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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I don't remember Anet saying this. They could have, and I just don't remember it. Regardless, maybe they meant that these types of things would not be required to progress in the game? I mean, they're only needed for map completion and even then that's really only needed for GoE and legendary items weren't around at launch (IIRC). /shrug
  2. But that's how shotguns work. Great at short range and significantly less effective at longer ranges.
  3. No, we can't all agree. I don't find Aurene's appearance pleasing at all.
  4. Having the goal of getting "better gear" isn't something that is really needed in GW2 beyond Exotic gear as has already been pointed out unless you plan to run fractals. The only ascended I have are a few weapons, but I only did those for their appearances. I have some trinkets as well, but I find that overall for my experience the bump in stats is not really noticeable. I guess what I'm suggesting is to not dedicate a lot of time/effort in to acquiring ascended just because you want "better gear". If it's a grind, you may find it more fun to play the game with exotics.
  5. These are the same players who are downed at Frozen Maw or Golem Mark II and don't go to the very near waypoint, rather they just lay there and complain about not being rezzed.
  6. It was a response to the point made about removing Skyscales from core maps.
  7. Not every casual doesn't want to improve. It may simply be that they don't have the time to dedicate to doing the research and the practicing the required rotations at which point (at least for me) GW2 then becomes a job rather than an entertainment outlet. As a very casual player, I know that I can improve. I have done some research to try and at least have my skills, attributes, armor and weapon sigils all be somewhat similar to maximize the most I can from them without spending a ton of gold on the better gear/sigils. I've even crafted a few ascended items. I just happen to know my limitations and that I don't have the time/energy to commit to gearing up and playing at a level that some "better" players believe that I should. EDIT: now, having said all of that, I'm in favor of some more intelligent mobs as I've stated earlier in the thread.
  8. Why? If the player is engaged with the content, skyscale or not, then participation should count. Disclaimer: I don't do this and am not advocating that it is the way to do content; rather, I'm against anything that disallows legally using what the game provides.
  9. Yep. You may want to keep watching this thread for announcements:
  10. Thank you! I don't like the new MH sword, either. Took away a lot of game play for me. MH sword is so brain-dead to me now. No creativity or planning the leaps and evades in and out of combat. A change that literally no one asked for. Boo!! I've also slotted MH dagger for the same reason, but for my core ranger. I'll have to check it out on untamed.
  11. No need to name call. You took my post out of context in its reply to the point that was made about limiting the skyscale's fireball in core Tyria maps. If we're going to do that, then why not limit the elite classes, too, since they are much more powerful than the skyscale. Maybe you haven't seen/heard the complaints about how vets come in to core maps and wipe things out too quickly, and this was even before any mounts were released.
  12. You know Anet would never do that. They make too much bank on those things to give them away for free.
  13. I'd say that a significantly large portion of my OW playing time is with one other friend.
  14. Just put boon stripping in the skill tooltip like they did for the breakbar damage?
  15. Then there should likewise be no participation granted in core Tyria maps for using elite builds.
  16. People really need to start understanding what happens when they ask Anet for things. We want OW legendary armor ... but not like that. We want fishing ... but not like that. We want templates ... but not like that. We want ranger bunnythumper build ... but not like that. and so on... Anet has a proven track record of implementing ideas tossed around on the forums, but in their own way and often not the way that the player base wanted.
  17. GW2 isn't really optimize to take advantage of GPU. The game is more CPU based. As stated above, SSD and RAM are a big help.
  18. Well, if that's the case, then sure 🙂
  19. There may be other financial issues here with VAT taxes and regulations that Anet simply doesn't want to have to manage.
  20. I would be on board with this. For us OW casual players, there aren't many opportunities to boon strip.
  21. How do you define "majority" here? Is this based on your personal observation or are there some statistics somewhere that you can share to support this claim?
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