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Everything posted by SnowMochi.7602

  1. Apologies if this has already been suggested, but could you please make Exosuit skins for the following: Skiffs, roller beetles, and skyscales? Thanks!
  2. Speaking for myself, I would emphatically say no. Our new weapon (short bow) already sucks. Our current kits suck, and given the track record our class has had with dubious previous updates, the last thing we need is yet another kit which (surprise!) will also suck. And if by some chance the stars align or someone on the dev team is asleep at the wheel that day, and we actually DO get something that's effective and FUN to use, have no doubt that once word reaches the devs that players are effective AND having fun with it, that they'll make it their priority to change it so it DOES suck. For a split-second last year, it looked as though whoever was "taking care" of the engineer class finally - finally! - did right by us. They finally tweaked our rifle to where it was actually effective and FUN to play! Alas, someone must have whined and bawled and howled, because as quickly as the fun began for us, it was quickly taken away again. I'm just sick of this brand of "balance." If for only that, I'd rather have the option of being able to swap between the few weapons we have access to that actually work - sometimes. Not that it matters, because even if they do somehow give us weapon swap, they're sure to contrive a way to make it unrewarding. Based on all they've done to repeatedly stymie this class, it would seem that they have an extreme dislike of engineers. I don't know which is worse anymore: their enmity or indifference.
  3. They could've given engineers off-hand sword instead of short bow.
  4. Regarding the Level 80 Boost Item: Could we please have the ability to take the level eighty boost item out of the shared inventory slot and store it in the bank? The upcoming expansion has no new race and no new classes, so for people who have the characters they're happy with already, that item is taking up space they could be using right now. I don't want to delete it on the off-chance an even later expansion could have new races and classes. It's just that right now, I am not planning to add to the 30 alts I already have. Just asking for a way to take it out of the shared slot so that the slot is usable; to store it instead of having to roll up a character only to delete it just to clear the slot. After all, we already paid for the slot AND the boost item. We should be able to use one and store the other without having to destroy it. Just a thought.
  5. I am not logging in through Steam, and never have, but I am also having the same problem with accessing the leaderboards.
  6. Whoever did the balance patch clearly isn't familiar with the concept of balance, let alone the idea of a scale - you know, the object that weighs things. Have they even seen a scale? It doesn't seem like it. I liked the rifle. I was hoping and praying they'd make it better. They did, for that short sweet period of time. Then the whinging began (Did someone get butt hurt when they got killed by a core rifle engi? Did they see the engineers finally have fun? Oh no, we musn't let this pass! Oh no! No sir, no ma'am! Nerf those engis to kitten ground!!!) Reverse this insane "balance" patch and show that they do indeed understand the concept of balance.
  7. Who cares? If even more than three people enjoy playing it, the rest of the community will whinge and cry until it's nerfed into uselessness anyway. We're not allowed to have good or fun things, or didn't you get the memo?
  8. 1. The pet bar needs at least two more buttons, the first being a generic attack button. One shouldn't have to waste any of the three special attacks just to assign a new target. The next button should be a second behavior toggle for either aggressive (targeting whichever is nearest), or assist behavior (my target only). To elaborate, we are giving up one third of our capability to have this mech out. It essentially becomes the primary means of interacting, via combat, with the game environment. If this is by design, then we need a more nuanced control over the pet. 2. The footspeed of the mech is severely lacking. Without even getting into competitive use, it is far too easily kited even by AI (PvE) enemies. To illustrate: I was in Bloodstone Fen trying to complete a timed event that required us to eliminate running targets in order to make the champion vulnerable. The running targets weren't using any dodges, run speed enhancements, or teleports, and yet they easily outstripped my mech, wasting the mech's attacks, regardless of whether the mech was attuned to melee or ranged attack. This problem was further compounded, as it seems that for nearly every attack, the mech has to plant first. It feels as though nothing has been done to improve upon the glaring flaws that have been hitherto present in Ranger pet AI. This needs to change before it goes live in February 2022. 3. There needs to be an option to change the color of the majority of the mech. Leave the jade accents for the gems at the joints and whatever trim you want, but the larger areas of the body should have a recolor option. It's simply too "loud" on the screen. If you don't want to give us the option to recolor, then give the majority of the body parts a more generic, darker, metallic color similar to those found on the regular golems already found in the game. It's supposed to be Jade Tech, not jade through and through. After only half an hour of playing this, watching the graphics was a strain on the eyes. It needs to better blend in with a crowd, especially since other players will be adding their animations to the fight AND having to look at all this as well. 4. Resummoning time needs to be cut by 1/3 to 1/2. Locking reduction of resummoning behind the Tools trait line seems excessively punitive. We were led to believe that the trade-off for using the mech was the loss of our toolbelt. Now it seems the mech's interface is being treated as a toolbelt. So, which is it? The problem with this is that beyond whatever reductions given by the Tools line, there's no synergy. It's one of the weakest lines, even with the dubious benefit of the triggering of Static Discharge when executing mech commands. Whatever benefit is gained from taking the Tools line comes at the loss of essentially half or more of our own capability through taking the other, more combat-oriented trait lines. Anyway, these are my observations thus far. P.S. Just an observation but the Engineer forums tend to be quiet and have relatively few posters compared to the forums of other classes. Now, we a sudden influx of "engineers" demanding for the Golem to be nerfed. :::roll eyes::: If the Golem's killing power is nerfed, then the new elite spec is worthless, and therefore not fun for those whose mains are Engineers. We give up too much in terms of trait lines to field it already, so please don't nerf my Golem.
  9. Finally, a golem for my Asura Engineer, for all my engineers. It's what I've been hoping for. That said, I'm well-stocked with Golemancer runes. MWUAHAHAHAHA! 😈
  10. Actually, you're right. I had forgotten about the glitch. I'm even sadder now lol
  11. That's what I'm thinking. We are getting teased, but there won't be the pay-off I'm hoping it should be.
  12. It could be just a Jade-based riff on this: https://imgur.com/a/s07VCpg
  13. No. I'm not saying it's "so" good. I'm saying it's there. I was talking about the condition access that came from our core trait lines and from pistols with the odd but from kits. It used to be enough to run condi core and now that's fallen behind through a combination of kits and stranger nerfs to pistols and the way that conditions are now applied. Not to mention the overabundance of cleansing/conversion to boons, things which aren't going to change, at least not in competitive modes, even if you got your condition spec. We have condi access we just need what's already there in core to be brought up to parity with other classes. So what if the last two especs have been power? They're still power with a heavy bias toward melee. Power is burst, and burst is what gets things done until something changes to make that statement false. Actual ranged power- whether it comes via staff or longbow - would be a good thing to have. That, rather than something that is going to be cleansed or converted every few seconds. It isn't as though they are going to give us a copy/paste of Harbinger anyway. They ended up giving the condi spec people asked for, to the Necros instead. Nobody saw that coming.... I don't know why you're bringing hammer and sword into this. They are melee. I'm talking about ranged. I don't care whether a power ranged spec is allowed to ignore projectile hate - though it would be nice considering other classes get this through limited active use skills, venoms etc. I was talking more about how our two supposed big hitters, Mortar kit and Grenade kit, function. Not only are they subject to projectile hate, but they're also saddled with the slow travel times and the need for ground targeting, which is just another step, another hoop we have to jump through to make anything work in a fight where others don't have to. If we had grenade kit and mortar functioning as grenade kit does underwater, I wouldn't even be bothering here. They don't. It's stupid that we're the one class that has to fight the enemy and our own busted, wonky mechanics just to do anything. Yes pistols aren't good. But it's easier to bring them and our kits back to where they need to be along with core trait lines, instead of leaving them in their broken states, and giving us a terrible condi based spec that's only going to get nerfed later anyway. You're talking about rifle holo benchmarks as if it isn't benchmarking high in spite of the rifle instead of because of it. That's what happens when you combine something as busted as holo with just about anything else. And the bread ad butter of it is still being done in midrange to melee because it's the kit/trait line doing the heavy lifting, not the crap weapon. I'm not asking for a ranged power spec simply for the sake of gaining a ranged power weapon. I'm asking because right now ranged power is a role we actually aren't able to fill even adequately. To me, the poll numbers are insignificant; there are more people who actually play the game than play the forums. The one hundred odd people who voted in the poll is an inadequate sample size to base any assertion off of. Besides, the poll didn't even have an option for ranged power specs, even though we've been stuck at mid to melee range for the last eight years. Edited to add: Original Poster: You put up a public poll with a thread that invited discussion. You wanted our two cents, and that is what I brought to the table.
  14. What I want to see is a Ranged Power Spec. We have lots of hybrid specs, melee-centric, and medium range specs - that's enough. Lots of condition damage already available too, but what exists needs to be fixed so that it works better. I'm not fond of mish-mash, hybrid specs that are at best, middling, in what they try to do. Give me something that excels, not a lukewarm, skip-fire hybridization. The last two e-specs have been melee. So yes, we are sadly lacking a long range power spec because as it stands, there is nothing to support a good long-range style of play. And don't tell me to use Mortar Kit, which I find slow and cumbersome. Further, the Mortar Kit, like the Grenade Kit, relies on ground targeting, which gets reflected, and is also subject to projectile hate anyway. Turrets kept getting nerfed so that they are now completely useless. Grenades no longer have the range it once had, so that is also out. The rifle and the pistol are arguably the worst implementation of those weapons in the game. Compared to other classes such as Thief and Warrior, Engineer Rifle sucks and has lousy damage on top of it.
  15. It's one of the few hammer skins I like. The purple particles are awesome!
  16. Hello, I just wanted to wish all the GMs, the Customer Support Team, and their families a very Happy Holiday and to thank them for all they've done over the years. I haven't had a single negative experience in all my dealings with them. They've been courteous, patient, and helpful. So, a huge THANK YOU and enjoy the bounty of the season!
  17. Same here. Mobile games just don't appeal to me, smartphone or no smartphone.
  18. In part I can understand it because for ArenaNet GW2 is what they make money with and I get that you may want to have something else next to that. But you may be right that they were a bit eager to jump on other things and kinda left GW2 a bit to the side. It certainly feels that way to me and they clearly are still not excited about making another expansion. I do wonder now if Mike O'Brien is planning to make the spiritual successor for GW in his new company. Different name of course but I'm really interested in what he's going to do. Same thing with BioWare. Recently a lot of people have left there and also there some people set up a new studio. I do not know what's going on in the game industry but I get the feeling that a lot of game companies have grown and become institutionalised. That means they got to a point where they were more concerned with themselves, their knowledge and experiences and internal processes rather than the customer. You see this in the communication across the industry. They are talking to players in marketing messages and non-committal, political statements and no longer speak WITH the players. They seem to think they know better what people want but I think they mistake what people will accept for what people actually want. Maybe it's a good sign that there are troubles in studios and people going off and starting / joining new studios. Maybe just maybe they understand some things that they used to understand 10-20 years ago. Nowadays games are made to please shareholders and customers are really secondary in that. That's why it's good enough for them to keep people playing and spending rather than making things better or going the extra mile. And I'm not talking about those overworked developers that have way too much work stacked on them, but the people that lead them and have to answer to their bosses who answer to share holders. This is not EA but it's also not that as far away from it as it should perhaps. MO did mention wanting to work on smaller games, so we might (and I'm using this term advisedly) see something along the lines of a mobile game. An MMO is certainly more massive, both in scope and in undertaking.
  19. MO and Co. won't be able to develop GW3, especially now that they are no longer with Anet. The Guild Wars Intellectual Property is legally owned by NCSoft.
  20. No matter what comes, Anet will probably think of new ways to hype it to the max. This will then generate excitement and anticipation that will build to fever pitch.Personally, just enjoy the current offering and hope for the best. _Hype:Noun - Promotion or propaganda; especially exaggerated claims. Verb - (transitive) To promote heavily; to advertise or build up._
  21. Pretty sure Mike O'Brien stated it was his decision to leave. We don't know what actually transpired, but if he did get fired, it's not the sort of thing one admits in a public post. It looks better for his reputation to say he left of his own volition. Potential backers or backers he's courting for his new company will have more confidence in investing.
  22. nu·mer·ous/ˈn(y)o͞om(ə)rəs/adjectiveadjective: numerousgreat in number; many. Well maybe they count every living world season as a expansion then it would be numerous =)It could be seen in that sense, yes. Numerous mini-expansions even.
  23. nu·mer·ous/ˈn(y)o͞om(ə)rəs/adjectiveadjective: numerous great in number; many.
  24. "ArenaNet’s main game is Guild Wars 2, the massively multiplayer adventure that launched in 2012 and has received numerous expansions since then." - kotaku.comNumerous? This game has had all of two expansions. Two is not numerous.*It's been a topsy-turvy year. We're going to need lots of luck. *nu·mer·ous/ˈn(y)o͞om(ə)rəs/adjectiveadjective: numerous great in number; many.
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