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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Okay i can clarify that better. Hmm the duration is shorter maybe by 1/4 a second but the combo field is bigger so it should be manageable. I think the biggest use is projectile finishers from your allies so in that respect it might be better. We will have to wait and see.
  2. Love it, to add to why Druid now is a much better for WvW Zergs: Staff Skill 2: This can now be targeted on allies and produces a pulse heal in an area. CA Skill 2: The cast time is now instant, the AoE is bigger, and it has reduced blossoming time All in all most of the skills that were impossible to deploy on a moving Zerg are now much easier.
  3. Not when rooting them can also be used to chase people as well. Again its not my playstyle to mess around with stealth fields when I'm trying not to die, even the Longbow stealth is hard enough for me to use when I have to hit them to trigger it. I could definitely see and argument for using a leap finisher from Greatsword then F3 after that (or vise versa) for a nice 6 second stealth.
  4. This patch is more a band aid, I'm sure they have a better alterative in the works. The main nerf is the interaction with Aim-Assisted Rocket and Mech Arms: Jade Cannons, but if you trait in Explosive Temper and run Grenade Kit I'm sure you can make up for the damage (unless that is still lower but who knows yet). This also works for the lower ferocity.
  5. Meh it was just me countering or adding the discussion. I think the Devs do plan to move away from classes having defined roles rather the Elite Specialization will have those roles. This is a natural transition since we will have another round of new Elites. The end result will every class can preform every role in there own unique way. Some Classes can already do this like Mesmer, in a Strike or Raid setting they can definitely fill a slot for any role, maybe not in fractals quite yet. I do like the idea that everyone Elite specialization has least have one good DPS option and one Good support option(even Druid). I mean for the longest time people complained about Selfish DPS like Virtuoso and Reaper, providing them some group synergy would be nice. (On a side note Virtuoso can group heal a little if they take Inspiration traitline)
  6. Or you can dodge twice and Ambush once. Seems fare to me, you still benefit from all the dodge traits just nothing to do with Ambush's. I mean the dilemma we are stuck in is due to no one being happy about the any solution other than returning the second dodge without any trade-off. Which we all know Arena Net don't want so either we can brainstorm a trade-off or we have no second dodge forever. I'm not against the return of the second dodge, I'm all for it. The problem is I don't think the Devs will allow it without the trade-off so rather than shooting the messenger lets find a good solution to recommend. The other option is Mirage Dodge still allows you to be CC'ed.
  7. I more meant PvE which didn't see the power coefficient nerf. PvP builds are a mixed bag where anything the enemy players don't expect winz.
  8. The Smokescale itself doesn't have a leap finisher you mean the merge skill. Worldly Impact would only give me 3 seconds so it would not be enough to warrant using it. I get more use out of Turtle's barrier or Spider's family skill to root my enemies; in terms of escaping,
  9. I never said they should remove it sorry I never re-stated the solution. Putting a cooldown on the Ambush would be my ideal solutions so you cant spam them back to back, maybe 10 seconds; 5 seconds lower than the Untamed Ambush. Well this is what the Devs are trying to fix. Like I said I can only see two solutions, either less survivability or less damage to compensate for the return of the 2nd dodges.
  10. I guess what you are saying is infact how the game plays out but what if you want to play a Class but be a different archetype. Would you not feel useless compared to the superior Class with the archetype you want. I mean for the longest time the support role was dominated by Guardian and now we have many more option. For example I like Mesmer support but people won't pick me in the line up of potential classes.
  11. I think that is the Devs plan, the incoming nerf shouldn't effect the over all DPS of good players but will curb the problem with LI build players. I'm sure in the next balance patch they will introduce something to make the mech more rewarding for good players.
  12. I mean that is a better alternative than removing the ability to dodge CC. When I played Mirage I used the dodge to spam Ambushes while taking no damage, so either we have survivability returned or we have the damage returned I don't see a world where we get both. If the Survivability comes back I will definitely play Mirage again.
  13. I built my druid to rush in and pop a bunch of signets then run away in before I die.
  14. I think they want to avoid the Mirage scenario again so I bet we will see a buff to Gyros in PvE to compensation for the new ground targeted use. Over all this should (fingers crossed) buff there over all preformance. On the live stream they did mention monitoring it, so the simple fact we are concerned about overloading a rotation with ground targeted abilities might result in something nice for Scrapper.
  15. I don't think that will change, again the main nerf especially after the following patch is to significantly lower the DPS of the Low Intensity side. It doesn't mean you can't play it especially when you are basicly be immune to damage (great pet + ranged weapon). The reason Ranger can't replicate the result is due to the lack of good ranged options (one power weapon) and the pet has almost no health.
  16. Pets are a bit bland and in fact a little weak even buffing them with "Sic Em" literally does nothing (maybe tail swipes is the exception). The real power of a pet is manipulating them for you own gain. The perfect example is using Smokescale's smoke field with a leap finisher to stealth yourself. Another good combo is any Canine with its Crippling Leap and Predators Onslaught (15% damage bonus)
  17. If I was to have a guess I would say there will be cooldown on Ambushs but in PvP only.
  18. I think if they dropped the DPS by about 30% which would bring it inline with most other Classes. I think the simple fact the a Low Intensity Build can out DPS most top DPS builds in PvE (Open World) is very annoying. People will say other Classes "can" out DPS them but its not the same when Mechanist has almost no rotation.
  19. Don't listen to the other players to much since most have been in the game so long their perspective is based of what works in an end-game raid setting. To be perfectly honest play them all and find what you enjoy since that is what matters. I often play Support DPS in end-game content and that is the most fun; everything can do it outside a few Specializations. An example is you could run Power Mesmer (Chronomancer) and slot is Quickness on Shatters plus Inspiration Traitline and you can be a pseudo healer + quickness support. You wont have 100% quickness uptime but it will still help any Open World group. PS: Persistence of Memory + Protected Phantasms means you will have a lot of Self Aegis.
  20. I don't think that's a good idea otherwise we end up with the Ranger problem all over again.
  21. Boons are a much better alterative to Unique Buffs, since more classes can apply them. It also opens up the idea of a non-selfish DPS that contributes to the Boon pool. I mean did you know you can play Virtuoso as an Off-Healer with a 5k DPS drop while adding about 500 HPS(roughly). It might not seem like much but if you can synergies this with other classes you can create a unique party composition.
  22. Well i hope what you say is true since right now Mech is played for the DPS. If they are played for a 100% boon uptime support that has a okay DPS (20k) then I'm for that.
  23. That is not a bad idea but would be utterly broken in PvP.
  24. Yes....? Removing unique buffs significantly improved the game since all golem numbers don't rely on an arbitrary class specific buff. Imagine trying to balance critical chance when you need Spotter from Ranger and no one wants to play it. You end up sitting around waiting for one class so you can start let say a Raid.
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