Force them to play
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