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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. The Incarnate Flame skyscale mount skin. Didn't realize it would tank my FPS. I never use it.
  2. You might want to review this thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/121390/an-update-on-game-security-and-player-reporting-in-guild-wars-2 before accusing Anet of not doing anything.
  3. I've only had a few interactions with the support team for GW2 and have found them to be reasonable and helpful, even seeming to go beyond what is necessary. I wish I that could say the same for the forums team.
  4. Because its faster to solo than look for a group..... That's what guilds are for, no?
  5. Yes and after that we need anet to make a option to turn of infusion effects from other players ? Really hoping this option comes with EoD, but I doubt it's in their current scope. So many People ask for this so if anet not doin it that will make No sense Define so many people. By many people do you mean, maybe 10 - 20 forumers out of 200k+ players? U see People in game All time say that they want itYou must be on a different server or something. I never see this in game.
  6. My earliest memory was sneaking out solo to acquire the juvenile black wolf for my ranger.... and then summarily getting washed over by a 40+ zerg. Helped cement why I don't enjoy that content.
  7. Need and Want are two separate things. I would prefer resources be spent on other things more likely to impact a larger portion of the player base than something so niche as this suggestion.
  8. You can mount on either skyscale or griffon when falling depending on which you select during the fall.
  9. I wasn't making an argument; rather I was suggesting why Anet might be releasing these things in the manner that they are. Then, I offered my opinion.
  10. How long have you been using this mount? I still have this happen from time to time, but I've learned how to avoid this issue for the most part.
  11. Exactly. Play the game, earn gold, convert to gems, purchase skins.
  12. A simple search of the forums using the exact words of your thread title would find many other threads on this exact topic.
  13. the game is already unplayable Thousands, if not millions, of players logged in daily would argue that point.
  14. Fuss over nothing in your view, perhaps. For some of us, it was a pretty big deal. Implementing this kind of thing in capital cities only would be preferable.
  15. No backlash? I hated it. I didn't play until it was gone. I know several other players who likewise hated it. Well, for that effect, there should always be a disable button, of course(can hardly imagine why anyone would passionately hate a 1-day effect, though)Were you around when it happened? I despised this effect to the point that the game wasn't fun to play. Others I know did as well. Implementing something globally that discourages players from logging in or playing that game is not something that I think would be in Anet's best interests.Yes, a disable option would be preferred should something like this be implemented.
  16. No backlash? I hated it. I didn't play until it was gone. I know several other players who likewise hated it.
  17. While the statement is true, I think it could readily be applied to infusions, as they are not store sold items, or is there one sold that I'm not aware of ? Perhaps, but my point is that I don't believe that Anet would be willing to offer an option to turn off just infusions. Seems like a lot of work for them with little to no reward.
  18. I certainly don't use the more "popular" runes and sigils because I don't want to pay the price for them across all of my characters and builds. But then, I'm a very casual player. Perhaps I could find more success in content with which I struggle if I invested in them.
  19. I don't believe that Anet wants to give players the ability to turn off other players' effects. I believe a good portion of their gem store sales are supported by Fashion Wars. They need these effects to be visible to encourage purchases. Just my opinion.
  20. I like those build and equipment template shortcuts. I’ll have to use those.I just found it easy for me to hold down the Alt key with my pinky and then quickly hit whatever 2 numbers I need to swap my build/equipment. I had already done a similar set up with the mounts, so it was almost natural for me.I use the number pad on my keyboard as the mount shortcuts, instead of the number keys across the top. They evidently are different (which I didn’t know before)I know other people do this, too, but I'd rather keep my right hand on my mouse and my left closer to all of the keys that I use instead of reaching for the number pad. /shrug Whatever works, right?
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