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Everything posted by Farohna.6247

  1. Volatile magic and unbound magic are both winners for conversion to mats and gold. I use both, as well as glyph of watchknight on unbreakables...can't go wrong with sprockets.
  2. Have no regrets, not an impulse buyer lol. Found a very handy list once online of what things were actually useful/practical to spend gems on for QoL, like storage and bank slots, and have a few skins and outfits. I mostly use them for leveling characters so I don't have to see mishmashes of gear or constantly be redecorating the paper dolls
  3. Solution...turn off the sound or don't play human (they're boring anyway). Solved. Try being sylvari and you visit Queen Jennah...
  4. I found coming to the game a few years ago to be a very easy and accessible experience, very low learning curve. While they do need to improve some explanations on skills, combos, and what certain items or mats are useful for (less ambiguous clues would be nice lol), most are not difficult. Perhaps playing previous PC MMOs helped in many regards, but it's a very casual player experience. Practice, practice, practice, ask questions, and unfortunately sometimes wiki. It's not like you can ruin anything by clicking a button on something and finding out what it does ;)
  5. I like how you've stacked them and it's not an eyesore...still saving mine for future use, so thanks for some inspiration!
  6. Agree with kharmin that for very causal players it offers an otherwise unobtainable option. Everyone earns gold, at the very least by dailies, as opposed to grinding out something or behind content that many will never be able to do because of time constraints. While I have enjoyed obtaining mounts in other games through raid or grindy content, it's very difficult once that content becomes less relevant to find groups to share that interest. A new skin for the release, perhaps. Something new and fun just for EoD? Sure.
  7. Honestly have not had this issue, works as designed....to cling to walls and surfaces as guided by player. Sometimes perches are not as intended, merely takes a moment to reposition. Fun mount, quite enjoy it, been using it since a month after introduced.
  8. A skin as a reward or part of an event would be lovely, however since the base game of course is free to play, the gemstore is the money maker. So as much as most of us would like to have the option to get a skin as part of a grind, storyline, holiday event, probably won't happen. One nice thing about the gemstore, for those players who do not have much time, it's very convenient. Making gold to buy them with and converting to gems makes for an Interesting personal goal as well.
  9. Sounds obnoxious. Absolutely no. For some, takes away from immersion in story. For others, more headache from effects and sounds. For me, I can't stand the aviator box and the idea of a full day of not what I logged in for sounds dreadful. Put it as a novelty item for those who would like to spend the day with gray scale or annoying music or skirtt language.
  10. Go to the Eye of the North and stand at the Scrying Pool. You will listen/read the conversation between Aurene, Bangar, and yourself.
  11. Please make the Tempest Gaze Helm skins purchasable, not just in Black Lion random chances. It's a lovely head piece, and would be nice to have it guaranteed and not just chance. <3
  12. I've seen a couple of characters that it looks really fun with, eye of the beholder there. I'm sure not everyone enjoys my occasionally swirling otters. If you're aesthetic is hey world I'm a statue, this is the look for you. Weeping angel cosplay anyone?
  13. So you don't look like flat void I suppose. The sheen adds depth and dimension, although matte finish for separating pieces would be interesting. I'd suggest playing with different black shades to see if you can get a less reflective look. Currently have one character's armor dyed all black, the monochromatic effect and how it picks up differently on pieces is most interesting.
  14. Probably like the fishing in Bjora for the Kodan. Collect, drop in basket.
  15. Agree on this summary. Overall the storyline is interesting, a little predictable, if not especially well executed to many players. Highly enjoy some of the maps. DRM aren't the worst thing, just feel like filler until the expansion, which is hopefully where the focus is at the moment.I like the use of old maps but would prefer it to be a more dynamic, open world event where everyone could jump in. I love solo content, and grouping is fine, but makes it feel less urgent.The best content in the game? No. Is it free, yep. Is it something to do? Yep. Just sit back and relax peeps, everything doesn't have to be a timeless masterpiece.
  16. Hold off, you'll learn a class/profession better if you don't instantly 80 it. At the very least, level one character to 80 without a boost. Later, use it if you are sure you want a character maxed.
  17. Almost want to design a character around it, quite lovely and interesting.
  18. Improve the rewards, something at least along the lines of the last fractal rush. Possibly make them dynamic open world events where people can hop in and out, like a world boss or like the awakened invasions to give a more critical, urgent feel. Overall, I don't mind them, but I think there needs to be more interesting incentives for a worthwhile grind, and speed up the story. Not feeling what should be true concern for Tyria. I do enjoy the enemy of my enemy is my friend aspect....or are they lol
  19. This is something I have been wanting, so when I switch colors for a different set, I don't have to go back and try to remember what I had previously.
  20. Perhaps offer a gem store option to unlock it across all characters, most people probably would not care one way or the other, but it would be convenient at times.
  21. Lol well glad it was resolved, sorry you missed the sale though :/ fortunately they return! And yes, there frequently are interesting things on sale for winter's day season! Good luck, have fun, best wishes!
  22. Different card could be it, and yes the anti fraud in game as well as banks is helpful and frustrating. Had the same error a couple of years ago, and it was a different card than previously used. Hopefully support gets back to you soon!
  23. Also if you are using a card that has a different name, for example a spouse's card or you have a different name you use on your account, it will flag that. Very good system really, as they are trying to help you :)
  24. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/115016021188-Problems-When-Purchasing-Gems Follow this, then contact website customer support (not the in game one), and mark it as a money/purchase issue not a bug. Gets their attention a bit better.
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