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Everything posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. they call that "pick a random reason cause they don't like your posts"
  2. Those people are happily playing FF14 and don't even know Anet is a company on planet earth. People didn't change, games did. It's far easier and more profitable to create a meaty core story and sell mtxs to casual whales than to make a in depth RPG with a wide variety of content and progression.
  3. Can't core thief have unblockable sleight of hand then since you always take bountiful theft? Was this changed? I could always interrupt blocking skills on my DD before the swipe change...
  4. It makes the game more toxic because your teammates can literally grief you by dying. Example: You lose a 2vs1 because your teammate "helping" you rallies them both by coming in and instantly dying while you're mid 2vs1 for 3m+. It has no place in a pug vs pug pvp game.
  5. Anyone I've brought to WvW ends up quitting GW2 as a whole within a week. The mode is really, really terrible and drags the entire game down.
  6. There's no diversity when everyone does the same thing in said role. Anet will figure this out in 10 years. WoW figured it out years ago and fixed it These new devs are now copying FF14 which copied WoW. WoW fixed it, FF14 has yet to fix it(and is suffering due to it), then Anet will fix it many years after FF14. This is why you don't copy things without understanding them.
  7. They can't even add rewards to current content, how could you expect them to do this?
  8. This is why this genre will never be worth playing again. BTW, go read old forums from 2000-2004 MMOs, no one cares or talks about the story at all.
  9. It doesn't have end game, it's 4 square room musical chairs simon says bosses per year(remind you of another game?)
  10. I consider this patch an Ele nerf since everyone else is being buffed and we aren't. Basically nerfing it, too. Since every one else is buffed. This is why power creep is bad for games. Focusing balance on a unsupported dead game mode is an extremely questionable decision.
  11. Check it's quarterly earnings, the game isn't doing so hot.
  12. Are you seriously going to defend one and done content in a MMO? Content with zero replay value and zero rewards for repeats is a colossal waste of time and bad for a MMO - the quarterly earnings report shows this, btw.
  13. This was expected. The people who want to play FF14 are already playing FF14. EoD is GW2's worst expansion to date and they're still desperately trying to copy FF14 instead of being GW2. It's (obviously) failing. FF14 isn't popular due to it's gameplay, it's due to it having a cult defending it and catgirls + lewd outfits. GW2 doesn't have catgirls and intentionally makes conservative outfits that cover up your entire body even though human females are attractive. If you want to copy FF14, you need to realize WHY it's successful, they clearly do not.
  14. What? It already is that. Open world games are a massive resource/cost/time hog that provide very little gameplay. GW2 is the only game to use their open world properly and full of repeatable stuff...just no rewards anymore.
  15. While technically true, one and done is not good MMO content.
  16. If Blizzard or SE did not release a content update for nearly a year after an expansion release the games would die.
  17. Anet loves their WvW players...the ones who boonball in a guild and never fight the other 3 boonball guilds. Yes, they love all 50 of these people! In fact, they love them so much they balance and design the entire mode around them! If you're the other 99.99% of the player base, oh well, sucks.
  18. Let me know what highly rewarding and highly replayable content has been released since EoD. I'll be waiting.
  19. Too easy Bad gold/hour Bad unique rewards. I have legendaries, I don't need weapon skins. Too repetitive I'm the target audience for this content too. Not really, which is the issue with everything released since Drizzlewood.
  20. Story doesn't matter in a MMO. LS1 is essentially a 1 year content drought, just like the original LS1 was
  21. Trash makes stuff more interesting. Strikes are extremely bland, I might as well go play epic boss battles starcraft 2 mod if i just want to fight bosses in a square room. Mechanist says hi. They have an extreme fixation on 0(zero) APM specs that do 29k+ DPS. Action game, btw. Class design is better, balance is, and always has been, absolute trash. It somehow gets worse every patch. No they aren't, have you even played M+? in WoW? They're really boring and the affixes do nothing to make them more fun. Fractals were "micro sized" dungeons with unique gameplay mechanics that weren't just "aoe down everything then kill a boss that has too much HP to be fun". CM 99 final boss is one of the best 5 man bosses ever made. The newest fractals are really, really bad, though. They went downhill once they started to make fractals take as long as a dungeon. 6-7 hallways with forced 2-4 mob pulls - > boss - > forced 2-4 mob pulls - > boss - > forced 2-4 mob pulls - > boss. I wonder why they can make so many.. This has been a problem plagueing this game for a long, long time now. They've gotten better about it but strikes are scraping the toilet bowl level of content in a MMO.
  22. Yeah, this is the sad state of MMO's. When FF14 2.0 released it's content schedule was terrible and considered a barren wasteland of content. Now? It looks like an ocean of things to do in comparison to every other MMO on the market. Disgusting.
  23. It's funny how Thief has dictated the meta since alpha and thief players complained the class sucked the entire time.
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