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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. It's a different game, same logic doesn't apply to Guilds Wars 2. Everyone here should go play FFXIV if they want that experience. Confused emotes mean nothing on this Forum, I mean I literally farm them.
  2. Is over capping either Quickness or Alacrity with no boon duration terrible? Hmm, maybe but it is and currently provides Mesmer a much better Alacrity DPS than Chronomancer. I mean I'm able to run traited Signets and Medic's Feedback on Condition Mirage while still getting 20k DPS. Power Chronomancer can't unless it's a pure healer.
  3. Guild Wars 2 is extremely casual with its end game being some of its weakest content. You are better off essentially leaving and returning when you see something that you are personally interested in. For me I love class balance, so I normally return for that. I don't really care for personal story so I normally remain absent during that content drop.
  4. What is Chronomancer then.... True but they were so gimmicky in PvE. I mean during a Raid/Strike I'm literally dive-bombing red circles to try get my mirror stack just to get enough Alacrity out.
  5. No it's doesn't sadly, which again is super ironic. It should just be a condition damage boost like it is for Ranger Dagger/Torch.
  6. Be careful what you ask for, if you say you don't want shade spam them maybe they just straight up yonk a shade so now you only have 2.
  7. I made a post recently and it describes how GW2 meta has always involved Boons. Any class that had access to more was the preferred meta pick in every team. Even back at launch Warrior had the best spread of boons with Shouts/Banners taking them as a group meant permanent Might, Fury and Regeneration uptime.
  8. I know it's too much to ask Arena Net, but can you make Scepter Ambush Share its Quickness like Staff? The weapon itself is pretty useless but I would love the ability to play Condition Scepter Quickness Support. There is a bit irony in the update, now that Scepter has Quickness Malicious Sorcery is even more useless.
  9. That would just homogenize the MMO genre, GW2 is unique because it has the Trinity placed in DPS, Alacrity and Quickness.
  10. Mechanics are balanced around stacking so if you removed the need then, a lot of Raid/Strike bosses would be reworked. Most Bosses force you split to make it more difficult so what now? What about WvW, do we have invincible swarm of players or a ball. If you say let's stacking stays in WvW then do we have a split between game modes; wouldn't that just creation confusion. None of these suggestions address the problem you are trying to solve and make it worse.
  11. 2 of the 3 skills you list are AoEs seems like they targeted it to me. (Shatterstone Water Trident)
  12. All Elementalists dominated PvP and WvW before this patch. It was an AoE issue and Catalyst had the most so hence the strongest.
  13. This is such a superficial understanding of the combat and why people play certain things/roles. Any one of your suggested changes would probably break PvE even more.
  14. @Obtena.7952 100% agree with your sentiment. I have refrained from commenting on Scourge since I don't play it, but from my talks with people on discord although it is annoying change they understand why especially if it moving to a healing Spec. I terms of the new spammy nature, I mean this is every single high DPS elite in game currently bar a few.
  15. This was a 100% the case as soon as those boon were in the game, I mean Quickness was always here, it was just Alacrity that came though with HoT. The real problem before was certain classes especially something like Elementalist and Thief could not preform their rotation without these buffs. Now at the very least these classes can bring there own or swap to that Elite if it's not being provided to them. This is a much better alternative to changing class. It means new player can feel confident when they go into end game content they can provide these buffs without having to level and learn a boon support. I doupt they will do anything with boons that have been here since launch like Quickness (it used to be 100% speed increase)
  16. I'm mean first thing to get out of the way is there will always be Meta builds regardless of what happens in GW2. The problem up until EoD is the fact that boons were very exclusive only being able to be applied by certain Classes. (This is a little bias since it re-enforces what I remember) I will try focus on a particular class with a common theme, I have a couple of videos to kind of prove this thesis. Warrior Meta The reason Warrior was so strong early on was because of boons like Might, Fury, Regeneration, Passives from Banners and even self-Quickness all built into the Warrior kit. The next is Chronomancer Post HoT (this is all I remember being strong from this time) Chronomancer Meta They could now provide the new Alacrity boon alongside the Quickness, Protection, Vigor. This also accompanied 2 Mantra traits which boosted the healing to a silly degree. Next is Firebrand (HealBrand) Post PoF Firebrand Meta It really had access to it all except Alacrity. It had Might, Fury, Quickness, Protection, Healing and above all else on demand Aegis.
  17. I think just providing more options for player to engage with this content, with the introduction of PvE legendary armor players have even less of a reason to even Raid. I find it exhausting to Raid/Strike sometimes, other times I can pull up the LFG and get/find everything I need. Relegating that to a queuing system would be my preferred method if such a thing existed.
  18. But you can shatter your clones for group Alacrity, it also would be redundant to have 3 sources since we overcap currently with no boon duration.
  19. I find it when people leave, or we can't find/fill the last role. A new LFG system probably wouldn't fix that, but a streamlined experience would definitely help players get into the content. I mean the GW2 player base has come up with 101 reasons why we don't need the new LFG system but it's a bit mind boggling those other games function just fine with a queuing system but GW2 can't. I guess the lack of roles has impacted that but right now we are on fast track to able to service a trinity like system especially with Strikes.
  20. It does exist and I bring into Strikes/Raids all the time. Sometimes with permission other times I switch to it halfway if people are dying too much. We have a lot more DPS Alacrity and Quickness so it makes sense you can bring this too.
  21. 100% agree so much i'll share some tips for the Author If you plan on using Virtuoso as an off-healer same logic applies to that of current Chronomancier with Illusionary Inspiration but it's on steroids. Now instead of using other things like Mantras for burst healing you have it all built in as part of the Condition Bleed kit. 1: All bleed stacks create blades and can be increased or decreased based on skills. Pistol 4, Rain of Swords, Thousand Cuts can all be used to burst heal, while normal auto attacks can be used for simple heals 2: Signets can really bump your DPS and sustain healing. Signet of the Ether and Signet of Illusions can extend the number of Phantasm (via bleed stacks) and shatters you can be used again over a long fight. 3: Blade Renewal is a hidden gem being able to produce a self-invulnerability while giving you 5 blade charges instantly triggering Illusionary Inspiration five times. In terms of gear, I would just run full Condition DPS Virtuoso and just eat healing power Food. Medic's Feedback is bang on in terms of making this combo work.
  22. I have been beating this warhorse for a while. First the Queing process has to be started by a commander and they should be able to select specific classes, elites and roles. This is similar to the current process but more streamlined. 2: You can re-enter the que to look for more players much like how a you can post another LFG. 3: Arena Net has done alot of work to remove any unique (cheesy) requirements for end game content like confusion stacks for certain bosses.
  23. It's kind of a yes and no answer. Can you heal with Mesmer yes but is is effective no not really. Chronomancer is you best bet and with recent changes it has made it better since you no longer need to run Wells or Shatter builds. You main method of healing will always be Illusionary Inspiration which with enough healing power should be fine but if you need some burst healing you have two options, one is Wells and the other is Mantras. Well are impossible to aim but Mantra healing prevents you from picking Medic's Feedback which is an amazing resurrection tool. For me I pick Wells and just use Well of Eternity(heal) and Well of Precognition. They can be hard to aim but they are Ranged so you can throw them just on the dying people and hope they stay inside it.
  24. Oh, i have been on the forum so long I don't know what people know or don't know about me sometimes. Ranger comment is fair, Mesmer when pushed to the extreme can let you skip mechanics even if it is not commonly used that way. I don't play Elementalist so I would be lost commenting on it. People have been asking for decent Druid damage for so long. I mean we got Forum posts like "I want to play Druid open world" most people recommended they don't since the Damage was so poor.
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