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Everything posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. Boon duration is an irrelevant stat, boons are perpetually spammed. Minstrels and celestial have TOUGHNESS and VITALITY. Not to mention 10% DR or CC duration reduction food which is a complete joke and shouldn't even exist in the first place. I won't argue, I've stated my opinion and I will let you know: The silent majority who quit this game(or WvW) long ago agree with me. If you want your game mode to grow, I recommend you start advocating for changes that actually attracts people to it. Step1 is gear/balance copying SPvP.
  2. Except it's not, and hasn't ever been? You have to run zerker builds to kill anyone, and then you're a glass cannon that dies in an instant. Damage was insanely high last time I played SPvP(post feb, too!), sure there was unkillable bunkers(not intentiional), but at least they couldn't be an unkillable bunker that also had access to minsrels/celestial gear. They also go out of their way to nerf unkillable builds, unlike the WvW """""devs""""", who seem to want the game mode to be blobs of players who can't die unless they run into a bigger blob of equally organized players. AKA numbers > all.
  3. I want a game mode that isn't actively bleeding players by having the worst PvP in the genre by a significant margin. As I've said earlier, these "diverse" builds(you know, the builds where you literally hold W key away because you can't interact with them? yeah good fun pvp!) has made every single person I've brought into WvW quit within a few days. These are multi-gladiator WoW players and MOBA players who actually like RPG PvP a lot. Balance isn't the issue, the issue is allowing non-interactive builds that the only solution to is "Avoid it and change maps" to sit and plague the game for years at a time because the developers refuse to do their jobs.
  4. That's a good thing, btw. Would you want people running around as turret engs and minion necros AFK killing people like mech can now in an action combat game? WvW's build openness is terrible for balance to the point it's so unfun that it's bleeding players slowly over time. What you find fun might actually be insane unfun to everyone else fighting you - which has been an issue plaguing GW2 PvP modes since alpha.
  5. Now that AFK mech does 28k dps...yes every class should be able to afk and do 28k dps that would make for a great action combat MMO.
  6. Incorrect. Boonballs don't exist in SPvP because it deleted broken stat combinations that have no place in this games PvP. The best 5v5 WvW roaming comp is 5 celestial/minstrel bunkers all sharing boons. Aka a boonball.
  7. Been saying this since they started splitting balance. Stop splitting WvW and SPvP balance already. Small scale WvW has been borderline unplayable for years,
  8. No I mean the boon blob guilds that Anet designs WvW for.
  9. This is what every new player I've brought to WvW has said to me, They get frustrated at the obviously badly designed and unfun things then quit within a few days. Keeping veterans happy by not invalidating their gear isn't worth giving up ever gaining new players. That's how a game mode gets abandoned forever by the devs. This is doubly true when a huge influx of new players are on the horizon with the steam release.
  10. If you want to fix player numbers, make the mode fun for more than an extreme minority of gvg players in their late 40's who lack the APM to play a skill based PvP game. Literally any random trash pay to win MMO on steam has better PvP than WvW does atm. Steam release is a great time to bring new blood to WvW but with it's current design it will never do that.
  11. You are the reason why WvW will slowly lose players until they abandon it entirely like dungeons. It doesn't mater what you like, you are an extreme minority and should not be designed for. For the mode to actually grow and stay alive you need to design for the majority; whom want what I suggest.
  12. Alliances are pointless as long as the game mode keeps its current terrible balance and lack of rewards.
  13. Yes, sometimes you need to take away the kids toys if he/she is ruining the others kids fun. A great example is they nerfed stealth durations in SPvP then took another year to fix it in WvW. Why? Who knows, WvW balance is trash. Another great example: They removed all tanky amulets in SPvP because they ruined the game, yet WvW is all about tanky supports in groups and condi bunkers lowman.
  14. Boon balls don't exist in SPvP. Stacking actually gets you killed and is terrible to do. SPvP balancing also removes boon balls and makes small scale better. I don't know what balancing around "large scale" means, since WvW's current balance is absolute gutter trash at both large and small scale. At least SPvP is good at something.
  15. WvW will be trash until they start using the SPvP amulet/sigil/rune system and SPvP balancing. Anyone who disagrees just likes abusing broken things and doesn't like good PvP.
  16. This was posted at release Then Anet says "nah, we'll buff mech even more!" ????
  17. Here's the issue with GW2 pvp since PU mesmer. You run into something you can''t fight, you run away or change maps as a solution. ...What if every map is nothing but boon balls and condi bunkers? You're perpetually avoiding fighting / running away because everything you run into, you cannot interact with in a PVP mode. That's the reality of the situation now, and why a lot of people have just quit wvw entirely. Why try to play for 3 hours when you spend the entire 3 hours running from builds you can't interact with? Avoiding PvP is NOT a valid solution to terrible balance; a valid solution is the developers doing their job in a timely manner. Which Anet are adamantly against doing.
  18. That's because the reddit shadow bans overly negative people.
  19. People actually die in Classic WOW(and retail) so IDK about that.
  20. I meant WvW and PvP using the exact same balancing. Steam release will give the catered to boonball guilds fresh meat to farm for a few weeks before they all quit, too!
  21. just dont pvp in a pvp game mode Vast majority of players chose this option years ago! This is their intended vision for WvW. The boon ball guilds they design this mode for complained. Won't be long until the boonball guilds have no one to be better than and "farm" then eventually all quit since Anet is doing a wonderful job killing the non-boonball guild WvW player base. Keep up the great work Anet.
  22. New expac that adds zero WvW and PvP content, while making the modes awful to play because of new specs no one wants to fight in PvP. Ingenious.
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