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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I find, as a filthy casual, the mobs in PoF to be challenging enough for me. They have different mechanics within the same group which makes targeting specific ones more of a decision rather. I wouldn't want them changed other than their extreme aggro radius.
  2. I am as casual OW as one can probably get. I will never chase legendaries. Not worth my time/effort. I will, however, change builds from time to time depending on what I'm doing whether it's solo roaming or running around with a few friends or running with the world boss train. But for that, I just use the templates since I don't have a whole lot of different options that would make any significant difference for that type of content. Just my $0.02
  3. I reject the premise that "we need" this suggestion, especially as it tends to be more for one race than the others. I'd rather Anet work on other things in the game that would benefit what would most likely be a larger portion of the player base.
  4. You make a grand assumption that this suggestion would have the potential to generate lots of money. No one here has any evidence to support that.
  5. Wouldn't this defeat the purposes of the Hair and Makeover kits? I'd think that Anet would rather keep monetizing those rather than giving this away for free. Also, I can't really see how this would impact the value of dyes.
  6. There is that one hero point under the pyramid north of the Amnoon waypoint with the dude that periodically zips around. Maybe not for all targets, but some variety like this may not be too bad?
  7. Money is a resource and is applicable across the board. I'd rather Anet use their money to hire/retain programmers that would fix many of the ongoing, known issues in the game rather than spend the money for an artist to create this suggestion.
  8. I'd rather Anet spend their resources elsewhere. Good luck.
  9. Can I have your stuff? It's a bit unrealistic, I think, to demand that Anet release something that is specific to one race in the game.
  10. I can agree here. As much as I detest HoT maps, I still appreciate them for what they are and the challenges that they bring. I agree that having a mix of enemies like this can make things more complicated (Crystal Desert maps do this to an extent as well), but I'd rather not see every map changed to mirror this. It would be a more delicate balance, for sure.
  11. As long as I can turn it off like I do with the instruments in game. 😁
  12. Fun is definitely subjective. Sorry that you aren't finding enjoyment in what GW2 has to offer. Seems like there are thousands of others who do, though. As for ignoring, many players have moved away from text chat in favor of voice chat options like Discord. However, some still do use the in-game chat and although I don't often engage with those players, I have on occasion included myself in the conversation when it is worth my time. Often, map chat is a de-evolution into childish toilet humor so I will at times turn it off. Still, point is, what is fun for some may not be for others. Doesn't necessarily mean that the game world is ruined.
  13. It's not been ignored. Well, more recently I suppose you could say, but they have already stated that they will not be adding any additional language support. This has been requested quite a few times and a simple forums search would have found the answer.
  14. Aren't the Guild Wars (GW1) servers still running? Just go and play there if that's what you enjoy.
  15. If ANet changes other bosses like they did with the starter zone ones, I'd expect a lot of complaints. As someone who frequently travels on the world boss train, the starter zone bosses are a slog. Personally, I like that ANet gave each of them a different set of mechanics, but the sponginess of their HP, to me, is overly much. For my experience, Jungle Wurm is about right but the other three (FE, SB, FM) become rather boring due to the length of time that they often take. I do like the idea behind sprucing up many of the bosses in light of the current power creep situation. Just with more care than those starter zone ones.
  16. It's a good thing that the skyscale is completely optional. Any/All content can be completed with the other mounts/glider/leyline/updrafts, etc... One can choose to not be lazy and use all of the other tools at one's disposal.
  17. Pretty random. You may want to keep an eye on this thread for when things rotate in: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/90-news-gemstore-items-newreturnedsales/?do=getNewComment
  18. Nice. Here's mine. Caught my main just at the right moment. https://imgur.com/C27zrJR
  19. Well, for that matter, let's just skip the Twitch idea and give everyone a free item.
  20. I'm guessing that this solution wasn't very popular which might be why something similar wasn't added to later maps. I'd imagine that Anet's feedback is more heavily tilted toward players who enjoy flying around on skyscales over those who are annoyed by them. /shrug
  21. They only bother me in that they can make a negative impact on players' perception of the game. So I report them when I see them ... maybe I'm wrong and they're legit players, but I'll let Anet sort that out. Then, I move on.
  22. Looks like a response that I might post.... 😉
  23. Except prior to the implementation of mounts (and flying mounts) there were many complaints about there not being mounts (and flying mounts).
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