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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Got a third one last night. EDIT: My spouse is doing the achievement. Too bad these are account bound. :(
  2. Maybe try the Thief profession sub-forum?
  3. Please use the forums search feature. Serpent's Ire has been discussed in several threads along with suggestions on how one can complete the content.
  4. Recycle content, sure, but the game style between GW and GW2 is significantly different. Instanced vs open world. Not sure what GW3 could bring to the table that is not just an engine redesign.
  5. I'm glad that you find them simple and fun. Jumping puzzles are neither of those things for me. Fortunately, I don't have to do them. :)
  6. Might as well make it an optional subscription model then. Let's divide the player base between those who pay to play and those who don't.
  7. And, no, you never mentioned HOW you would do this; only that you wanted to. Good luck with your ideas, though. I am completely against them but not opposed to your posting them. Since you have misinterpreted my posts twice now, I am no longer willing to continue conversing with you.
  8. Why is this a problem? Do these players prevent others from achieving the rewards?
  9. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65547/policy-third-party-programs
  10. That's a good point, they really impressed me with the mounts. I was one of the people who always said GW2 didn't need mounts, and I still think mounts like I've seen in other games wouldn't add anything worth having, but I've been really impressed with what they did. Yeah, I think that the mount implementation was well done. I still don't care for the addition, but I can acknowledge work well done even if I don't personally care for the end product.I feel the same way about HoT maps!
  11. Why play a Massively multiplayer Online Video game if you're not going to play with other people? Who said people don't play with other people? Interacting with other players is optional in just about every MMO that I know. GW2 doesn't need to force interaction. EDIT: Also, you are suggesting that I, personally, don't play with other players with nothing factual to back up that assertion.
  12. Strawman argument. Never said anything like that.Never said that you "said" that. I said that you seem to be advocating for it. Please be more careful when you read what I post.
  13. I would prefer Anet fix the existing pets before incorporating new ones.
  14. Octovine and chak garent are done because they are much more rewarding, not because of the difference in mechanics.Lets compare rewards before making baseless claims:Octovine: amalgamated gemstone 5-6 rares requiring keys to open. Requires 100% participation to break even on the 5 keys. Near zero chance at a infusionJR or Maws of Torment: amalgamated gemstone 3 rares, 2 chest that do not required keysChak gerent: amalgamated gemstone no rares, near zero chance at a infusionForging fire or serpents ire: amalgamated gemstone, 3 raresCasino blitz: amalgamated gemstone, 3 rares, near zero chance at infusion.All rewards are very comparable, and all are better than the world boss chain, the hordes favorite farm. So cherry pick what are "rewards". Ok. Nevermind then.
  15. Ah I didn't know it could get removed for doing that. Thank you for the heads up and the gem store forum link! I shall post there too :] You might want to review https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/342/forum-moderation-and-infraction-system
  16. This topic is starting to trend toward one already covered here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/118843/my-honest-feelings-about-map-mob-difficulty-in-pof No need to re-hash that thread in a new one. Let's keep on topic.
  17. I thought that Sun's Refuge would have been a great place for this.
  18. I launch GW2 through the Steam client which allows for this in their overlay.
  19. And here we come to the crux of the entire thread. You WANT to force players to play together -- even those who struggle in social situations. I can't see how that would incentivize new players to stay with the game. Besides, helping new players ought to be its own reward.
  20. Octovine and chak garent are done because they are much more rewarding, not because of the difference in mechanics.
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