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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Wait, wouldn't Cantha be a re-hash of GW1?
  2. Perhaps expand upon that. What would you consider "different" and "fun" dailies?
  3. You always make it a point to tell people that you are a casual player and you had 1000 gold to just throw away? Wow. I wonder what "casual" is to you? The title was actually a goal for me. Well, there we have it. Even if i did have that much gold, i would just save it for gem store if something nice came along. Maybe there will be a title worth getting for me too one day. So, do you remember how long it took to get 1000 gold? No need for examples on how you did it, just the amount of time. Heh, sorry, no. I really didn't keep track. I just kept doing what I was doing and selling stuff. I was originally saving up gold to purchase gems, but the prices shot up (from around 70 -> 140) and I kept waiting for the exchange rate to drop back down. So, I hoarded until it did -- which it never did and then found out about the title and thought, well, why not?I've been up to 1600 gold since then, but purchased gems ahead of the last annual sale. Now, I'm hovering just over 1000, but had dipped below that as I decided to craft some ascended weapons. I'd like to get back up to at least 1300 - 1600 and imagine that I might get there by sometime late autumn, assuming that gem prices don't suddenly drop.
  4. That's actually how PVE maps tend to work at "best" anything that puts a fight and isnt a boss players would complain its to hard, just like they did on HoT release, and dont forget Tyria core maps were from a diferent time, where classes werent overbuffed with new spec gimmicks. In pve maps everything melts to some autos, its casual pve, it is ment to work that way. i remember how much i suffered at gw2 launch. It was never easy for me. Also Orr back then was a big loot fest even outside events....Im not saying that core tyria should not be casual...but just 4 mobs for 6 player per wave is too little. A player alone can have an aoe with attacking 5 and stealing everything...and that steals also the fun.Today i ran around with 2 random bloody gw2 beginner...they usually enjoyed the big events with big waves more...also they loved it when i lured 7 monster around me, so they attack it while i heal myself... That actually feels more mmo rpg feeling,than what we have atm, IMO game needs to be more team based, and not towards if u want a challange just run a naked toon and a sword in hot (but sword mut be underlvl and white rarity) Hey, if the next expansion enforces "team work" then i will not buy it. As always, even the story should allow team play if people want, but forcing it is just dumb. Maybe some people will be compelled to shrug and try their best to make the most of it, but i know i won't. Why do people want to make others adopt their playstyle? Do your thing and leave me out of it. Agreed. We had a thread not long ago advocating for forcing player to play together because the OP couldn't get people to play with him/her.
  5. I'm not so sure that adding yet another marker (commander, catmander, mentor) wouldn't clutter things up more than they already are? Yea if you read what i said wasent talking about the mark over head at all.Was saying the alt 1- meaning the arrow, circle, heart etc would be nice if can be used in group by anyone to mark things like the graveling mounds in ascalon path 1 for example.I was thinking more about marks on the mini map rather than overhead.
  6. I wouldn't call those objectives "challenging content".
  7. You may want to ask a moderator to merge your request with the existing QoL thread where it will have more visibility to the devs. You can do this by reporting your own post and using the "other" option at the bottom of the list.
  8. I'm not so sure that adding yet another marker (commander, catmander, mentor) wouldn't clutter things up more than they already are?
  9. If a player is looking for more challenging content, then why is s/he playing a maxed out level character in low core Tyria zones?
  10. You always make it a point to tell people that you are a casual player and you had 1000 gold to just throw away? Wow. I wonder what "casual" is to you? Yep. Very casual. I play a lot open world PvE, mostly in core Tyria. I rarely do any crafting, so I end up selling off pretty much everything that I pick up. It adds up. The title was actually a goal for me. Since I'm not into much else for achievements, it gave me something to work for. Much like the skyscale, which took several months to completer whereas many players managed theirs in days.
  11. Please don't paint all ranger players with such a broad brush. There's been a bit of a trend over the years where the population of least-skilled rangers has a weird compulsion to go to other subforums and ask for nerfs to professions they have not yet played after hopping into the competitive modes.Some have been so kind to record their "skilled gameplay" after thousands of hours in PvE to be absolutely eviscerated by the respective other communities, pretty much pointing out that they made a bad decision with extremely slow decision-making and reaction times at virtually every second of footage. It's not so much the fault of ranger players but the fact I think starting the game playing the class as a stereotypical longbow pewpew builds in PvE breeds some very bad habits and expectations that the mains and first-time rangers don't realize until they delve deep into the other professions. Even as coming from someone who's first-ever character was a ranger (and rerolled into thief due to the boring pet mechanics and underpowered nature of the weapon skills at launch when pets were designed to deal 40% of the ranger's damage) I firmly believe unlocking pets and longbow at 80 would remove at least half these problems, as to force them into being actively engaged more with the game's mechanics earlier on and taking just a few more risks. Even my girlfriend with limited gaming experience who joined recently quit the ranger as her first character cited that while she wanted to blast people with a bow and be a "cool archer -expletive-," the gameplay was not stimulating, and subsequently re-rolled into guard, hit 80, and then made a thief, and found much more depth and difficulty right out of the gates in both.I understand your points, but they also seem to be insinuating that they reflect the abilities and game-play of those players who choose to play rangers. My request, again, is to not paint all of us ranger players with such a broad brush. Not all of us ranger players exhibit the characteristics that you describe. I main ranger, and yet I also enjoy other professions as well. I just happen to prefer the ranger profession for a host of reasons and I'm confident that there are a lot of other ranger mains who likewise are not playing in the manner that you describe or who are quite adept at their preferred profession. Comments like the one that I originally replied to are overly broad and, in my opinion, don't do much to help relationships between players who happen to prefer certain professions. Not all of us ranger players are like that.
  12. I can't envision a new class. We have three for each now: light, medium and heavy. Adding another class would upset that balance, IMO. I think this is why Anet went with the Elite builds concept. Those enable players to play a class differently than core which might feel like a new class. I know that I play my Ranger / SoulBeast / Druid differently. /shrug
  13. I bought it. Why? Because... I'm rich, you know.
  14. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/121390/an-update-on-game-security-and-player-reporting-in-guild-wars-2#latest
  15. I'm sure that if Anet could find a way to profit on making griffons able to use updrafts, they'd be all over it. I would think that enabling this would potentially take away from glider skin sales. /shrug
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