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Everything posted by Razor.6392

  1. That's demonstrably false. Sorry, I forgot bad players love the increased TTK, the bunker playstyle and condi emphasis. Enjoy playing this game with other people like you.
  2. Poor elementalist, never got to be top tier in over 5 years. Not even once, yet they keep getting nerfed. Press obsidian flesh to get a shitty elixir S. Homogenizing is fun! 3 seconds invuln with freedom is cancer and broken!
  3. The game is ruined (even more, somehow). Good bye.
  4. This is what happens when you put a bunch of people who at best handled excel documents in the office in charge of balance. This part killed me btw: "We want cooldowns to feel meaningful" Quick scroll down shows that Holo Leap still has a 2 seconds cooldown.
  5. Condi wins again. Those of us who enjoyed playing bursty builds can kiss goodbye I guess. Seriously. NO ONE likes these changes. Why would you start from a clean slate when only very few changes are needed? You think that starting anew will land you closer to the utopia that is perfect balance and class representation? You are deluded, and you are killing your game. DO NOT GO THROUGH with these changes.
  6. Nah I never update my windows lol. It's windows 7 anyways. For comparison, my laptop (windows 10) with worse, but similar stats (i5 9300, gtx 1050ti, 8gb ram, 500gb ssd) has none of these issues. In the exact same desolate spot of southsun cove I break 60 fps with it, while with my PC I can get 60 looking at the sea / horizon, but when I look at the island, 20 fps. I think you might be onto something with your own post tbh... Windows 7. Not hating, but need I say more? Yeah except for the fact that it was running well until this patch. Smh...
  7. It's crazy that at least one dude working from anet checking this could reply or at least acknowledge the issue but instead they just look at it and do nothing. This is why your game is dying.
  8. Nah I never update my windows lol. It's windows 7 anyways. For comparison, my laptop (windows 10) with worse, but similar stats (i5 9300, gtx 1050ti, 8gb ram, 500gb ssd) has none of these issues. In the exact same desolate spot of southsun cove I break 60 fps with it, while with my PC I can get 60 looking at the sea / horizon, but when I look at the island, 20 fps.
  9. Even in lone areas, as long there is some npc visible, my fps drop to 19-25. What did you do Anet? Why is my pc struggling all of a sudden? Do you not want me to play your game? I was only logging in to do daily but not even that I want to do now. Specs: win7i7 4760Sgtx 1050 ti with latest drivers (I reversed it to prev drivers but it was the same)8 GB ramssd 240gb
  10. I'm also getting this. i7 4790 gtx 1050ti. Not amazing but in solo areas my fps went from 60-70 down to 20-25. Thanks anet! You might be interested in the Dev posts on this issue, and the upcoming fix. Mind posting the link plz?
  11. Nerf this garbage. For 2 straight years EASY MODE on crutches for basic players. Enough.
  12. win7i7 4790sgtx 1050ti (latest drivers)8gb ram obviously i dont expect this to ever be solved unless i willingly downgrade my nvidia drivers. doing so would prevent me from using shadowplay however. way to go gw2!
  13. Scepter weaver skills remain bugged lmao
  14. The problem is how easily they stack poison and all the trash cover condis you can put in the length of 1 immob / steal / dodge. Doing literally 3 actions in less than 1.25 seconds lands on an enemy: weakness, poison, bleeding, torment, cripple, confusion and vuln if you trait for it. With old sigils you could also add chill to that lmao.
  15. Less employees to pay = more money = none of the layoffs were from marketing and gemstore depts = NEW EXPANSION CONFIRMED!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111
  16. Like most top tier builds, it's a facesmash build that requires almost no skill with multiple chances to fuck up and still heal up.
  17. Ur laughing at the still most broken spec, while their complaining on the forums about the few nerfs their actually laughing behind their screens that these are the only nerfs they got lol Yeah Holo will still be quite competitive. @Razor.6392 Poor form, I know you are just here for the gloat, but it's been a long time since people claimed that Holo was balanced. With nerfs to other specs it's climbed the ranks by dodging significant nerfbats for the last several patches. As I said before, Holo will still be a good spec. It might actually be more fun with a 300radius Forge #5, because it may actually take some timing and finesse to get big value.jajajajajaja
  18. Corona Burst: Reduced might gained in WvW to the same amount as granted in PvP. Reduced the damage of this skill by 20% in PvP and WvW.Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300. what happen bros, I thought holo es balance jajaja
  19. They don't. Interrupt their heal. Interrupt their combo finishers in their water field if you miss the intterrupt on their heal. Lol
  20. When I read about that non-binary stuff on a dragon I legit burst out laughing. Like, let's pretend I'm following you for a second, how do the Tyrians EVEN KNOW ABOUT THIS STUFF? WAS JORMAG SEEN WITH MULTIPLE GENDER PARTNERS? OR DID HE TELL THE ICEBROOD IN A SECRET MEETING? HAHAHAHAHA. You guys don't realize that, much like "Soldier 76 is gay", this is just a PR move to get the same clueless people infatuated after the fiasco that was the reveal, and to divert everyone else's attention.
  21. Why is FA ele or staff daredevil even in the list? FA ele is not viable and has no sustain. Very easy to pressure. Staff daredevil dodges a lot... and yeah. You are not going to die to someone just dancing around. Annoying =/= good
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