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Everything posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. Almost like the developers have neglected their game for so long there's a long laundry list of things they need to fix. SPvP gearing system in WvW. It's long overdue.
  2. You're giving Anet too much credit. If 1v1 is imbalanced then so is 2v2 3v3 10vs10 50vs50 etc.
  3. The game over a decade old, the "it's just release!" excuse doesn't work anymore. They had 10 years to figure out how to make a MMO, they still haven't, for whatever reason.
  4. Nearly zero grinds or replay value in anything. I capped fishing before fishing once, how is that good for an RPG? Lack of proper progression and goals to grind for. An expac that was a week of content, at most. Not worth the development time at all. Post-EoD has been an exact 1:1 repeat of LS1, with the 1 year content drought included. Strikes are the worst form of end game in a MMO, period. Flashy, repetitive, boring. Just generic FF14/WoiW square room simon says musical chairs. Not unique and interesting like fractals and even old dungeons were. Safe, sterile, boring. Fishing isn't relaxing and is extremely stressful. It's too easy and braindead while also requiring too much user input at the same time so it just feels awful. The turtle is the worst mount in the game by a pretty large margin. The final meta is terrible and extremely unrewarding. It's like someone thought open world needed a 2 hour long raid that can fail, and if you fail, you get zero rewards. Are they nuts? All of the content added since EoD is extremely unrewarding and not worth doing more than once or twice. Zero replay value. Overall the worst expac.
  5. They never said it'd be faster, and Anets track record tells me the complete opposite.
  6. It has a trinity, it's just a much worse version of the standard trinity.
  7. SPvP isn't PvP either. This game basically has no PvP. BGs when? Can I pay $30 for an expac that adds BGs?
  8. Sadly this will never get changed as slow sustainy fights is their vision for WvW.
  9. All gear needs to be removed from WvW and replaced with SPvP amulets if Anet wants anyone to take this mode seriously. If they won't do that, than this mode should be completely abandoned and not developed for, as it's a waste of time to spend any resources on it.
  10. Your info is outdated. WoW bgs were the worst way to gear for years and still extremely popular and more popular than arenas.
  11. BG's are the most popular PvP game mode in WoW, and more popular than PvE. (source: lead PvP dev of WoW)
  12. I wish this game had BGs with SPvP balancing and gerar. Just a normal good PvP mode. Instead of the esports or clown fiesta extremes we have now. It'd be the best PvP MMO on the market if they did this.
  13. They do, and GW2 defiantly has the worst PvP and group instanced PvE in the genre. WvW is a complete joke of a game mode balance against others players in combat wise. It has so much potential but is just ruined by mobility / boon / burst creep. You're either fighting someone who can never die(be it stealth/mobility or boons/healing) or someone who insta kills you. Two extremes at the same time...
  14. Yeah this game is great but completely mismanaged since day1. Why it's been perpetually in a meh state.
  15. I have no issue paying for content and prefer paying. However, I have zero faith in this company to be able to deliver an appropriate amount of non-buggy content at a constant rate. Can you imagine paying for Kourna, for example?
  16. It actually doesn't. By trying to make everyone happy, you end up making everyone meh.
  17. This is a joke, right? There will be the same amount of content at the same pace we get now, but now you'll have to pay for it.
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