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Everything posted by daninumbers.4036

  1. To make the bot appear, if they were to make skins for it that was what I expected, either you should give up on your mini or even make it disappear when the map is full like minis do. Can't have too many entities in the map it seems so that could potentially double them if eveyone had minis and bots showing. Actually there is an effect that does this https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Heart_of_Jade The bad thing is, not being stated there so far not sure why, in my own experience it recharges 1 charge every probably 10 minutes. I got bored waiting for it. If you really don't come accross a battery or zipline in 10 minutes you must be camping the same spot so it feels quite useless. But yeah, having to go around to recharge it is more an annoyance, but at least no more item or key needed to open a chest like in HoT or PoF areas.
  2. I keep going to Frostgorge whenever it's close to dusk. Still no mystic remora. You have 9 chances but then all you get is 7 boreal cods and 2 icy lumpfishes. At most it could improve with leaving out the day or night and being the any kind at most, but the problem is it's just 5 minutes and then 55 minutes wait. Some of the nodes are surrounded by several mobs that will go attack you. You are better off ignoring them and hoping your skiff resists till you are done. The day and night cycle wasn't made to fit fishing but shoving fishing into it wasn't a good idea. All I need for many collections are those. It's ironic when you get ascended or even legendaries but not that stupid lower tier one lol.
  3. Skiffs are fine as being a social part of the expansion but yeah, the deep charges are useless and not sure why the fishing nodes aren't just visible like any other mining/logging/foraging nodes. The skill lasts 15 seconds on 15 seconds cd, it just forces you to refresh it. Or make it permanent while you are on the skiff for example. But what especially gets on my nerves is the invulnerability or directly ignoring your hits if you are on the skiff. I mean, in any other place, if the enemy can't damage you it goes invulnerable and super regen but will take normal damage if you can range each other. I despise this design but not gonna change now. The thing is on the skiff you can and will be damaged, not just your skiff but also you too. Meanwhile I swing my gs and... invulnerable invulnerable. It's simply a leftover of that design and really stupid it affects this too. Fishing is like many other games, nothing new. Also nobody in their right mind would carry all of the baits on every char. You must have a fishing dedicated char and to be honest, once I'm done with those and if ambergris drops enough that's not worth it fishing anymore I'm clearing my inventory off them and just using sardines. In the end all but mackerel have the same 100 fishing power, artificial inventory clogging so you need specific bait for certain fishes. And thankfully as I read they've added fishing vendors outside of Cantha. If you are able to and made to fish outside of there for achievements it makes no sense you must go back to there to buy lure and bait. Especially when you lose your fishing stacks. The jade bot yeah, it sucks. You either need to do a few chapters on story to get the free one or buy / craft. Otherwise even when my just created level 2 char can glide or get on the skyscale they don't have the emergency protocol. And then any level 80 I bring there can't open jade chests or make any use of it. Besides the fairly big cost of upgrading for every character to use both chips. And then the insanely low drop chance of getting some of the level 3 upgrade materials or spend a big amount of currency if you don't want to do 20 metas for 1 drop. Remember, per character, if you want the full potential. That and the obsession with removing the cheapest sources of research notes. To me it all revolves around making it the biggest gold sink possible: "They aren't spending enough gold, we are removing that too". And needing a workbench just in Cantha to modify it. Pointless to carry different chips for different situations, you must be ready beforehand for whatever you wanna do. Change your full armor and stats in 1 seconds but god forbids you switch from skiff speed to mount regen. Can't really talk much about the turtle since I gave up on the meta, bought the egg but I don't plan to do strikes for now if ever. It doesn't feel very useful besides for breakbars anyway when you can't use the cannons yourself. Could just let you switch seats so if you go with someone you can move and shoot or you could become stationary and shoot. It's like another social add with the skiff so to use all of the potential you must play with others. So yeah, I agree. They aren't bad ideas, but most have been implemented in strange ways or to affect the economy, as gold sinks or like food increasing in price.
  4. Then they are 9 years late. Adapt everything else to this new premise so people can't play like that and see who stays. But if they taken this route it makes no sense to try to teach people now, like adding a tutorial area for basic mechanics to the 3rd expansion. That's why raids and strikes exist, so those that like more challenging content do it. Even just fractals and dungeons are more mild content but harder than the average open world events. That's why I said either join us or keep failing. You are very unlikely to succeed this meta with a full squad of pugs. Because everyone crafts legendaries and are enough to keep that meta alive, yeah yeah. At most for now they are doing it to keep, those that craft, or mainly sell, those not interested, the summoning stones. If they keep dropping in price such 2 hours meta with a (supposed) 40% chance of failing and no rewards won't be attractive at all. A few squads farming it doesn't make it a staple meta as Anet has said they want it to become, and of course, the completion % will keep rising. If asking it to be doable for most of the community is crying about it... I don't know. I might have wasted around 25 hours for nothing. Others talk about their 30th and even 40th failed attempt. If you are happy about that so you can keep your finally first challenging open world content not sure what you get out of it. It's not being handled over. It's just needs a few minutes more. No need to change more, keep the trash rng, but no clue why just adding some more time would be bad. No excitement about you have to rush it? I suggested it before, add gold/silver/bronze rewards with still a time limit. Better rewards for those very organized squads, completion and their mastery points and such for less skilled ones. Still failing if it takes way too long. I can do that. I could tag up even and it wouldn't change much. The only way for this very specific meta to succeed is that the rest of your squad does it too and you have the good boons in every subgroup covered (alacrity, quickness, fury and 25 stacks of might) to double or triple your dps. And is that open world? No, that's instanced group content. You can't afk or do the min in a raid or you'd be kicked. Open world is whoever is in the map, so afkers will always exist. Even Dragonstorm still fails to address them but the rest of the group makes up for them. I can understand that, it's an alternative mode so you gotta stick to what that gamemode is like, it's not the main thing. At the very most having a good difficulty progression from easier to harder ones so people get used to them. At least there you can control who joins and everyone participate. Done raids before until I got sick of dealing with elitists kicking me when I didn't have full ascended gear yet I had cleared those. And you can't deny they aren't pushing strikes everywhere. The fractals change to favour EoD strikes, their own post about they want more people to try strikes, DRMs being lesser similar things including CMs. And if DE taking an organized group premade in Arborstone flooding a new map, no pugs, asking for specific classes, no "1 spammers", no afkers or fishers in the map taking a slot is not similar to that then what is it? And I'd be so sure all of this could be solved just adding a few more minutes. So much frustration in the community while others laugh at it because they can do it with their static groups or were lucky, toxicity in both ways (I haven't insulted anyone so far but that thing about crying about this doesn't sound like a logic argument but as an attack, it's just a game and I play to have fun). DE just has divided us all and it has a very easy fix but anet is adamant on touching useless things while boasting "it's our most challenging meta ever!" so don't worry, they won't fully nerf it or it won't be their main selling feature, just it won't be any staple meta.
  5. When I read it and Anet being so proud I was left the same tbh: failed 11 times, got the egg off the vendor, failed again after "fixes" that didn't feel any different, failed another time after more fixes. Basically all of the attempts were organized squads, pugs as it's expected in open world, it's not an instance, but with our subgroups for boons, varied classes, full squad and at least me with my 10 stacks. If Anet is REALLY interested into making it challenging content that you must prepare for hours, get alacrity spammers in each subgroup, healers, dps... pull that off open world and make it what actual challenging content belongs to: strikes and raids. Creating a subcommunity around it that wants to beat it just alienates the rest of the people that does as with every other meta: someone tags up, maybe brings some friends or guildies and randoms join, with a fairly high chance of success if you don't lack numbers or really mess up. It's literally an either you join us or have fun failing for the 40th time. If I've tried again after getting the egg (again, off the vendor) it was just to get the mastery points and the collection items but I would never be back to it afterwards and they surely can see how many players are returning to it. Once everyone else stops doing it and just dedicated players farm it, a super high success rate will mean nothing, like it does now. As I've said before: I'm not joining a discord VC with randoms for an open world event even if that's the only way to do this very specific one. The strike-like obsession Anet is having lately makes me really doubt any further content they pull will be interesting to me, just to the challenge lovers, so make it alternative an not a main thing, everyone happy. And I don't go to raid threads to say "hey guys you should make this easier, it's too hard for pugs squads!", so same don't go to the casual gamemode to say "we need harder content (that the average player can't do so we can feel superior or something?), don't nerf it please!" as you could see some threads about leaving it as it is.
  6. Oh yeah, that too: you want to sell 10 of an item and there are 20 orders, but someone else sells15 while you are on it. Then it instantly sells those 5 left and charges you to list the other 5, no questions. Again, it's not about the fees, you pay the full 15% wether you list or sell instantly, but if the order is gone, confirm if you want to list and give up on that nonrefundable 5% rather than deceiving you with a button that won't do as stated. But yeah, almost 10 years later the most we can get is a "deal with it".
  7. I expected it'd get confused reactions from people that don't get it lol. Summing it up: "Sell Instantly" just takes the default gold that's the highest order, lists the item and it supposes that you are getting that order. It's just overlooked design, as it's not updating orders and listings in real time while you are browsing so the button won't sell but always list, so it's not doing what it states, that should be sell and if the order you are selling instantly for is not there anymore, do you want to continue listing? And then you pay the fees if you want and wait for someone to buy if they do. So if it's weird to ask for an improvement of such design I don't know, I guess there are those that accept whatever service they are offered as bad as it could be or simply the classic "I never had that problem". Anyway I doubt they'll read this so not even consider touching something that works for them.
  8. I know the fees are a gold sink, but my issue is when I press the button Sell Instantly so it tries to sell at the price of the highest order, if such order is taken while mine is sent I don't get a warning about I'm not selling instantly as stated but listing and it does it anyway. That's why it's not uncommon to see a listing just 1 copper over the highest order. Rather than sell instantly it's list at highest order price and hope you aren't sniped.
  9. So this has been a problem forever but isn't there any way to simply, if an order is gone while selling (since you don't get a real time list), ask if you are fine with listing instead? If I press "Sell instantly" I'm doing it because I want the gold now and probably not risk certain items dropping very fast or with a fairly narrow list/order difference to be held there for weeks, months or simply losing the fees and never selling. Buying doesn't really matter since you can just place another order at no cost. I know there will be someone saying "if you were ok selling that low it's fine" but no, I never pressed "List item" so I never agreed with a probably long term sale and risking losing 5% now, 5% if relisting and the 10% trade, 20% total (or more if it happens again). The fees are fine against inflation (even though we all know the big sales are done outside of the TP avoiding all fees lol), but it's some QoL for something I'd be sure it happened to many more people too before. So putting it short, sell instantly if I press Sell Instantly and list only if I press List Item, I'm not asking for something strange or whatever.
  10. 13th attempt, I was there since the very beginning with an organized squad. The changes were emmm... to be honest, not really much noticeable. It felt really got at the beginning. We'd be getting breakbars by just 2 - 3% before phase mechanic though. And yet again I have no clue how just that 20% was again the worst. Swap swap swap. Whirlpools everywhere. TAIL. Why just 2 minutes left when we were doing well? And so it failed at 15% or so. I just stayed to see the changes hoping it'd be doable by pugs. Regretting the almost 2 hours wasted for nothing. Oh by the way, something I've noticed, what's with this supposed instability one of those champs has? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tear_Instability . Supposedly that's a raid boss mechanic only or the wiki hasn't updated it. Was it added to bounty and bounty-like enemies? I had no clue what I needed to do and the description there doesn't really say much. I can't close more of those but really, if I get a big green skull on my head all I can think off is "I'm poisoned or something and I must do something before it oneshots me". I haven't done raids for years and not interested anymore, why this obsession with shoving raid and strike stuff into open world? Bounties added those I guess to make every encounter unique and relying less on actual unique enemy mechanics. Some suck really bad when they happen together. So specifically that one, bug or intended?
  11. If I'm fishing I'm not leaving and losing all of my stacks. Don't make a map like this to have such feature then. And really, does any other meta or world boss need the entire map population doing it to succeed? If that's not a strike/raid design then I don't know what it is. I haven't seen them paying but I've seen them asking for people to leave the map several times. Anet just has created a problem out of nowhere, like asking for LI or specific roles for it. Keep things like this as instances so players can join those with their squad, the supposed non-existent trinity in this game, and no one there wasting a slot with other activities, simple.
  12. I really wonder how with SAB going on the minis sets, raptor skin or even just the infinite coin didn't return. Was this overlooked due to the sales? too many slots used (is that a thing?)? I finally tried trib last year and was considering to get a coin.
  13. To be honest they should add some kind of tooltip to state if an item can be researched. It'd save time looking up if an item is craftable, if it was disabled due to being "too cheap" (they hate people having fun, it's getting on my nerves) and letting you just buy off the tp without experimenting with 1 item so you can buy a stack. And I've been doing it with wintersday food I had lying around. Probably any of those festival ones would do since most should be craftable... until Anet decides you aren't salvaging exotics or ascended and keeps disabling items. The bad thing is get ready to spam clicks or use something to do it for you. After all this time still no "research all" option, something that already exists lol.
  14. Stowing it lets you leave faster. Thing is if you do this your casting skill will be on 3 seconds cd once you take your fishing rod out as if it had been interrupted, so it defeats the purpose. Either way you have to wait 3 - 5 seconds between each fishing action, and it sucks, because in the end fishing holes are where you get the actual good catches and they are limited to 3 times before you gotta run around searching for more (scarcing way too much in my opinion even in huge lakes or the coast).
  15. I paid attention to it today and yeah you are right, it shows where someone is fishing. This time it happened in the middle of the map while I was passing by a lake, where someone was fishing. It really must be a glitch or some unfinished idea that wasn't fully scrapped off because there is no point on knowing if someone else is having their lure bitten. At most to know there is someone fishing and to join them for the fishing party mastery.
  16. This is a very random glitch I don't know how to reproduce because I'm just playing normally and not even fishing and it happens. Basically the "!" icon that appears when a fish bites appears in the minimap as a smaller version for a second and then disappears. Usually when I've noticed it was at the top of the minimap as if it was pointing to the north outside of my current zoom level. It's not gamebreaking but it's a bit distracting if I'm looking for something else and I see it appear there. It also would be nice to know if anyone else has seen it so it's not just me.
  17. The indicators not appearing thing is true but as I could see to me they seem to do it if you are away from it when it's going to happen. I was trapped into a whirlpool during the last attempt and when I came back on the griffon there was no marker and I was downed by the oneshot attack. Same shadowstepping to come back from tail. That reminds me of not long ago when they changed something about aoes my game disabled them on its own. I thought it was some kind of bug or the intended change and I spent some time playing without the circles, just some effects, until I looked into it and realized. It makes me think if there are people out there that are playing without any markers and that's why they won't get out of the way. Either that or also the huge amount of effects going on and not very good pcs many could be using. I don't have anything impressive but when I started to play with my old one I was doing Teq at 10 and even 3 fps with everything at min. And now with tons of infusions, shiny backpacks and armor, mounts etc it's even worse for many that can't upgrade. Is it the actual problem? Part of it maybe, besides people in open world aren't raiders, but the rng too. A lot of stuff and events in this expansion look like they decided to add randomness and to the latter, also tight timers. Like the event at DE spawn. I got 13 (thirteen) corrupted jade samples in a row. The timer is unknown but very tight to reach the max and adding that pointless randomness I couldn't contribute much to the goal. Really, the loot being random and those super rare drops is enough rng. Or add it and loose those timers. If this is what the 3rd expansion offers and the tiny communication we normally get (is nobody in charge of the forums and social media full time or just to say "We are looking into it" for days, weeks?), I wonder if the announcement of the 4th one won't be taken skeptically and less people pre-order if buy it at all.
  18. So... this is how it ends? The promised epic finale staple meta? I stopped after my 11th failed one. I was around fishing and farming some events but there wouldn't be enough people even to start the escort. Today I landed into a map with lots of people, tag and such. Failed before getting to the boss lol. That's even sadder than running out of time, you don't even get to try after who knows how long those guys were getting it ready. And I can see LFG for every other meta but usually none or 1 at most for DE. If you Anet are unpinning this and calling it a success idk, you are very out of touch with your main playerbase. I even noticed that in those messages they took the side of those that like it, quoting that thing about those other metas and bosses that weren't defeated for days after release. The problem is not needing it to be done by someone to prove it's doable, it's that a staple meta has a high success rate, especially with the huge amount of time it takes, otherwise people won't bother. And I really shouldn't need to get on discord with some randoms for open world or show LI or whatever, or need several support classes when most people roam around in their dps builds and it's all they have. There are those that like raids and strikes, but not everyone. Also that's what they mention in I think still their last post, whether you like pvp, wvw or endgame group content. Pve and open world is not in their plans, it's just strikes and more strikes. And I don't know you guys but I like playing an mmo going around in open world maps, I come and leave whenever I want, rather than joining groups, getting into instances... It's fine from time to time but not my main kind of playstyle. Even I prefer wvw since it's pretty much pvp openworld. Anyway, there goes the death of DE, achievements and mastery points related to it for me.
  19. It'd be nice if we could move freely between instances not needing to taxi to another one. But that'd mess with the auto sorting and surely have 1 or a few full maps and the remaining people all alone in the others and all empty. But hey, in the end it's kinda what happens with LFG anyway but less obvious so... The queue system would be best but since in wvw there is just 1 map it makes sense it was added there first. And if the system was broken in EoD I'd be worried that adding that could break a lot more than it could fix.
  20. It's one of the old features that somehow weren't carried over to the new game. It reminds me of backpacks used to be undyeable and still all old ones remain like this. Making the new weapons be dyeable would be the same thing but then not sure if they'd like to put any effort into those, even if they were just gemstore weapons. Same base mounts have just 1 channel and gemstore have 4. At most we have some sets with different colors, like the basic ascended weapons, coming in a different color per prefix, or special ones like SAB weapon sets. But even not being into Fashion Wars it can be a bit disappointing to find a cool weapon and it doesn't match your current armor colors so you either change them or choose another weapon skin. Anyway, too late to change every old skin in the game to add dye channels. Something for GW3 if it ever happens.
  21. Since we gotta "shell-abrate EoD" according to today's email, could we get a "Properly Tail-ored Meta" achievement for killing I don't know... 100 tails? I mean, 100 or 200 so it lasts at least 3 or 4 attempts. Jokes aside, 11th attempt, weirdly could move to the map where some friends were already fighting the boss. I arrived to basically 20 if not more people being downed to the slam attack and some more every switching. It failed at like 40%, of course. Nothing I singlehandely could solve even if I was the world top player. You depend on everyone else. And of course I just bought the egg and I'm not coming back. You can have your staple meta Anet. Even the forced strike will be a lot more bearable whenever I feel like trying it.
  22. Sadly if they wouldn't do it the other years I doubt it'll happen on expansion release time. The vanquisher weapons were a nice addition along with the glitchs, so we can hope at least a little new thing.
  23. Again I've been told that this meta is easy. Oh and yeah, it is. The mechanics are fairly simple. But the entire (open world) game is based on things like if you can't cc that breakbar just swarming will get that mob killed. The Shatterer, hardly ever being broken because it takes better organization, but even failing those phases, with enough people, the event is rare it fails. Claw of Jormag? Supposedly you move and also dodge the massive damage falling icycles. Does anyone do that? Nope, you stay there and ignore that mechanic, you block or are rezzed. And basically everything is like that, you ignore the mechanics or a few people doing it is enough. Here you must do them or fail due to no exposed debuff or simply insta wipe with other mechanics. It's way too late to change things when the foundation is you don't need to have really high dps, bring several support classes, dodge (because you just stack on tag and rely on heals, aegis, protection), do specific rotations, join a map from the beginning rather than at the very last minute taxiing so no contributor buff. That's pretty much every open world content out there. And the last one becomes the test you didn't study for because you didn't feel like you needed it... but this time for you to pass you need everyone else in the class to pass too, otherwise everyone fails. As my friend said, yes, the meta is easy... but with organization and without pugging. So then I wonder, is this a meta or is it pseudo-instanced content that you need to premake as if it was a strike with pre-events? I've never needed Discord for open world, just wvw at most. I'd use TS just for raids years ago. Open world is a group of randoms that happened to be in the map, someone tagged up (or not) and dediced to join all together and with numbers, in most cases, it succeeds. That's a staple meta. This is a strike with extra long steps. And even those lesser metas and world bosses are way more rewarding than this based on profit/time. I just want to be able to finish it in the same fashion as everything else that GW2 offers. Being more challenging, yeah, fine. Being a waste of time due to bad rng and being unable to land a very good group if you don't gatekeep average players, no.
  24. My guess is it was already suggested but really, if you can and are meant to fish in the whole Tyria besides Cantha, why the only place with fishing supplies vendors is Cantha? If you suddenly decide to stay in a map and you aren't carrying several lures (since they stack up to 100 when maxxed and bait is 250), if you run out of either you gotta go to Cantha and then back to the map you were at. If adding a special npc to each map would be too much work surely simply adding a fishing tab to the regular merchant type with all lures (locked by masteries like in Cantha) and basic bait plus the random bag should be way easier to implement. And to prevent someone that can't fish from buying those just make it availale only for EoD owners. I have no clue how you program your game but probably a single change should do for all of the merchants in the game, better than adding 1 or several new npcs per map.
  25. And after you get it there is the strike for the collection. As I said before, all of this is just a way to make people try and get hooked to strikes, not even raids anymore. Nerf fractals and move the rewards to strikes. Chests with clovers for return achievements doing strikes. Now this. And really, there will be a lot of people that never liked it and never will try them, just be forced and leave to never be back once they are carried. Or straight give up on it or even the game if it's the directiong it's taking, a more hardcore playstyle rather than casual "play what you want". PS: 9th attempt, 10 seconds left at 20%, back to invulnerable phase. Fail. Fun I guess if a no reward high failure chance wasting 2 hours per attempt is their definition of it. To me a staple meta is t he one that must be fairly empty and go terribly wrong to fail with decent rewards. This is not that.
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