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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. What I typically see is people requesting instances content and then asking for NPC/AI mercs or heroes so that they don't have to team up with other players. That's not GW2's design or direction, as far as I can tell. If players want to play instanced content with NPCs, then GW2 is probably not for them.
  2. The gemstore may help to support the financials, but the game play is what brings in the players. If Anet radically changed their direction away from the years of OW content in favor of more instanced content, I believe that their revenue would dramatically suffer. Raids were to be the thing, but even they had to admit that raiding wasn't as popular within GW2 as they had thought. Anet has the statistics and the metrics to know what content brings in the greatest revenue. Again, I trust that over a random forums poster's desires.
  3. I think I'd rather trust Anet to make the decision as to what content provides them with the highest opportunity for profit than some forum posters desires. There is no need for Anet to move away game design that makes them the most money. I prefer that they continue to spend a large majority of their resources on content that will keep the company viable rather than cater to a few who want to radically change the company's direction.
  4. The few seconds that it takes to make sure that you don't click on the wrong thing isn't a lot of time. Yes, you can buy gold with RL cash, but for the WP example, who really does that? Heck, the reward from the event should cover any WP expense. It's a complete non-issue. And thank you, too, for speaking on the OP's behalf.
  5. Please use the forums search feature to find the threads that have already discussed this and answered your question.
  6. Really? WP isn't so in-game cash expensive as you seem to want to make it out to be. Also, that's not money -- real money. Still wanting to know how this trolling wastes the OP's money. It's kind of you to speak for him/her, though.
  7. I'm curious how the OP is wasting money due to trolls in a F2P game.
  8. All of this has been said before. These suggestions are not new. Forums search function works. As this has been discussed, and nothing has changed, it's fairly safe to say that Anet doesn't see this as an issue.
  9. But then what about the players who have been crying for the "bunny thumper"? If Anet doesn't produce, then they will be accused (yet again!) of not listening to their players. /s Yeah, I'm against this new elite from the start. To me, a ranger main, it doesn't really embody what a ranger should be. /shrug
  10. Yeah, that would be cool. Then they could follow the character around like the ranger spirits.... oh, wait. nevermind.
  11. Yeah, for me, it was a lot more fun to be able to toss turrets. I miss those days.
  12. No, I am a casual player who doesn't care about optimal builds or rotations or engages in high-end content like fractals and raids. Just because my play style suits me doesn't mean that the game doesn't support it, especially in a game that is advertised for being able to play how you want. I don't have to pretend anything or use my imagination when I'm engaged with content in GW2. The game is very much designed to reward my particular play style. If I didn't find it rewarding, then I wouldn't play it. You don't like weapon swapping? Cool Then don't do it.
  13. Nope. Not me at all. I do swap for situations. I main core ranger with LB and Sw/D which most people would probably agree that Sw/D is not optimal. I enjoy both aspects of the class and the flexibility to stand at range or jump in with melee weapons and fight with my pet. Doesn't break any fantasy for me and, in my opinion, seems rather ordinary for a character who wants those options. But I'm just a filthy casual, so I must not know anything about it.
  14. Technically, you don't have to swap weapons with any profession.
  15. The same question can be asked of you.
  16. Only 6 posts, so I'm guessing the OP is new around here and doesn't know how to use the forums search function to discover the many many previous threads on this topic.
  17. You might keep an eye out on the official web site for news/updates: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/
  18. Which, IMO, would further devalue APs as players would mostly do them for the incentives.
  19. No offense taken. Just posing my experience in response to your point.
  20. Some of us are older players who have limited time for gaming, so we tend to stick with what we most enjoy for the greatest degree of entertainment value.
  21. I tried that, too. Didn't work out so well. Finally got lucky on a day when Silverwastes was a daily. Hope you get it soon.
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