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Everything posted by Razor.6392

  1. The entitlement... buddy, it's how the world works. You are not gonna get people to re-schedule their events just so you can participate! Likewise, you are not getting multiple streams from a small team just so you have a chance at winning!
  2. If you're a class without blocks on demand then (all of them except guard and warr): Must dodge holographic shockwaveDodge Corona Burst's timed procsDodge holo leapDefinitely dodge prime light beam if they equip it, or every single rampage abilityDefinitely dodge photon burstDodge the other holo leapYou can facetank the 4k quickness autos, ain't nobody got time to dodge those. Now that they're outside photon forge, you may dodge the sword, pistol or rifle skills. Not as must-dodge as photon abilities though so you might as well face tank them. Photon is up again 7~ seconds later Must dodge holographic shockwaveDodge Corona Burst's timed procsDodge holo leapDefinitely dodge prime light beam if they equip it, or every single rampage abilityDefinitely dodge photon burstDodge the other holo leap
  3. Yes you can. The trait is worthless though. It decreases the abilities cd, not the initial summon cd.
  4. Lol the ones for underwater are actually hilarious. The only outlier is earth / fire, and that's just a copy of sw/d (barrier on you). Every other underwater skill is a slow projectile and then 2 or so are AoE damage on the opponents location like fire #2 trident. Garbage filler with zero creativity.
  5. What can players do to get you to fix YOUR OWN DAMN GAME? Fiery Frost 50% of the times AUTOMATICALLY GOES ON INTERRUPT CD WHEN YOU USE IT. No matter whether you use it with someone selected in front of you, at the side or behind you. Always a chance to go on interrupt cd and if you are relying on this for the evade, it means that you are now dead. FIX YOUR GAME. Glacial Drift: The slowest projectile in the game. It's piercing (even though it won't pierce nobody) and it's a simple 2-3k dmg crit with some chill attached. A literal filler skill that doesn't ever land and when it does the reward is abysmal. Even the cast time is slow. These are scepter skills by the way, because you obviously have no idea. FIX. YOUR. GAME.
  6. Hellooooooooooo devs? will this ever be fixed? what's the drawback? just go into your code and change the value. It's that easy. No one will whine about broken dps or mobility because this ability is not even close to being overpowered. Make it 90-120s cd already. You know what's hilarious? Is that all other 180s cd elites HAVE A WAY TO DECREASE THEIR CD THROUGH TRAITS, WE CANT DO THAT FOR CONJURES.
  7. That's every community really. You raise your voice saying "hey, maybe [company] should do more things, more stuff for the players" and the classic fanboys will actually come out and speak against you. FOR WANTING TO HAVE MORE CONTENT, HOW VILLAINOUS TO WANT MORE STUFF FOR EVERYONE IN THE GAME! It's like people are happy being mediocre. If you are a role playing fan, and you want anet to add more rping features, you won't ever see me coming into your thread to shoot you down with a "nobody cares, waste of effort" etc. Players never unite because there are always smartasses thinking they're too clever for this world without realizing they're just another carbon copy of a loser. Like you there are millions, don't be that guy. There's nothing to be gained. Oh and also shoutouts to never fixing pvp bugs. FC aura is still bugged, some weaver skills still bugged since 2 years.
  8. You would essentially be giving the ele four more attunements, with no swap CD and 100% uptime. Balancing that could only be achieved by either nerfing conjures into uselessness, or nerfing the entirety of the classes weapon skills to half their current strength, which would make conjures a mandatory build choice just to achieve current power levels. Whats unrealistic about it? Just replace the elemental attunement with the kit/conjure and lock each one behind a trait line of the corresponding element with bonuses ofcourse cause the conjures/kits need some love. Going earth would bring out a shield. Fire, axe. etc. I'm not entirely sure what you mean here but if you're talking about locking conjures behind a trait choice, that's ridiculous outside of adding them to an elite specialization. There is no base profession utility skill in the entire game that operates like that, it would make elite specs redundant, and it would solve nothing, you could still have three more attunements basically by default. Miss. Miss. Cost of a elite skill which functions literally the same as conjure elemental elite, but better. Literally every elite spec for elementalist does just that. Drawback of being a ele already is needing to use double to triple amt of skills to produce the same results as other classes. That is literally and completely mathematically incorrect, tempest gets four more skills per build, weaver gets six. That is not even remotely close to the 20 weapon skills or 29 total skills the ele has by default. 4 attunement skills, 1 elite, 8 weapon skills. Tempest. That's not even counting utility and heal skills. If you wanna talk about bad math, dont use it in your example to make a point ?. Anyways the idea is for Attunements to become the conjurations/kits. So if your using staff and you swap to fire, you instead use a flame axe. Same with the other elements and in order to unlock kits for attunements its a grandmaster trait for that specific kit. It being a elite skill multi conjuration kit is a second idea that could take less time to do.You don't know how balance works so just stop.
  9. Can new T1 just be BG1, BG2 and BG3 fighting each other? Seriously, nobody loves those special ed kids.
  10. Necros are food for my FA ele. It's such a horrendous matchup for them, that even core condi necros are more of a threat than scourge or reaper.
  11. "The 2s holo leap needs to go, it makes this class impossible to be kited. Only Thieves have that kind of sticking power but they also don't have stability, pulsing nuke effects, 20 stacks of might or protection. Holo Leap needs to have at least 3.5s of CD." Except holo performs a specific role that thief doesn't... It needs stability to perform it's role. Thief doesn't need it, it's a decapper / 1upper Comparing the 2 classes is irrelevant... You should compare Spellbreaker with Holosmith , because they perform similar roles. "* Cut down on the quickness bro. Same goes for Soulbeast. Quickness is supposed to be a rare boon that should only be accessible for very short amounts of time. " - Soulbeast is gone from the meta... bro If anybody is complaining about soulbeast now then they should practice more because it was killed in the meta basically , just better side node options now. Quickness on holo I can see that, halving it's duration could be something. "* Elixir S, or at least the toolbelt, needs a drawback. Whether it is longer CD or something I dunno. It's a must pick as it gives both the best utility and toolbelt skills in 1." The drawback with Elixir S is that engineer literally needs it in every single build it uses in PvP, ever in the history of engineer except scrapper maybe. I mean, the drawback exists already in that the utility is needed for survivability and down options. If you take that away, there's no trade off... They just need it. So you'd have to buff other defenses. You probably don't agree with this, and that's fine... But engineer slots it for a reason in almost every build, not because it's broken , but because they need it and other survival options don't exist that synergize with the build approaches. " * Photon Forge's range of abilities (namely corona, autoattack and shockwave) need to get looked at. Autoattack has 240 range, Corona has 300 radius and Shockwave 600. Need to get reduced to 180, 240 and 450 respectively (for reference, meteor shower, formerly one of the largest aoes in the game, only has 360 radius)." That will change nothing, holo is a side noder , it will still cover the point aside from middle in foefire. If you dodge the corona you remove 1 of their 2 stabilities. Then they need to pop elixir u for stab, which is a trade off because it's also a stun break. This turns battles. Comparing ele's meteor shower is kind of irrelevant, because ele isnt'a side noder outside of weaver. Holo, again, is. Gotta know the roles before asking for balance changes... You can nerf holo all you want, you'll just see more spellbreakers and weavers and you'll most likely be complaining about them. You are talking about pvp roles, I'm talking about overall balance and adding weaknesses to a class that pretty much is the full package. Holo cannot be kited, has 2-3 gap closers, has ridiculous damage mitigation and boon generation even when they're considered 'glass cannons'. I mentioned meteor shower because most people are aware of its radius, to set as a point of reference (shockwave has SIX HUNDRED RADIUS). I EVEN SAID THIS and the guy starts saying "staff ele isn't a side noder" what the hell are you on about? Are you a robot? If it wouldn't make a difference then let's go ahead and nuke photon forge range on abilities. Holy kitten dude, this is the kind of people that play holo I guess. Don't faceroll when you press the reply button. I'm talking about roles because you compared a decapper/+1er to a side noder.. I mean, this is the 1st obvious pointer that you're most likely below average in PvP. Balance has nothing to do with either, because balance works differently for both roles. Hence the perspective of balance in general, as it should be. Also, they're not glass cannon, they're side noders similar to Spellbreaker. Hence the same amulet usage. Glass cannons don't use Demolisher, they use berserker or marauder. If you can't see these obvious things, then I'm not sure what else to type here, your knowledge clearly shows itself on the topics. Also I don't main holo, I multi-class, but these are just common sense things you should know in PvP.So in your opinion, a "side noder" should have as much mobility and gap closers than a "decapper +1er"? You might pretend you have a lot of pvp knowledge but you're severely lacking in the IQ department my dude. That's a blatant logical fallacy that debunks your argument =/ All I see is a class with no weaknesses, very little regard for resource management and the nuking / CC output of a glass cannon while using demo amulet (once again, defeating a possible argument of it being presumably 'balanced'). Just stop replying man, this is embarrassing. I don't care about pvp, trash mode for deluded failures that never were good in any other actually competitive game, I'm a wvwer now lmao and yes, they're hilariously over the top, still.
  12. "The 2s holo leap needs to go, it makes this class impossible to be kited. Only Thieves have that kind of sticking power but they also don't have stability, pulsing nuke effects, 20 stacks of might or protection. Holo Leap needs to have at least 3.5s of CD." Except holo performs a specific role that thief doesn't... It needs stability to perform it's role. Thief doesn't need it, it's a decapper / 1upper Comparing the 2 classes is irrelevant... You should compare Spellbreaker with Holosmith , because they perform similar roles. "* Cut down on the quickness bro. Same goes for Soulbeast. Quickness is supposed to be a rare boon that should only be accessible for very short amounts of time. " - Soulbeast is gone from the meta... bro If anybody is complaining about soulbeast now then they should practice more because it was killed in the meta basically , just better side node options now. Quickness on holo I can see that, halving it's duration could be something. "* Elixir S, or at least the toolbelt, needs a drawback. Whether it is longer CD or something I dunno. It's a must pick as it gives both the best utility and toolbelt skills in 1." The drawback with Elixir S is that engineer literally needs it in every single build it uses in PvP, ever in the history of engineer except scrapper maybe. I mean, the drawback exists already in that the utility is needed for survivability and down options. If you take that away, there's no trade off... They just need it. So you'd have to buff other defenses. You probably don't agree with this, and that's fine... But engineer slots it for a reason in almost every build, not because it's broken , but because they need it and other survival options don't exist that synergize with the build approaches. " * Photon Forge's range of abilities (namely corona, autoattack and shockwave) need to get looked at. Autoattack has 240 range, Corona has 300 radius and Shockwave 600. Need to get reduced to 180, 240 and 450 respectively (for reference, meteor shower, formerly one of the largest aoes in the game, only has 360 radius)." That will change nothing, holo is a side noder , it will still cover the point aside from middle in foefire. If you dodge the corona you remove 1 of their 2 stabilities. Then they need to pop elixir u for stab, which is a trade off because it's also a stun break. This turns battles. Comparing ele's meteor shower is kind of irrelevant, because ele isnt'a side noder outside of weaver. Holo, again, is. Gotta know the roles before asking for balance changes... You can nerf holo all you want, you'll just see more spellbreakers and weavers and you'll most likely be complaining about them. You are talking about pvp roles, I'm talking about overall balance and adding weaknesses to a class that pretty much is the full package. Holo cannot be kited, has 2-3 gap closers, has ridiculous damage mitigation and boon generation even when they're considered 'glass cannons'. I mentioned meteor shower because most people are aware of its radius, to set as a point of reference (shockwave has SIX HUNDRED RADIUS). I EVEN SAID THIS and the guy starts saying "staff ele isn't a side noder" what the hell are you on about? Are you a robot? If it wouldn't make a difference then let's go ahead and nuke photon forge range on abilities. Holy shit dude, this is the kind of people that play holo I guess. Don't faceroll when you press the reply button.
  13. The 2s holo leap needs to go, it makes this class impossible to be kited. Only Thieves have that kind of sticking power but they also don't have stability, pulsing nuke effects, 20 stacks of might or protection. Holo Leap needs to have at least 3.5s of CD. Cut down on the quickness bro. Same goes for Soulbeast. Quickness is supposed to be a rare boon that should only be accessible for very short amounts of time. Elixir S, or at least the toolbelt, needs a drawback. Whether it is longer CD or something I dunno. It's a must pick as it gives both the best utility and toolbelt skills in 1. Photon Forge's range of abilities (namely corona, autoattack and shockwave) need to get looked at. Autoattack has 240 range, Corona has 300 radius and Shockwave 600. Need to get reduced to 180, 240 and 450 respectively (for reference, meteor shower, formerly one of the largest aoes in the game, only has 360 radius).
  14. I remember when I was younger I wanted an argument over anything on the internet so that I could prOvE pEoPlE wRoNg. You're pre-mashing abilities, which queues them up. It's bad play, and it could get you screwed if you queue up the wrong ability. Fortunately you're fighting potatoes on a very high margin of error build (up until the point where I closed the video) so that will never be a concern. So-the first part of your post, that was directed at me? I could easily say the same to you so I fail to see why you’ve said it to me. Yeah that’s kind of the idea though? When there is only really one or two possible ways out of a combat situation and I commit to one by queueing it up how is that necessarily sub-optimal? That’s what I am trying to do. You did not make a very compelling argument. I don’t see what my build has to do with it, or my opponents either for that matter. It’s one of countless builds I play and some of countless opponents I’ve fought. An apple is an apple ... not an orange. Could care less if you think it is.Couldn't* care less, young man. Also, idk why you're jumping into this argument, this has nothing to do with you unless you're OP's alt.
  15. I remember when I was younger I wanted an argument over anything on the internet so that I could prOvE pEoPlE wRoNg. You're pre-mashing abilities, which queues them up. It's bad play, and it could get you screwed if you queue up the wrong ability. Fortunately you're fighting potatoes on a very high margin of error build (up until the point where I closed the video) so that will never be a concern.
  16. “You are using the appropriate skill at the exact time it is needed and compensating for lag/ensuring every hit registers by mashing the odd button in a logical sequence, NOOOOOOOOOB!” Have you just never played this game before or what exactly is the issue here ? Hard pass on taking you seriously. Hahahahahahahaha Well, I'm convinced. Yeah but no really, not hearing an argument there. Try again? Maybe pick at the contrast/colour settings I used, since we're in such blatantly contrarian territory already? Have you never had a skill not go off on you, man? I really have to wonder if you're playing the same game or if you're just naturally so disagreeable in personality that you can't give up a chance to put someone else down in an attempt to raise yourself out of your own depths -- over such a moot point, as well. At the end of the day I don't expect that someone of such character would even be able to keep up, so why does it matter? I'm only superficially amused by this tbh, if you think about the psychological motives behind your behaviour it's not pretty. Nice forum signature btw lol. You "never said you're the best" yet if you thought about it for a moment you'd realize that "but I believe I'm better than you" is an unconditional statement aka you just implied you're better than everyone. Lol. To be so arrogant. AgreedMy gosh have some mercy on your keyboard already mr. masher.
  17. “You are using the appropriate skill at the exact time it is needed and compensating for lag/ensuring every hit registers by mashing the odd button in a logical sequence, NOOOOOOOOOB!” Have you just never played this game before or what exactly is the issue here ? Hard pass on taking you seriously. Hahahahahahahaha
  18. Holy fuck you are mashing the keys... hard pass.
  19. Easiest classes are ranger, warrior and guardian.
  20. I use 3x cele pieces on my zerker scepter ele. I'm somewhat tanky and can delete people in 1 second.
  21. because like most current day stuff, tech is unwanted, advanced strats patched out so that participation trophy scrubs can have a chance at winning (but still coming off short).
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