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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Right. Don't spam it. I usually do the following: "Please do not use mounts to kill during events so that others have a chance to tag for credit. Thanks!" That's often enough. Those who choose to ignore my request will continue to do so anyway.
  2. I guess i will spam all starter areas with the message, to not 1 shot stuff and vetrans can easily buy a lower weapon for 2 silver x) (just in a politer way ofc!) But i think i cant change the game with this....but all i can do is hope i can have impact on the whole gw2 community. Unluckily... only 1 selffish guy can destroy an event...so i still think giving him reward and he cant destroy the event anymore sounds like a good option. Exactly. We can only try to change the culture, but it won't change if we don't try.
  3. Low profit and the inability to police chat/messages in the game.
  4. I have found that by turning on the mentor tag, and the politely asking players to not kill with mounts during events so that others can tag for credit, often works. Not every time, but more times than not.
  5. Are you in european or american server? :) I guess that might also change a lotNA server (ftw b/c body was too short)
  6. Granting more rewards for this behavior would only encourage it for the sake of said rewards. It might also create a chasm between new and veteran players. I've seen a lot of players asking for help in starter zones with many other players answering questions or going to where the new player is to help with content. The bandit hero point in Queensdale comes to mind as a specific example.
  7. Yeah, good luck with that... For most people: stop being selfish = stop being human, or so it would seems from playing MMOs.I agree which is why I don't believe that the proposal will solve anything.
  8. Glad that you find it so easy. For many of us, we don't. The challenge is more than sufficient. I want the level to remain as it is so that I can actually complete content.
  9. I think that with the impending expansion, and Steam release sometime soon-ish, Anet is anticipating a large influx of new (or newer?) players and they are manipulating the economy to be more favorable for the new players.
  10. So you are saying all classes are equally difficult in their own way? Well, yes, that is what you are saying but that could never be true - and how does it help OP? It's like when someone asks what is the best class -and someone answers its the class that you enjoy playing the most. - it's not answering the question.That's because the original premise is flawed in that it is entirely subjective.Necro from my experience is quite very very easy for high power, nothing much complicated. Most classes are actually very hard to play right at the higher levels.Which is your opinion. Doesn't necessarily make your answer to the OP right or wrong. That's what we're getting at.
  11. The whole concept of the trading post, I thought, was to make scamming almost impossible? This latest idea circumvents that protection, no? While I know that trading does happen outside of the system, I'm not sure that Anet would want to start down this particular path. What's in it for them other than a possible influx of support tickets?
  12. Closed instances does not an MMO make. I don't think that GW2 "needs" more of them at the cost of no other open world content (or competitive content for that matter). I won't argue against having closed instances in addition to other content, though. It seems to have its appeal, although to what extent only Anet has the metrics to define. Three months and have finished everything? You have all of the possible achievements? That's amazing.
  13. ^ not a completionist in any real way. I find achievements that interest me and work on those. Some I complete; others not.
  14. Well as many before me already wrote: The current situation is frustrating for new player...So people who test the free version dont even buy the expansion.It is always good to be new player and beginner friendly. More new player = more money Where is your statistical evidence? What you have is anecdotal. Your friends as new players is not indicative of a problem that affects all new players. If you would be able to back up your claim with hard facts, I would be more inclined to listen. Im really sorry, i have a job and i only play this game for fun. I can only tell you what i notice myself. Thats why at the beginning of this conversation i asked others how their experience is, or not? You didnt share your experience about someone stealing your kills...so maybe u tell me what u noticed? :)I don't have this issue. I don't see other players stealing my kills. Have you tried a new character after the release of PoF? Check and look for lvl 80 player. Especially in queensdale this problem is huge. Or maybe just go with ur main character to queensdale with your best build and best dmg/aoe. And go make the escort event https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Escort_the_trading_post_caravan_to_ClaypoolThen you maybe will see the problem i see. And again..as i said...i regulary take random new palyer (who i dont know, just someone who come from the tutorial with less then 40 AP) and i run together with them and explain the game. And usually at this event i have to say "pls dont 1 shot stuff". Some vetrans understand and even apologize. But some just ignore and even wait at the next spawn. If you want, i can mail you ingame the name from someone who i met yesterday, and he tells you how he feels :) I have all of the characters that I want, so no, I haven't leveled anything lately. I do spend an inordinate amount of time in Queensdale and Wayfarer Foothills, though, helping out new players or low-level characters. I don't often see the problem that you mention (The caravan escort for example. Heck, I'm usually the one who starts the escort when I'm there. :) ) unless the zone is marked for daily events. That isn't to say that I haven't seen it happen -- just not to the extent that I believe that you have. I wonder, though, if your proposal would have other, maybe adverse effects on players in those zones? There is a reason why Anet set up scaling in the way that they did, although I agree that they don't seem to have re-tuned scaling after the introduction of mounts. If I recall, Anet did tune down the mount dismounting skill in low zones, but that doesn't seem to help during daily events when several players dismount on mobs at the same time. To me, this is more of a player responsibility than a developer change. Sadly, many players are selfish and don't care about anything more than their immediate needs. I feel it is that culture that needs to change; advocating for code changes may not be the right answer or even provide the result(s) that you would like. Anet could change the scaling, but players would find ways to continue to selfishly play the game.
  15. Well as many before me already wrote: The current situation is frustrating for new player...So people who test the free version dont even buy the expansion.It is always good to be new player and beginner friendly. More new player = more money Where is your statistical evidence? What you have is anecdotal. Your friends as new players is not indicative of a problem that affects all new players. If you would be able to back up your claim with hard facts, I would be more inclined to listen. Im really sorry, i have a job and i only play this game for fun. I can only tell you what i notice myself. Thats why at the beginning of this conversation i asked others how their experience is, or not? You didnt share your experience about someone stealing your kills...so maybe u tell me what u noticed? :)I don't have this issue. I don't see other players stealing my kills.
  16. I'm not saying that your idea/concept is without any merit. I just don't see convincing evidence that it is something that Anet would want or need to fix.
  17. Well as many before me already wrote: The current situation is frustrating for new player...So people who test the free version dont even buy the expansion.It is always good to be new player and beginner friendly. More new player = more money Where is your statistical evidence? What you have is anecdotal. Your friends as new players is not indicative of a problem that affects all new players. If you would be able to back up your claim with hard facts, I would be more inclined to listen.
  18. Definitely, I think maps till Jormag Rising were very engaging with various events, activities, meta events like Drakkar or once Claw of Jormag's meta was fixed, it feels like a nice and rewarding experience.As for Champions I think changing the way parts of core maps look is definitely a cool idea, and making them instanced won't make a mess in the future with all those ambushes when new players start playing - something that probably looks weird when a new player sees entangled places by mordremoth or mordrems, while doing story with Zhaitan. Still I hope a new location will be added in Judgment - 4th chapter. The quality of music also definitely adds so much to locations like Alpine Marches, Eagle Flight, and battle music in Drizzlewood Coasts and more I think the frozen Lake Doric will exist only inside the DRM accessed trough the asuran portal in EoTN. The real Lake Doric map will stay untouched. I think it's great. This could also set a precedent where they make more instances that do this. I can't recall any other time they have done this and it could help open up more stuff in the future, because instead of making a full map and having it fully functional they can isolate parts of it and change those. For a start it could be a way to bring back Season 1: have instanced versions of those maps, or the relevant parts of the map, with the season 1 storyline stuff going on. That could enable them to bring back the whole thing, instead of a few random fragments like we've gotten so far.I really wouldn't want Anet to waste their time instancing LS1 for nostalgia-sake. I prefer that they move forward, not backward. Yeah, people missed out on LS1. So did I. I just don't think that it is profitable enough to go that route as opposed to creating new content. Also, I'm not sold that there is a large enough portion of the player base that is dying to have LS1 content.
  19. I don't agree with the idea. If players want rewards, then they should play the game. /shrug
  20. Were you around GW2 before Anet changed this?
  21. Do you mean Braham? Nah, he'd just whine and complain a lot and do practically no worthwhile work.
  22. Oh, yeah, forgot about Mystic Coins. I've sold at least a stack of them once or twice, so that helped.
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