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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. When Warrior was king....? Druid was best/only Healer in the game post HoT. Soulbeast was really strong post PoF especially when exposed damage increase was like 50%. Untamed with Fervent Force was able to solo Ice Brood Saga Strikes. Seems like they like Ranger to me.
  2. Most if not all the Virtuoso YouTube compilation feature Power with the one exception being a Confusion F2 build that can one shot Elementalists Honestly, I don't think anyone suggests Condition Mesmer builds (Maybe Mirage Staff???), they should all be power unless you want the cheese confusion build.
  3. Whoever said you needed to run a Condition damage build. Power builds are much better in WvW anyway.
  4. Love it though, Ranger is my go-to Elite for PvP. It does okay in PvE but there are ways a better Elite that can produce similar numbers.
  5. This update should have allowed to select the Hammer skills you want on each Flip.
  6. People for the longest time wanted to play Druid in Open World PvE and basically couldn't due how poor the damage was. In terms of boons, they can be tweaked since Druid should be able to provide permanently Protection/Alacrity/Might with 80%+ boon duration. Again, Fervent Force was bad for Rangers and if they stuck with this Trait, it was very likely we would see core nerfs especially with Path of Scars. This is the sacrifice of the few for the many, seems like the entire patch was for that end. Even the Scrouge Shade change will help the Casual players since the placement is less important. This is a casual game after all, there are plenty of other games out there if you want something different.
  7. I tell them this all the time but no the discord where the Devs said they hated Mesmer exists (probably the Mesmer players more). And like I have been saying it's extremely rare for someone from the balance team to even play the game. They normally just nerf things based on feedback and Mesmer had alot of negative feedback in PvP hense all the nerfs. Virtuoso being the new example where I created many posts here about them calling for nerfs to the invulnerability on the PvP forums.
  8. It will probably will get him fired if he doesn't nerf Elementalist soon. Almost half the PvP team is Elementalist so far.
  9. Yeah, and they nerfed Vigor again before it dropped. True, well at least we have a Dev playing the game they are employed to work on. Most game companies that is not the case, I think I remember one of the Warframe developers playing the game a realizing how god awful the balance was.
  10. Didn't I just say that the suggested fix for Mirage was not being able to dodge while stunned and rooted like every other class. I guess i did say it in regard to bringing back the second dodge. It does seem like the nerf was out of spit, but it more comes down to incompetence since of course people would leave after you remove a core mechanic from an Elite. I think at the time the second dodge nerf was well received which is odd to look back on. This was primary reason I switched to Ranger as my main PvP class. While Mesmer has full agony and is only used for PvE. I can't wait for Mirage Staff to unnerfed to. Anyway it seems like the Devs team has finally got some sort of balance model or ethos so we should not see to many harsh nerfs maybe just for Elementalist. Seems like sword/scepter are the main culprits so fingers crossed we get some sustain removed for PVP.
  11. 2.5 seconds should be plenty since that was the default before each clone provided extra seconds.
  12. I pretty much agree with everything you said. I mean now we are suffering from the tyranny of the Elementalist which is even worse becouse no one thing makes them strong unlike Thief or Mirage. The problem really comes down to how casual player understand the balance. If they can't figure out for example when to not attack a Virtuoso while it is immune to damage then it's bound to get nerfed. Elementalist for the longest time was a pretty poor PvP class with Necromancer being the default OP class. Nothing really stands out as to why Elementalist is currently so strong but I seems like they have consistently been changing/fixing alot of their weapons. Once something becomes easier to aim and use all of the other OP elements of Elementalist come online too.
  13. Yeah true, that is fair. The Mesmer community isn't listened to becouse there is more than just the Mesmer profession in the game. If your logic holds true should we leave Elementalist being able to solo Zergs of people and at the end have full health? I have lost many 1v1 recently to a class who can pretty much do everything with little to no downside.
  14. Mesmer in general doesn't really benifit from Celestial since your clones should be tanking the encounter not you. You are essentially wasting all the other stats. Best to stick with either Dragon/Marauder on Power Virtuoso and Vipers on Condition Virtuoso. Then run some bulk standard Phantasms.
  15. The posts he was responding to was saying he can't solo champions after the nerfs Mesmer suffered.
  16. No real point in even telling people this since no one here on the Mesmer forum likes playing Mesmer. Maybe they are all secret egging the nerfs on so they can play a victim when to do get nerfed. The reality is Mesmer is still amazing solo. I bring it up time and time again but Phantasmal Defender is a great asset for any Mesmer being able to CC bosses quickly or take aggro from normal enemies. Soon we will be able to add Shield 4 since post rework it's amazing at creating phantasms for Virtuoso or Mirage.
  17. NCSoft handle all the marketing for the game so it's a bit surprising we even know and communicate with the balance team directly. If anything NCSoft might be to blame for the lack of communication more than Arena Net. I mean when has a game ever tried to fix something broken. Most MMOs go down the homogenisation route, I'm looking at you ESO which has every class being a clone of the next.
  18. I just wanted to play Alacrity Mirage Support in PvE again. Im so good at it but they kept slowly nerfing it. We know my situation, I play Ranger in PvP and that got a huge buff this patch. Let it Loose is a much better Trait over Fervent Force in terms of PvP.
  19. It's probably going to be the reverse of Axe so Melee for main-hand and Ranged for off-hand. Over all it will probably be very stationary like other maces in the game. It will probably have a aoe pull on off-hand since Ranger doesn't have any. Let's just wait and see, I mean Mesmer Greatsword doesn't follow any set preset (no 4 block for example).
  20. Yeah I mean I built a Revenant purely to replace my Quickness and Alacrity support rather than using Mesmer. Then they go ahead and fixed Chronomancer for most part and Mirage next patch Staff gets Alacrity back. I guess this will be a reality for most people. Now I guess you just pick the Elite you want per game mode and do any role.
  21. I mean the biggest problem we have had up until this point is a casual player let's say picks Healer Druid to be his main and gets to end-game and realises that they are not required for any PvE content due to the support boon limitation. I mean groups require these boons to function so I don't see an issue with allowing your favourite class to provide them. It's up to you to make it work since most people will pick the default best anyway.
  22. I don't think they will nerf it, I mean to get full condition damage you can't provide Alacrity or be a Pure healer. When the expansion does release all other Rangers specs will get Staff so now they can Heal especially Untamed with the awesome Staff Ambush. I don't see Druid specific nerfs, maybe Blood Moon. Instead it's more likely if we see any nerfs it will be with Core.
  23. The upcoming changes to Mirage Mantle look nice. Providing some needed extra effects based on the Ambush being used.
  24. Again that's not true either, running though a Zerg clash where you can't face any particular target it can be a valuable alternative to blowing all your blades on nothing. They probably just need to up the damage a little.
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