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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Doubt that there will ever be a "team mount" since the mounts are character transformations.
  2. Fun is subjective. I'd wager that there are a lot more players who don't find this practice to be fun than do.
  3. There is no guarantee that any profit will go towards specific content. Heck, there's no guarantee that tengu will bring significant profit to justify the resources needed to produce it. Only ANet knows.
  4. I think that this is a bit naive. If a new race were implemented without being able to wear all of the armors or participate in all of the personal story from 0-80, I believe that there would be a lot of disappointed players. Sure, many may be fine with limitations, but I'd wager that many more would not.
  5. BLK are so easy to obtain already. No need to short-change Anet with not purchasing them.
  6. That's just ignorant. Anet is complying with the law. Put the blame where it belongs.
  7. If it's only for diversity, and not story/lore, then a combat tonic should be sufficient.
  8. Please for the love of Pete, people need to stop comparing GW2 to FFXIV. They are two completely different business models.
  9. First, there really isn't any upvoting here. Second, tagging Anet doesn't guarantee that they will even look at your post/thread. You should post your suggestions in the official suggestion thread where we've been told on multiple occasions that Anet looks there. It is far easier for them to follow one thread than to scan all of the forums for every suggestion. 😉 Good luck with your request.
  10. I am against this proposal. It is definitely not "needed".
  11. I would expect legendary items to require... well, legendary activities to obtain them. /shrug
  12. I believe that classes like SpellBreaker were designed with PvP in mind or Raids, where such mechanics might be more important since they came out about around the same time. I find most of the eSpecs released with HoT aren't properly "balanced" for open world play.
  13. Well, ideally, if one were to use the search function to find older threads on a topic -- and then read the threads -- they may find that their point has already been made or discussed and then they wouldn't need to add yet another pointless post which revives a necro'd thread.
  14. Replay story, get legendary? Am I reading that request right? If so, then why even bother with replaying the story. How about giving legendary items as login rewards? I mean, it's almost the same thing, isn't it?
  15. Anet can't even get the AI right with pets. You honestly expect them to be able to enforce boons on enemies in PvE that would actually work?
  16. You know what works better than the forums reaction/emoji system? The search function! https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/95016-about-the-new-forum-emoji-reactions-just-as-bad-as-the-old-thumbs-up-or-thumbs-down-vote/?do=findComment&comment=1356028
  17. QoL Suggestions should go here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/96299-suggestionsqol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged/?do=getNewComment
  18. I suggest the OP keep a watch on the official thread for any updates: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/81512-updated-guild-wars-2-is-coming-to-steam-merged/?do=findComment&comment=81511
  19. You are the one with the claims. What "large tracts" are being siphoned off "month by month"? And you know that EVERY NEW PLAYER is "put off" by the core side of the game. Either you have a source for it or it is simple hyperbole.
  20. If this really affected Anet's profit and / or bottom line, then they would more strenuously address it. Apparently, it's not a big enough deal.
  21. And take away core mechanics from Ranger and Necro classes for legitimate players? No thank you. A simpler solution is to report and move on. AFK farming does not affect any other player's ability to complete content.
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