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Everything posted by Solstice.5790

  1. I can only talk about Specter as I don't really enjoy DE and DD a lot, and mostly for WvW raid groups to that. Adding support aspects to stealth entry / exit in Shadow Arts did little to nothing for support Specter, since we simply do not use stealth utilities - losing stealth on heal / steal skills dropped the previously great synergies from pre-patch SA even more. The new personal heal on Shadowstep is pointless with ~400hp on celestial at around 20k max. So to benefit from the new SA traits personally and as group support, we're pretty much forced to drop yet another class defining well utility for Shadow Refuge. Shadowstep to gap close and stun break being the first. Relatively long casts for short range Shadowsteps that put you right in the middle of trouble, if you're not interrupted by any CC or insurmountable obstacles (like steps, or grass...), make the class just as clunky to play as recoiling yourself away from the target you're trying to chase down. There are still simply better alternatives to support a group, that don't have that many strange quirks and limitations.
  2. Just my two cents / sentences for the dev team 1) Noone should send death threats over this, I'm sorry. 2) You have no clue how your classes work(ed).
  3. "Bring the player, not the class." translated: yes.
  4. Exactly this passage, to me, sums up perfectly the amount of thought and care that has gone into this patch. 1. It is not hard for a thief to go perma invisible already, why on earth would you reduce the cooldowns on those abilities and add (traited) superspeed? Have you ever tried to catch up with or find a thief in WvW that decided to kill you later? 2. Set up accordingly the class will now be able to heal (old), grant protection, barrier and condi cleanse with Shadow Refuge. Instead of stealthing on heal, you now heal on every stealth entry and exit? As any thief? Are you kidding? 3. Sa(i)d Specter, which was actually supposed to be improved as a healer, wasn't touched. Same short-range slow shadowstep wells that get you killed in WvW, no changes to healing coefficients, nothing. But you lose stealth on the healing well... Unique passive buffs turned into uninspired 10 sec pulse / 3 sec duration generic boons those classes already have anyways. Semi- or full rollbacks on changes the community told them not to do in the first place, yet core issues of several classes unaddressed to this day. Disappointing.
  5. Matchups change every friday, so you'll be fighting other opponents soon. Then there's re-linking of servers every 8 weeks, which changes part of who you're playing with. And during all this, people can transfer servers. As it was said, some of those constellations will just be unpleasant. "Wait it out" is all I can say to help you.
  6. They seem to have messed up the unlocking on some accounts which definitely sucks for those affected, and I hope they fix it soon. But the change in general imo is fine. There was no reason for me to run Arah before or Crucible unless I wanted a specific armor skin or the legy crafting component from that dungeon, now I can get those by running what I enjoy. The incentive to not run the same thing over and over is still there with the DR after daily completion of a path, so in theory you can now get 2.4k token in a day playing all of the x-paths and still use all of them on the one dungeon set you actually want. It is a bit strange to me though that some players are upset about having a lot of the "new" currency from reward tracks without being able to spend it now. Because if you have a lot, you apparently didn't need to spend it before either. And at the same time others claim that people don't have incentives to play the "harder" dungeons anymore, while that very first group literally just got one. There are way longer and more tedious grinds in GW2 than finishing 16 dungeon paths...
  7. Used to die a lot to clicking my skills. My dodge key was left shift, so when I did both, I didn't do either... Now it's mostly random bs, knockdown aoe-chains right when stunbreak went on cooldown, or other condi-loops (chill + X).
  8. WvW is pretty much like the Leviathan event, except without Ambergris or any other meaningful rewards, varying in difficulty every week between Tequatl and Dragon's End launch meta, and being like that for years now.
  9. In the current link you should be able to find open-tag commanders from FSP as well as BT, there's a nightcrew in addition to that. Both servers have their own discord if you want, just ask in mapchat. I find it easier to spend time running with a squad, and some time is all you need to invest to get your Gift of Battle. For that purpose, look up a heal/support build for your Engi (->Scrapper), your Cele gear should be fine for the max three reward tracks you intend to complete. Rangers, unless immob soulbeast, are more tolerated than wanted. Trait for movement speed (if you don't have the mount), stick to the com tag, and depending on your playtime per day you can be done in one weekend. Dailies will just happen while running. My only tip to keep your sanity doing it: You get WvW track rewards for time spent, it doesn't matter who dies a lot and who doesn't. Keep participation up, ignore everything else that's happening there.
  10. "Create breathing room for the new specs coming in" at some point in the future. Maybe. I can not speak for HFB in PvP, but neither in PvE/fractals nor in WvW have they been replaced or are they being supported by "the new specs coming in". HFB just got worse. Not a lot worse, but noticeably. HFB was very strong in PvE and to a point still is, but the fact that the class provided great boons (Might/Stabi/Aegis + Quick, maybe Prot, Regen) with sufficient healing for that content (e.g. fractals) doesn't make it overpowered - it makes the damage in there undertuned. And please look at your power melees the next time you're in a fractal before you disagree. Those builds are what really got hurt by the Aegis reduction on Solace. Whoever is happy about any class (other than their own of course) getting nerfed may want to consider that there are other gamemodes than the one where they are having problems dealing with said class.
  11. I think they're equal. Not being able to do anything because the Shadowsteps don't fire due to "valid pathing" being interrupted by two steps of a staircase or a molehill on the ground is just as frustrating as not being able to do anything because my target is 100% invisible until it decides to do... whatever.
  12. The pop up quest was probably a (dynamic) event, maybe even part of the map meta event chain. Or just one of the "hearts" / local quest givers Hop on, check them out, get some exp or coin and with time you'll learn what you like doing. The story quests unlock every 10 levels, so you'll need to do hearts / events in between. Grinding mobs is the least efficient. As far as training skills is concerned, if you level a (new) character, try to find a trait or skill that gives you passive movement speed, just for quality of life while walking around. Other than that, you need to unlock everything anyways for your elite specialization at 80 (for Necro that's Reaper, Scourge or Harbinger). You could look up open world builds, see what skills they use and try to prioritize those, but for now, on your first character - try everything. Right now you're just unlocking a giant pool of options, have fun!
  13. Gotta agree with this. I play Scepter on secondary weapon as you do as CFB, and as soon as those auto attacks go off I look at the cooldown to swap back. The sound is just obnoxious and annoying, and I'm still not 100% convinced I couldn't simply out-walk the projectiles. If I knew where they're going... Could definitely use a rework.
  14. For hfb I'd go with staff and mace/shield. That gives you Aegis on mace 3 and shield 4. After that you have your F3-5 and you can slot "Advance!" if you need more. The boon was removed from Mantra of Solace a while ago, so that's about all you can do (concerning others, there's traits for more uptime on yourself). But Aegis isn't meant to be a second Protection or an HP buffer, it's there to negate the occasional telegraphed heavy hits. So it doesn't need to be up a lot, but when necessary. The class's strength lies in its versatility, you can provide a bunch of different boons with good uptime while having respectable healing. And if you time it right, you can negate the "incoming tactical nuke" - exactly what you want from a support.
  15. Stop, correction, didn't read the late notes: "Tier 3 upgrades for jade bot modules can now be purchased from Myung-Hee in Seitung Province and Zazzl in Arborstone." They did get it, thank rngesus!
  16. This entire thread was about the droprate of T3 bot upgrades, being a chance drop from a chest at all, and then having a rare rate in addition to that. But from the patchnotes: "The Thruster Control Unit has been moved to the Kaineng Overlook Strike Mission reward chest." So the pool has just been diluted even more. They just don't get it.
  17. I can see the point especially if OP is a WvW commander. Having "another player" constantly know what BL you are on can make havoc groups a lot easier to target. Going offline or invisible doesn't address that issue without blocking out the people you actually want to know where you are. The GW2 friends system is a bit weird when I can call you a friend while you want nothing to do with me... I agree, it should be mutual, if one side drops it, it's off.
  18. Having surpassed 50 New Kaineng Bounty chests without the drop now, I'm done. ArenaNet, you can keep your metas, you can keep your Jade Vault and all the predatory, anti-consumer bs you're calling "jade bot", and I will just keep my money in the future. This isn't a shiny skin we're talking about, you're locking character stats behind RNG walls.
  19. Definitely is now, that unlink was the final nail in the coffin. But we can always pay to evade a problem that Anet knowingly created in the first place.
  20. I'm sad to admit that I've kept trying for the mount boost. That brings me up to 43 NKC meta chests without the drop. I guess my colleagues at work are already tired of hearing me whine about this 😅
  21. I know it's still a bit un-elaborate and not very precise, but I'm just horribly lazy when it comes to typing. Imo a lot of the "toxicity" that has come up recently stems from people being passionate about the game, which is cool, but personal opinions about certain aspects absolutely overshadow anyone else's view - to the point where this other point of view is simply denied any value or importance whatsoever. If you enjoy WvW / PvP and the competitive nature, the permanent chaos of what build the other guy uses, or what classes they bring, that's great. But if someone doesn't and prefers the more structured strikes or raids, that person isn't bad at the game. He/she doesn't need to git gud, put in the effort or l2p. If you enjoy story content, the scenery of the maps and exploration, maybe rp'ing, that's wonderful. Doesn't make you a filthy "PvE-casual". But everyone enjoys some part of the game over another, open world players will have difficulties in CM raids, WvWers will be annoyed by world exploration - there are a lot of ways in which the content one person enjoys can really frustrate and deter another. That doesn't mean that other person is wrong, or bad. Or not worth being treated with respect. If someone speaks out about their frustrations, they ask for help. And I think a lot of us, including myself sometimes, have turned from actually offering help, and trying to understand the issue behind that frustration, to making snarky comments and writing those people off. So in a strange way: Today, as passionate as we are for the game, as little do we care for the people we play with.
  22. That's the point. We shouldn't have (to have) either of these filters. Not for the "majority of people who just suck at the game and should be filtered out" according to someone, and neither for forum posters like that someone.
  23. No, because I'm not talking about excluding anyone. "Trying to understand" is still the exact answer for both a benchmark on how to play your class well as well as having a decent forum conversation. If you spend some time with your gear and build, you'll figure out how to be more efficient and successful in your role. If you spend some time with the thoughts and writings of another person, you'll be more successful in having a conversation. No filters needed for either of those.
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