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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Nice! :smile: I'll end up getting all of them now and yeah, each mount has its uses. The most useful to me i think has been the Bunny! It's amazing how such an "early" mount will still be relevant later. Speaks volumes on the great design of the mounts! I mean, even when i had the borrowed skyscale mount in Dragonfall, i still used the Springer a lot of the times. The least one i use is the jackal but only because it's so specific that i don't know where to use it instead of just using the Raptor. Unless there's a sand portal, Raptor is almost always better. Jackal is basically reduced to "a thing you use to enter portals", and there's not many of those around. I wish they could implement more uses for it, some sand roads like in PoF, those are amazing, running on sand so high up! But criminally underused. I already got the beetle and i'ts literally amazing how fast i can get to places with it! Sometimes i drift wrong and end up splat in a wall or off a cliff but that's the fun of it. :tongue: In more flat maps, it's THE mount to use! Amazing mount! I ended up using it more than i thought i would. I thought i'd get it for completion sake, but now it's my go to mount! Plus, i know i'll use other mounts as well when i get the griffon and skycale. Probably less, but they did make sure that the flying ones won't invalidate the ground ones and that's admirable. Jackal really is the least useful mount. Raptor is useful when you have gaps to go over, or lots of flat land with obstacles. Skimmer for bodies of water. Beetle for vroom vroom. Bunny can still scale heights faster than Skyscale, Griffon for vroom vroom in the air. However, Skyscale is all around useful everywhere.Disagree with jackal. It really depends on the terrain, though. I find that the raptor doesn't manage inclines very well.
  2. Good point. I assumed if one had the tome then one would also have the scrolls, but that's not necessarily the case.
  3. Yep. It works well in a shared inventory slot, too. ;)
  4. "Struggling" is a matter of perspective. I disagree.
  5. Sure, I'll cut them a little slack. However, the beetle isn't required to complete content, so it's really just a QoL thing. If players want it, then they should buy Season 4, play the content and gain the mount. /shrug EDIT: this is the same argument that people have about allowing horse mount rentals (or somesuch) in starter zones. At some point, Anet needs cash and can't just keep giving QoL things away for free.
  6. Honestly, at this point, it's not worth reading or a tldr
  7. Perhaps in your experience, true. Anet seems to disagree, or at least they don't see a significant enough of an advantage to make the effort.
  8. I'm too casual to understand perhaps. There is no significant difference between ascended and legendary gear, right? If that's so, then what purpose would ascended runes/sigils serve since there exists legendary ones? Sorry if I'm ignorant here.
  9. Not sure about PoF in your experience, but I picked up masteries for the mounts just by doing the story.
  10. It's not being obstinate. They've already said that the UI is one of the hardest things to work on because of the legacy code that is in it. Also, it risks breaking something else, so I gather that it's not worth the time/effort for so little gain.
  11. You'll get that one easily once you have the skimmer mount. Just come back for it. It'll be there, waiting for you.
  12. I think all maps have farming routes to give you at least 10 gold each hour. I'm usually playing the game during the limited time I can allot to be online. I feel that running farming routes wastes that time. /shrug
  13. Under Options (F11), General Options (first tab) there is a check box for Show Skill Recharge. Will that work?
  14. I don't know where you get that assumption from but you don't represent the majority of players and even if your assumption had the slight of evidence to be considered valid the gaming community is not organized as the dictatorship of the majority, leave that kind of political system away from these forums, please. I'm not the one who made the statement. You're the one who claimed to know what the majority of the community doesn't like without the slight of evidence to be considered valid. The fact that many enjoy the New Year celebration might account for your experience in that the PoF maps may appear less populated. This might account for the lack of participation in the events that you seek. I suggest joining a guild and getting members there to help. I saw where you said that you haven't been able to get any assistance from the two guilds that you're in. Maybe join one that will be more helpful.
  15. Sorry, but your experience does not speak for most of the players. Consider, too, that the New Year celebration is going on right now which attracts a good portion of the population.
  16. EXTREMELY TERRIBLE!!!! Well, not necessarily. It all depends on how they're prepared.
  17. From the Wiki:Although the elementalist has access to only one weapon set during combat, they effectively have the ability to switch between four different skill sets by changing attunements. There are five possible weapon sets (nine after accounting for elite specializations), giving a total of twenty (or thirty-six) when changing attunements.-There are plenty of reasons to swap between elements, based on the situation at hand and the weapon set selected. EDIT: whoa! didn't know the font would go like that. not intentional
  18. You think it would be too OP? Or the new meta?Yes (body is too short)
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