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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Okay this the fair response and I agree. I think the gameplay Ranger offers is just not everyone cup of tea. I do like DPS Untamed but that is far less stationary it's just the Meta builds tend to be. I never touch Exploding Spores for example mostly because it akward to place. It gives the similar vibe to Dagger Elementalist or Axe Mirage. You end up trying to clip or walk inside the enemies to try hit them. In terms of my all time favourite Ranger DPS it is probably Poison Master Soulbeast. It was somewhat stationary since I ran Axe+Torch and Dagger+Axe. It had so much passive damage boosts any stationary skills where left out of the rotation untill I had a good set up. (permanent Axe Fecority trait + permanent Dagger/Torch Condition Damage trait). This build also ran only Stances to so no Sic em
  2. So what do you suggest playing a full Ranged Elite like Virtuoso? Honestly I don't get your point, you can Melee bosses and you can move while attacking. Ranger only has one main source of stationary damage since barrage doesn't realy count. Ranger also has many leap options especially with sword rework. I think the main reason why people don't use Ranger is because you have no reactionary skills while preform the rotation since most of your utilities are for damage. One of the main reasons I like Mesmer is the condition Signets have a built in stun break and CC. With all that in mind like I mentioned they also have many amazing passive traits so that can be a pro to some people.
  3. Meh what nerf? Spirits where fine before last update and started to make there way into end game content.
  4. There is no balancing those abysmal Wells for Support. I mean even with the tweaks it was impossible to heal anyone with them outside of a Raid/Strike. I will say the Grandmaster Trait should apply to Wells regardless, maybe if All's Well That Ends Well is selected. Yeah, these changes would help but keep what we currently have and just add the defensive stuff on top.
  5. True, I do see similar toxic playstyles with the other Elites Elementalist has but the AoE point holds true the most for Catalyst.
  6. There would be a lot less wait time, and it would allow you to potentially zone or do other things. Right now, you have to wait around for everyone to join. You can run around a little, but most people expect you to be in the Raid/Strike.
  7. From my understanding most of the problems are comming from scepter/focus especially having auto locking skills. Regardless if you can dodge them the it's very easy to overwhelm someone and just drop tones of AoE on them. The next problem is projectiles denial, most Elementalist can either reflect projectiles especially with signet changes or deny them with Swirling Winds from Focus.
  8. I have suggested this before but alot of this would be solved with the ability to que for this content.
  9. Oh, I play both pretty equally now. It's just I started Playing Ranger a lot earlier. https://imgur.com/Oo68Q03
  10. ??? Okay so every class loses 20k to getting stunned knocked down or confused; Ranger still is in the top 15. Ranger also has a lot of passive Support, either Endurance bonuses or straight healing. I will agree Ranger still needs work, but this goes for every Class. Most of its boon support options are very lack luster especially with Spirit changes, (the Trait should allow them to pulse the boon shake again, not just Slam).
  11. @aymnad.9023 @Andy.5981 We must be playing different games since I remember Bosses having break bars which produces the circumstances that you claim doesn't exist. There is plenty of time to get off your stationary skills like Whirling Defense. I mean this is essentially the point the Ranger, extremely Highly DPS burst rotation. This most true for Soulbeast than any other profession in the game with Sic Em. I want to push this idea even further since unlike more Melee Classes most Ranger builds involve at least one Ranged option like Main-hand Axe or Longbow. This essentially plays out with you using those weapons to clear Mobs/Mechanics that other Classes can't.
  12. @zealex.9410 I don't know if you played Chronomancer Support before this update like I did but this is single best change they could have made. Before playing either Alacrity or Quickness Chronomancer was a complete disaster and only very specific (special lol) people would even attempt to play it. Bringing either of these to End-game content required alot of convincing on my part to the Raid leader. Now that has all changed, we can bring this amazing cookie cutter build and have faith it can preform.
  13. Okay well I don't think so. Yeah right now it just increases the duration which does seem redundant if there is no block.
  14. You do realise I played Ranger more, it's got well over 70% of my playtime. Kind of irrelevant since the benchmarks prove the damage potential. The reality is Ranger does great DPS much like everyone other class, it's just right now all 3 Ranger Elites have many good DPS options. Unlike before where it was only Soulbeast.
  15. Isn't the main reason people are complaining here is becouse it's moving away from simple damage and into ground targeted aoe which definitely has more utility in application.
  16. Yeah doubling the strike damage would be fine. All I'm saying is it's not useless. You do realise most peoples skills come off cooldown before they duel/clash. The likely hood you can recast something even after 10 seconds is very unlikely in WvW since normally the fight is over or the zerg has regrouped. Zergs also stack, I never heard anyone let Melee in front. This isn't some medieval battle, is just Zerg ball vs Zerg ball hense why you can use Bladeturn Requiem, maybe if you were a Swarm you could make that arguement.
  17. Isn't the problem that you can have all the stats or only 4. How about they just introduce 5 stat gear, 2 major 3 minor.
  18. True, I more did this post because I was super surprised at the high benchmarks and alot of people have been complaining Ranger is bad PvE.
  19. I'm sure this bound to change but right now as of this date it is true. It is also pretty evenly spread with Untamed comming last. https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks
  20. It literally doubled in damage in terms of benchmarks. Now in practical terms if you played Staff Druid your damage has gone through the roof, any other Druid weapon combination it is probably 20-30% increase. This might come off as a joke but right now Ranger has a build for all 3 Elites that is over 40k DPS so now is the best time to be a Rangers.
  21. Okay but is still being used, the Video I linked proved it. Sure, it's not doing a lot of Damage, the F1 Bladesong did the most in the video which makes sense. If you are in a Zerg clash Bladeturn Requiem is the next best thing since F2, F3 a single target. It probably just needs a power coefficient buff.
  22. Druid went from a cheese elite with roots and glyph of the stars carrying any Zerg clash to something that can really do some damage. Before the best you hope for was to lock down the tail of a zerg but now you can straight up murder anyone who gets left behind essentially outside the condition cleanse pulses.
  23. Pets do no damage anyway since boons are not prioritised on them by the game. At most you can expect 10% of your total damage to come from your pet. The best way to use pets is pure utility unless you are Untamed with the Unleashed mechanic.
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