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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. You can run really high protection uptime about the same as Guardian with Off-hand Shield + traited Signet of Inspiration. Its only really viable in Raids/Strikes where you can stack more often but i would say that is similar to Guardian too. Mesmer can only heal when you supplement their healing with other effects from Signets and Runes. They really don't have enough heals rather their kit is much better at promoting healing. Traited Signet of Inspiration, good access to Aegis, Teleport utility, double Feedback for resurrecting.
  2. My understanding of Warrior is it was used for stacking For Great Justice Shout with Banners which when traited provided Regeneration. I mean your suggestion would also remove the original Warriors greatest strength which was boons or at least one of its applications. I never played with Mesmers to provide Quickness but I did know about the bubble trick. You know what GW2 needs. Roles, most people want to play a Support or DPS with Tank being a sort of pseudo Leader of the group. This is exactly what GW2 currently has and why the end game content is so fun at the moment. Numbers tell the true story, forums posts don't.
  3. Honestly the early GW2 is hard for me to remember. I think for the most part I only ever ran full Banners and I used Longbow/Rifle Warrior. Most of the Groups I ran with had no idea what stacking even was and I never touched Raids after HoT came out. I do remember at the time of HoT Quickness and self Quickness was very strong. I remember having a very strong Daredevil build that could almost permanently up keep Quickness. Im more trying to compare our standards of boons to back then. Like I said I pretty much only ran Banners in Fractals and Dungeons early on. I never even heard of the shout build with 4 Warriors to get 25 might and fury. To add to this early Guild Wars 2 had almost no Meta becouse there was no DPS meter. I remember watching peoples videos as they counted the animations on there screen for damage. I'm sure I did use for Frenzy even if I wasn't optimal and I remember not liking signet builds especially on Thief even if it was more DPS. I also remember slotting boon duration coins into jewellery for 40% boon duration or something. That probably wasn't optional too but hey.
  4. Clones don't take any damage unless they are targeted by the enemy. This can include some AoE especially anything that is environmental like lava.
  5. Those few sources where very strong. Which was why people stacked Warriors in dungeon groups. Even if it was on a 60 second cooldown your DPS increased by 100% so it was very strong especially on Greatsword Warrior. I remember doing some DPS numbers purely by counting animations and Warrior had some of the highest DPS in the game at this point.
  6. I would rather not go back to the time when attempt anything other than the easiest end game content was an hour or more experience. I remember Arah could only be done if you cheesed the second phase of the Boss with a Mesmer bubble. If they did remove DPS meters I would probably leave the game so..
  7. It is but we have alot more content to explore than what we did back at the launch of let's say HoT or PoF. I mean most groups don't even post LFGs anymore they just group up while on the map with everyone else that is present.
  8. I think it's the type of player that "did" play Mesmer. From the outlook it looked like the Mesmer player base back when they did get some heavy nerfs was very vindictive and spiteful that other players couldn't handle their mechanics. Even now I'm partly to blame since I know how Virtuoso invulnerabilities work and can pick out when to not attack them. This isn't true for most players who just tab to there next target and burst them down. Ultimately this is a casual MMO so if CMC needs to be heavy handed on a community of players for being poor sports then so be it. We don't really have any power to change his mind.
  9. Honestly this all seems like a Learn to Play issue. Isn't it the complete opposite. You need clones alive to provide Alacrity on Staff Mirage. Chonormancers can just shatter to provide Alacrity, so it is infinitely easier.
  10. I have no idea where he got that Quote from, I could not find it in this post. Maybe it was the right call, it did seem like a lot of crying because people could not see the evade frames. I mean I could be beat Virtuosos fine even with 3 invulnerability skills.
  11. When you boil down pvp a unifying mechanic It would be damage, especially burst damage. It forces your opponent to expend resources to heal or evade. When your entire weapon is about evading attacks it does lead you look for opportunities to take damage rather than dealing it. It's why I always thought the smokescale stealth ultimately was a waste of time since it was not on demand. Leading to same problem, oh I'm about to die let's smoke and leap through it. Rather than committing to killing the other player.
  12. The auther was talking a about PvE that is what most of my posts are addressing. We also don't have mainhand weapons that are power.
  13. I would put it more down to numbers. Alot less people are playing Open World content so a little power creep is a good thing but yeah any solo content got alot easier if you know what you are doing. I think it does boil down to understanding, I mean the days of running 100% berserkers are behind us when Dragons got introduced in EoD. Some classes can even get away with almost all Dragons like Virtuoso and Revenant. With the new relic system it will probably increase the power creep. Damage might be king in end game PvE but surviving is king in Open World content.
  14. The new Sword can atleast stand on its own as a great weapon in PvE. The PvP stuff is fair even if I rarely saw it being used. It is pretty much a direct nerf if you did run it in PvP as some sort of dodge tank.
  15. I use Ranger pretty much only for PvP. It was sad that the cooldown reduction element to Untamed was removed. The cycling Unleashed Weapons swaps or managing pet to get Ferocious Symbiosis isn't so bad.
  16. These changes only really affect PvP so it isn't that bad. Don't worry Elementalist no matter the Specialization is still very Strong.
  17. Either way we are a slave to whatever Meta gets invented regardless of its boons or not. I think everyone is just annoyed that their niche gameplay got removed. I have suffered since I did love Fervert Force especially in PvP of all places. Now I have to really make sure I weapon swap in the exact unleashed state to make sure I use the Ambush correctly. I am hopeful though since now more than ever the most number classes have access to the Core mechanics of the game even if it is boons.
  18. Okay that is fair. Someone did suggest that you should be able to select the skills you want like how Hammer is being implemented in the upcoming expansion. I would be okay with you being able to select the skills you want. It might be tricky to implement since they moved skill 2 to skill 3 but hey that could just let you flip both of them at the same time rather than individually. Ranger does in some sense lack complex mechanics so weapons flips could be a better alternative to the Pet system.
  19. Yeah I agree with that sentiment and I also don't know what we are arguing about. If players did want to go full range condition damage is the only option, even then the off-hand is still Melee. Maybe the new mace can remedy this providing a full 900 range off-hand skills 4, 5. In terms of a Poison Master Soulbeast, the name says it all you need poison stacks which main-hand axe doesn't have. If you did a krait version then sure main-hand Axe could work.
  20. I mean we have to remember before this patch we had to spam all the Glint Utilities off-cooldown. I wouldn't exactly call that easy gameplay. The Low Intensity version we have now has way more freedom to actually do something other than spamming skills. You could just camp something that drains energy but the real power is using a few skills before swapping Legend and working that into a rotation.
  21. I have no idea where you got that post from. Can you give me more contexts, I can't really assess what I even said. Anyway I agree with what you said so I don't know what I'm replying to. They should have not nerfed F5 but they did.
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