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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. These sorts of posts never go well, I know since I have made a few myself. The Forum can be a toxic place if you take what people say to heart. The best response to negative feedback is to ignore it and if the personally attack you report it. If I were you I would delete your post and flag them to be removed otherwise you will be constantly reminded of it whenever you come on the forum.
  2. Outside of making the kit less spammy I would hate to see a rework on skills like Fervent Force. Its the core of what makes Untamed different to every other Ranger Elite. You could buff both of the other Grandmaster traits since they are more focused on PvP. The hammer although clunky is very powerful but you can truly capitalize on any situation in PvE or PvP. Over all i think the Untamed is a good position with maybe a buff to other Grandmaster traits for PvE being the only rework I would want to see.
  3. I have suggested this in other threads but a CM mode for most Open World events that are triggered by pre-events participation.
  4. That and what isn't broken doesn't need fixing. I mean look at the silly Mirage nerf. They should have just tweeked the numbers rather than removing an entire dodge from the PvP version. I mean Scrapper changes (nerf) where perfect and the fact they spent all that development time trying to remove the unique Gyro AoE's was a waste of time.
  5. Honestly it is quite refreshing since I was just using the same stale build in WvW for a while and now have something else to do while I wait 10 seconds for the next barrage on my Longbow Soulbeast
  6. Exactly to many people left that understood how the code worked. All the documentation in the world will never trump real experience. I imagine that Gw2 is coded for efficiency so a lot of the descriptions are coded with a reference to a Database (localization) which mean someone needs to find the skill code, find the entry address, find the entry, edit it. It might even be worse they could be hard coding the localization into the skills which I doubt but it still a lot of work to find the correct entry and edit it. Anyway I imagine it will be in a hotfix sine they probably just forgot.
  7. Untamed's problem is it does have to many skills and no clear rotation, Soulbeast has amazing set up utilities with a huge pay-off. There is a trick, priorities your high damage skills first then go down the list. If you play with Hammer then normally the highest damage skill is something like Frost Trap, with the goal to reset its cooldown very frequently. An example of a beginner rotation: Unleash Yourself Frost Trap Unleash Pet Hammer 3 Hammer 5 Hammer 3 Repeat After this you can combo skills like Frost Trap + Hammer Ambush, what i mean is you place the Frost Trap before you Unleash yourself. It works something like this: Frost Trap Unleash Yourself Hammer Ambush Unleash Pet Hammer 3 Hammer 5 Hammer 3 Repeat If done correctly you will apply the 25% damage bonus on the Frost Trap while using the hammer spin attack. Okay finally the last thing is watching for Break Bars, with a stunned Boss you can weave in Hammer Unleashed 2 and 4. If you can do all that you can easily produce 20k+ DPS (full buffs) and even higher on the burst. It even has a high damage potential with AoE than Soulbeast.
  8. What would they replace it with, so many of traits/skills rely on pet auto-attacking. It would be better for Pets to attack in PvP, rather than just standing there. We just need better tools to manage them, an instant teleport to player once they leave a certain distance(that we can control) would make more sense. A bit like a Skyrim follower system.
  9. Yeah honestly I avoid the direct smash and rather wait for the tail then go in. I honestly find super organized Zergs the easiest to play against since I run after them and even when I go down I use Bowl of Fire Salsa to stay alive until my team rez me.
  10. Its sad because normally Rangers have to pet swap to resurrect their Pet... Its like literally one extra button you need to press, F5 and then F4. Not to mention the amazing stability trait that got added means you can finish people with a pet swap to avoid CC.
  11. I think you should play another Class, I mean I use all the skills you listed as useless and don't want them changed. If people run their pet into a Zergs expecting it to do something then that is there problem, I do just fine with mine.
  12. Its just normally programmer work flow. I mean I see it in my job and I just code spreadsheets. If enough problems occur with something then someone will eventually try re-obtain the knowledge to fix it. I think the worse thing that Gw2 ever did was fire a bunch of people, this isn't Bethesda where they could move onto another project which intern means that knowledge is not lost forever. Documenting it only takes you so far it is better to keep programming staff rather than removing them to save money since training someone costs 10x more.
  13. I love the idea but I feel like this is way to much work for the developers to undertake. A middle ground is I could see some Pet controls being placed inside the pet change menu. A toggle for something like passive pets don't attack after skill or pets don't chase enemies and return to player after 600 radius. Sort of how you can automate there attacks.
  14. I think that is a perfect reasonable take but there is a difference between balancing something becouse it needs it and balancing something bouse you are bored with it. DH was always a very strong elite but maybe it will get some buffs/changes when it does become dated.
  15. The Command skills do get used along with pet boon sharing traits/skills. Command skills are some of the most unique skills in the game since for Soulbeast it unlocks whole new ways of playing especially with "Sic Em". The same thing can be said with Untamed, the cooldown for "Guard" can be lower to the duration of the 33% damage reduction so you can have permanent 50% reduction on incoming strike damage when played in combination with other Traits. If anything I think the most useless command skill is the ultimate since the elites specialisations skill normally replaces it. I think the simple fact that you don't use them doesn't mean they are useless. Boon sharing between pet is another misconception since it actually really strong since you have another source of boons you can draw from. Then you can absorb them with "we heal as one".
  16. I meant that as well but just use the word Zerg.
  17. Bugs are inexcusable and like @Blood Red Arachnid.2493 pointed out it is probably due to lack of knowledge due to new staff not being able to understand old poorly documented code (this is my Job and I understand trying to fix things you don't understand never goes well) . I think the large majority of what you describe as delaying balance is due to the simple fact they wait now before attempting to fix balance. You never know how the class is really being played untill they have there behind the scenes data. I mean look how long it took for Engineer to dominate the game, basically it was always op but the rifle buff highlight this the most.
  18. Its all down to match ups, some Zergs can really be punished if you get inside and start Hammer 3 and 5 them. Not mention is very easy to reset you Opening Strike with a weapon swap to Hammer so you can do some nice combo's with Axe Ambush. I find if people in the Zerg are good at Dueling something like a Holosmith or Vindicator they can really punish you for going in. Then something like a Druid is far safer and easier to survive in a Zerg clash. I have had some great 1v5 where I down someone and it just spirals out of control especially when my Zerg show up.
  19. I thought WvW was there main focus at the moment. I mean it is receiving the most recent updates in terms of PvP content.
  20. It simply depends on what you mean by being good in PvE, arguably in PvP anyone people dont expect is good I'm mean just look at my super tanky Carrion Untamed no one expects me not to be a bursty Greatsword user. PvE classes fall into 3 main types: Tanky elites tend to be able survive anything through some gimmick. DPS elites rely on stacking bonuses and a good rotation Support elites rely on an added mechanic that can give them some group buffs/heals/barriers.
  21. Yeah I would like to see a buff to them but again I have not truly tried to play a banner Warrior yet so I can't tell. Similar things could be said about Spirits especially around them having health but what is a negative can be a positive like with Druid getting CA back much faster with Spirits out.
  22. I agree but I think this whole problem was created by having certain elite specialisations having them exclusively; Chronomancer and Firebrand come to mind. I do think there is room for the Ranger (Alacrity) and Warrior (Quickness) having a class wide boon. This means they can easily slot in their class specific boon as a backup which does fit into the Meta quite nicely. In both cases the Class dps drop is very minimal and would allow any Specialisation to take up that role so more choice. Untamed plus Fervent Force comes to mind as a great synergy with Spirits. The result is a crazy tanky healer that has endless CC, resurrections and so much more. I have yet to play around with Warrior's Banners but I'm sure there is some good class synergies.
  23. True which is why I would like the Mirage second dodge back to play it the way I used which was a tank with all the Signets constantly giving me distortion. Anyway the point is rather than asking for the game to conform to you, people should play around with the mechanics rather than asking for buffs.
  24. I agree and I think in general most specialisation are playable In each gamemode but it's normally not the auther define their way of playing. The common complaint is this spec doesn't have good benchmarks, does not preform well in high-level PvP or can't be in a WvW organised Zerg. I don't think a spec is defined by how the top players can use it, this is how we ended up so bitter after the Mirage nerfs. Most of the time you should play the elite for what it is. Mirage is all about spamming clones and using ambush skills via their dodge, in this respect they didn't get nerfed since the rate at which you can ambush never changed (the regen was never nerfed)
  25. I do agree with your statements here and I do would like to see most Specialisation having at least one good option per gamemode. I'm just got annoyed that everyone ask for a buff on a particular game mode or playstyle without considering the bigger picture. I mean it makes zero sense to ask for a Druid Staff Power damage buffs or asking for DH sustain buffs by sacrificing the burst DPS.
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