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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I have no desire to change the race of any of my toons. /shrug
  2. Egad. That sounds like some of the AutoCAD installs that we have to do at work. Just install already!
  3. That's your opinion. What facts or figures do you have to support such a point of view? The better question to ask is how does it benefit Anet and/or their investors.
  4. I disagree. I use the forums search frequently with much success. I suppose your mileage varies.
  5. As long as there is some kind of mastery that can be acquired to remove those restrictions. Being able to go invisible to avoid those pesky snipers for example. 😉
  6. I literally typed "open world PVP" in the search bar and found that post in the first page of results. I only berate for those who don't even try. It's just plain laziness.
  7. That's because Windows 10 doesn't do a complete shut down. In order to do a full shut down, you have to hold the SHIFT key down when you click Shut Down. Microsoft is kinda lying about boot time.
  8. So, lesson learned? Don't do things that run counter to the user agreement that might cause one to lose one's account?
  9. Or, perhaps they don't see it as a problem that requires any development to solve.
  10. Insulting the developers because you can't get what you want is probably not the best way to get them to act upon your suggestion. Just sayin'
  11. This has been requested many times. QoL Suggestions should go here for better visibility: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/96299-suggestionsqol-quality-of-life-ideas/?do=getNewComment
  12. Come to Divinity's Reach. Conversations going on all of the time there.
  13. It still is. There is nothing preventing anyone from playing Verdant Brink without mounts.
  14. Wondering why the OP didn't know this having already purchased one account prior to purchasing this second account?
  15. Ranger pet locations can be discovered here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_pet_locations
  16. This is one of the problems that I have with housing. Why would Anet incorporate housing into an expansion which, as you note, has a dedicated minority of players? I would think that such a decision would hurt their sales. It would be better, in my opinion, to release an expansion that targets a majority of players. Now, what that might entail I can't say -- I don't have their data. Maybe it is housing? Maybe not. For me, I hope not.
  17. Overwhelmingly approved by the community? Please cite your source for that claim. With provable facts.
  18. You can thank players who complained about people completing jumping puzzles with mounts for many of the invisible walls. This group of players, whose game play was in no way affected by other players' use of mounts for JPs, have affected every player's game play with these particular walls. Way to go.
  19. You jest, no? There's a reason Anet nerfed HoT. Now you want another expansion to chase away more players? Doesn't make good business sense to me.
  20. There is nothing requiring you from not using mounts to complete this kind of content. If you wish to explore without using mounts, you are more than free to do so. You can also do jumping puzzles as intended. There is no need to force your preferred play style on the rest of the player base.
  21. I keep asking but no one seems to be able to answer this very simple question. Good luck!
  22. Again, GW2 lore doesn't support that idea. And, mounts in GW2 are character transformations so I highly doubt that any 2 person mounts would be possible within the current mount structure.
  23. Right, because it would be "why did Anet only give us 800 gems? Why didn't they give us 1200? 2400? 5000?" No matter what quantity, if provided, there would be a vocal subset who would be dissatisfied.
  24. Don't need a horse for that, though. If implemented, why not use existing mounts? I'd think Anet could make it much cooler with existing ones. /shrug Besides, lore already has horses as non-existent so it would be ... odd.
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