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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. There is plenty of diversity across all professions and core/elite specs. It's just that many players want the "best possible" build for whatever content they play. This leads to less diversity as players copy the same "best possible" build. Once the next xpac hits, and players have had several months to run with it (and Anet to tweak it), we'll see that certain builds will rise to the top as the new meta and we'll still have the same diversity that we have now.
  2. That would be akin to making the core specs "better" than the elite ones, which is not as I understand the intention of them. As for core not being "even close to meta", it depends on what content you're playing. At least, that's how I see it. There are some specs I wouldn't consider using for group content and some that I wouldn't use for solo play. To me, that doesn't make a certain spec better or worse than another; rather, more niche for the content. All specs should be able to complete all content. That we as players have found some to be more "meta" is on us. I don't see that as a design deficiency.
  3. Elite specs are intended to be different ways to play a profession, not a replacement for core builds. Having a "core elite" spec makes no real sense.
  4. This has been discussed ad nauseam in the forum. A simple search would have found several threads on the topic.
  5. Forum polls wouldn't be relevant anyway as the sample size is too small and has inherent bias.
  6. Possibly you've not been around on the forums for too long? Anet rarely, rarely responds to threads. I mean rarely. Just be careful that you don't continually bump this thread for their attention as that would violate the forums CoC.
  7. ::: points to thread title :::
  8. No argument there. It just doesn't appeal to me, created in this way. Glad others are enjoying it, though.
  9. For me, I don't like the way in which the cloak pins to the shoulders. /shrug Glad that others enjoy it, though. I mean, it's a nice addition, but it doesn't resonate enough with me for any of my characters.
  10. This one didn't really do it for me; however, the options provided in the pack for the price seems reasonable.
  11. The amount of immersion breaking armor and infusions that I see would counter that point of view. 😉
  12. Yes, the premise is flawed. You said: Without supplying an iota of evidence to support that claim other than your opinion. I'm not sure how this is relevant to the discussion? As if I had something to do with that?
  13. This is why I argued that the premise was flawed from the start. Confirmation bias does not hold up well in debate.
  14. This almost feels like another veiled request for dual-wielding shields.
  15. Because it seems to be a solution in search of a problem. I'd prefer the dev resources to be spent elsewhere.
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