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Everything posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. Not going to happen with the current leadership. GW3 will be a mobile + PC cross platform Genshin clone.
  2. They actually don't. Ultimate raids aren't a consistent and scheduled thing, savage raids are 4 bosses a YEAR and the bulk of the games development time is put into trash fluff content and terrible story. Remind you of another game? Here's a hint: starts with a G.
  3. Both are terrible, but fractals are better than anything FF14 will ever create, period. GW2 content has actually gotten worse since they copied Simon Says Musical Chairs gameplay. The classes have gotten worse, too, a lot worse in fact. FF14 is a trash heap of a game that every company copies because it makes lots of money and in turn makes their game just as much of a trash heap. It makes money due to cat girls, having a cult(literally) following spamming every game site about how great the game is and because it's an FF game, on top of extremely low funding, not because it's actually a good game.
  4. Two different groups. The group who wanted LS1 are an extremely small minority.
  5. New content, but will we get enough new rewards to make the content worth replaying for years? Or will we keep playing Drizzlewood for another 4 years?
  6. The power gap between the best and weakest solo specs are completely insane. This has always been an issue, and will continue to be as long as these developers try their hardest to make this game into FF14.
  7. Release power crept specs. Slowly power creep old expansion specs to the new level of elites. Even more slowly power creep core specs to the new level of elites. Claim your game has no power creep and is horizontal progression. Have content creators talk about how good your games horizontal progression is, while old content like Chak Garent dies in 1 phase, old raid bosses become a joke, old fractals become a joke, etc. Repeat next expansion.
  8. Yes, but you ignored the fact I said holy trinity games don't force it in open world. There's zero downsides to holy trinity, as I said, GW2's "holy trinity" is just a much worse version of the holy trinity.
  9. Has unquestionable the worst PvE in the genre. if you want to play FF14, go play FF14. FF14 is the worst MMORPG I've ever played and a plague on this genre. Stop making every game into that trash heap of a "game".
  10. Name a current holy trinity game that you need "specific roles" to do open world content in. I can name one, actually, this very game! GL doing DE meta without proper support! What you don't want, is already in this game, because it's "holy trinity" system is actually worse than a real holy trinity.
  11. EQ and FFXI(11, not 14) accomplished this fine. The issue is GW2 has very little difficult grinds and even less rewarding grinds. Easter egg hunts aren't fun. Agreed. We need more account bound rewards or requirements for good rewards that aren't just "make/spend gold".
  12. Won't happen, Anets vision for the game is everyone stacking on top of each other with zero self positional awareness. Yeah, instead of no holy trinity we have the worst group gameplay in the genre. I'd rather have a trinity.
  13. I don't think most people who play MMO's actually care about the story in them. It's an extreme minority. MMO stories are also all really bad. SP games are much better for it. Any new player I've brought to GW2 has quit due to terrible balance, snails pace updates, and lack of end game. Not a single one quit due to story.
  14. People do not bot if there's no reward. See: BGs in WoW before and after WoD. Good gear? Botted. No gear? Zero bots.
  15. The story doesn't matter in MMO's, they live and die by repeatable rewarding content. Sacrificing an entire year of content updates to have a story "make sense" is Cyberpunk levels of bad decision making.
  16. No one told them to remove all repeatable rewards from LS1 when re-releasing it. Their """""rewards team""""" chose to do that all on their own. PoF content still isn't done, they never fixed it. HoT zones, Fractals and Drizzlewood is still the entire game.
  17. It's funny how mechanist is ruining every single game mode and it's getting minor nerfs at a snails pace. Even gatcha games have faster balancing.
  18. Not really. Sometimes the one weird kid ruins all your fun and you simply ban them from your sandbox.
  19. Or, get this, Anet could moderate and police their game....
  20. Game hasn't been fun since the Dhumfire patch.
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