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Everything posted by Razor.6392

  1. Yep, ill be looking forward to decoy mind wracking you from stealth for your entire hp bar and if miss the 1st one ill be sure to do it again right after. You will drop from gold to silver where you belong after these nerfs, so I don't think I will ever have a chance to see you in my matches, even if matchmaker feels like doing some odd pairings.
  2. Just equip Shadow Flare (deadeye utility) and test it around, guarantee it will fail and go on cd after a 'no valid path' message.
  3. I for one would like to have an actual elite skill that feels like I become one with my element of choice, but other than that, I wouldn't ele is fine. Just needs some tweaks (mostly to weaver).
  4. Dude, it's fine for some items to be outside the common person's reach. It's the point of an mmo, especially one such as this where there's no gear progression. You want EVERYONE to have EVERYTHING? Sigh.
  5. Neither you nor I know ANYTHING about the generation the "complainers" belong to. But it's the cheap way out of generalizing an issue and make indirect fun of it. But it's always easier to be a jerk than a useful member of society. See? I can do that as well. O M G! How are you being useful by complaining about easy stuff?
  6. Long duration fights are boring, yes. Hard? Hard? Can you imagine people back then complaining because mario bros was too hard, and demanding nintendo to let you start with 10 lives and remove enemies from levels, because it was already hard enough to jump? This generation makes me laugh so much sometimes.
  7. Well if you go in with level 1 armor and pvt stats you'll never succeed. I wish people learned how to play instead of complaining for things to get nerfed. Can you at least try? How do we all improve if we don't try?
  8. Would look better without the dumb book. The char is walking, can you imagine how it looks when jumping and running around?
  9. There is the Fiery Greatsword conjure which I love, but conjured weapons just don't compare to permanent weapons. Having to constantly monitor how much time you have left with it and having to pick up that second drop before time runs out makes it more of a chore and limitation than a pleasure. Lol I forgot all about Fiery GS. Then longbow or pistol for me.
  10. Greatsword is the only answer. It would be redundant to get shortbow, axe, shield and hammer because of conjures, and I don't think ANET will dare to give us yet another 1 handed weapon.
  11. Isn't utility goggles meta as a passive trait? and you want to buff that? LuL
  12. Idol version: Edgy version: Bow down to your goddess.
  13. Always played with 150ms here so maybe now I can get a more even play ground!
  14. Wow! That's quality armor. (3+ npcs say "thank you" at the same time) This is what your curiosity gets you! nd yeah Canach is a little too cool compared to the other characters.
  15. I was excited for a secret mount, then I read the following 4 characters: Slowly walked away...
  16. Does it work like the old Sigil of Paralization where this damage increase also happens on dazed and knocked down players? Or is only stuns this time around?
  17. Well you can use it for burst purposes, but that would mean using your stun break / condi clear offensively. I think it would be fine considering the options it opens. Double phoenix being the best use, it doesn't seem that scary compared to the burst other classes can do with less setup. @above 5 seconds? wat
  18. Give it stun breaker properties and remove them from GoEP. 40 seconds cd. When activated in fire: Reduce all fire cooldowns by 15 seconds. Gain 250 power for 5 seconds.When activated in water: Reduce all water cooldowns by 15 seconds. Remove all conditions.When activated in earth: Reduce all earth cooldowns by 15 seconds. Gain resistance for 5 seconds.When activated in air: Reduce all air cooldowns by 15 seconds. Gain superspeed and quickness for 5 seconds. Cleansing Fire: Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds.Trait cooldown remains the same.Only removes Burning, Poison, Bleeding, Confusion or Torment.Gives Might for every stack of a single condition removed (8s) Thoughts?
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