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Everything posted by Shuzuru.3651

  1. Hum... are we playing the same game? First, I almost never see a single turle in a meta unless it's needed or grant some benefit like siege damage for drizzlewood door. Second, the turtle is the most transparent mount of the game, I never saw a case where it visually block something.
  2. This comment was about the fact you have to recraft stuff (armor, weapon, etc) when a balance patch hit, not about research note. So it was more like "you don't have to recraft, you can simply stat change your equipment"
  3. It would be weird to be able to rename actual characters of the story, so they probably won't let us do that.
  4. It mean that sword is both a sustain weapon and a damage weapon, depending on how you use it, so it's versatile, so it's actually nice. Usually, damage weapon are mostly damage only, with survival utility being more a way to be even more agressive (like with stun or immo to pin down your foe). This one got a health neutral hight damage (heal yourself, damage yourself) which mimic a "classic" damage weapon, and a low damage sustain option, which mimic more defensive weapon set.
  5. Well, it's to increase damage? I mean, it allow you to double if not more the damage of a skill for the same cooldown.
  6. I realise I never gave my thought on necro swords. I have been using them quite a bit in open world and instanced pve. Globally, they are doing the work, much better than in beta, the ratio sustain/health cost/ damage is quite better. The auto feel less clunky despite that weird rythm between 2->3 and 3->1 (the first gap feel too long, the second too short) The cleaving and the fact all it's damage part is range is quite nice. The damage seems mostly fine, I saw a lot of comparaison with greatsword, but it's quite unfair, greatsword is obviously better and that's how it should be. The thing you should be comparing it to is staff, axe/focus and dagger (dagger mh vs sword mh, for instanced content), and while i didn't look too in depth the numbers, they seems ok as a range option to maintain dps uptime. The flipover delay is a bit clunky at first, but I understand why it's probably there (attack travel time for 2 and 5) but you can somehow play around by casting skills in between. On the negative side, I wouldn't mind a larger window for the consume skills, which seems short, as well as a way to see flipover skill timeout in general (thief repeater, mirage ambush, etc...). Also, not sure about the lf generation. Seem fine against multiple target, but quite low on simple target.
  7. There is a reason why i didn't say 100% As for one to one skill comparaison, it's irrelevant, you have to consider the whole package of what a class has to offer. I never saw any firebrand take this skill, the class simply don't have the space to take it, hscg usually got some space for it. And no one care for the 120 concentration on it, as much as the 4% lifeforce generation. I do agree that herald is strong support that probably didn't deserve another support weapon but it's clearly not an absolute option that got weaknesses (btw, right now, hscg + quick harb wouldn't lack swiftness) Also, recently, we saw the arrival of a bunch of nice support build with good potential too : heal chrono with all the mesmer goodies, heal quick zerk and heal quick uptime who got good uptime on a good selection on boon, etc...
  8. That's called class diversity, in pve, 1stack is all you need in like 95% of the situation where you need stab. Other support got a lot of thing firebrand and herald don't. Ranged heal? Herald will struggle, people down? Firebrand and herald can't help. Need any other utility that isn't reflect stab or aegis? (Boon rip, portal, immo, etc) Firebrand can't do it. I think they are doing a good job at giving every support a "base kit" (might/Fury/regen/prot/stab/aegis, cleanse and healing capabilities), then it's up to class strenght and weaknesses
  9. Reassure me, you're not using sword 3 in the rotation for damage, right? If you do, please don't, that thing is clearly a dps loss that should only be used when you need a gap closer, healing or boon corrupt. But I don't think sword is meant to outperform GS, that would make no sense, it's more a range complement option, which is nice for dps uptime as it's damage kit is fully ranged and the gap closer allow to get back in melee faster.
  10. I'm sorry, but you missed the point here. This topic isn't about the best rune for scourge, that's trapper, nightmare, maybe tourmenting too. This topic is about the best cheap/effortless rune for scourge, so those 3 runes are out of the loop. If you look at conditions damage and conditions duration rune, this one is the best on what is left. Also, you misunderstood how lingering curse work. It doesn't give you 50% bleeding duration, it increase sceptre base duration, so it's not included in the 100% condition duration limit. So scourge only get 20% bonus bleeding duration.
  11. Yeah, it's way better now. Contrary to what you said, before, the meta was basically lock down by a few 6th bonus effect (scholar for power, monk for support), now, every rune with power, ferocity and precision are viable for meta or slightly off meta for power. Contrary to before, where both having less offensive stat and not having +5% damage was more that slightly off meta. Same for support, going from Monk only to basically every rune with healing and bd, with a few meta and many more slightly off meta. And from the relic in itself, we went from basically an universal passive damage boost to multiple trigger based damage boost. For the support part, there are now multiple option to fix some holes in some build or create new strenght whitout losing on healing or bd.
  12. Nothing wrong with the runes? Well, I guess that if you love the uniformisation of having like 2 rune for power (1 dominant, 1 niche), 1 rune for support and maybe 4 for condition (1 dominant, 3 for specific conditions), there is nothing wrong there. But if you like diversity, we now have dozens of differents rune + relic combo. All of that in the meta, of course. Not even talking about the fact there tend to be more diversity in the relic themselves compared to 6th bonus
  13. Well, first crafting speed was already increased, multiple times. Second, no event or chain of events will give you that much loot, your exemple only mean that you had been slacking on the loot processing part of your gameplay and then had to deal with it at some point, the amount of it being proportional to how much you slacked. If they hypotetically increase the storage to let's say 20k, you'll still complains that you had to spend like 4 hours processing your 20k mithril....
  14. Maybe, so every craft in the whole game is a waste then? You said it doesn't matters who do the craft, so 1 person crafting 100 cristal is identical to 100 person crafting 1 cristal which is identical to 100 person crafting the final step of a legendary.
  15. Really, the ecological argument? Come on, you're playing a online game in a developped country, 30min spend crafting thing is a drop of water in an ocean, you're probably spend more ressources doing a 10min meta than crafting for an hour.
  16. No one force you to do that, you can directly buy cristal, and you can directly buy Mystic Facet. Actually, right now, it's more economic to do that, so save you some trouble and only buy 25 object.
  17. Pro tip : you don't have to hoard all the component unrefined at the same time I also invite you to look at the mithril and elder wood requirement for gen2 legendaries (Release in the golden HoT Era, for reference)
  18. I'm kinda sad to see activities completely gone, it was something that gave you a good reason to check those nice little diversities I do agree that they were a bit too frequent, and that the combo activities + dungeon shouln't appear but having an activity or dungeon as the 4th option (so enteriely optionnal) from time to time would be nice.
  19. The tidal wave is normal, that's the consequence of failling the defense event. People were probably wtf? because it's not something that tend to happen nowadays Fun fact : the wave don't cover the west battery area Fun fact 2 : you can also avoid it by using the launcher platform
  20. Well actually, they fixed the timer this time, monday it was announcing 7 days left.
  21. The weekly won't change for tomorrow update, so you can keep them for after the refresh
  22. It's easy to call those who wanted that no matters skin or grind time "against that idea". "If they do not think like me they are against it", kinda? Still, that argument was there, and the only reason why it wasn't the main one is because the main arguments was about if that leg should exist or not. I didn't follow raid discussion back in the days, so i don't know the arguments back in the days, but the argument of "don't put the rewards of difficult content on easier thing" is legit, from a design viewpoint. The official version for PvP/WvW is still the one i told, the influence on raider voice for it is speculative
  23. You could add even more variety by combining those! "Kill 100 giants with a shield"
  24. Well, i'm not talking down any open pver here, I was mostly one for like 9-10 years. I'm simply pointing the fact that the claim for open world pve leg armor was something like "no matter the cost or the skin, we want a way to have a legendary armor in open world" At the opposite, raid leg armor wasn't really a thing people asked (I mean, some asked for legendary armor, but not method of acquisition was specificaly mentionned), it was something Anet decided to create as a reward for clearing their new difficult content they wanted to promote. They spend a lot of time (and sanity, from what i heard) to craft the skins for it. When the and PvP and WvW players asked for legendary armor too, they went like "fine, but we are not going throught that nightmare again, it'll be a plainer skin", and those armor don't even have a unique legendary skin.
  25. Or, you know, take a step back from your screen, if you can only see a quarter of your screen, that's penalizing for every game you'll play on it. It's more a global problem than a gw2 specific one.
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