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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Somewhere in one of the previous threads on this topic it was explained that griffons (and now, by extension skyscales) are too heavy to benefit from updrafts. Thus, the glider. So then how can giant norn and charr use updrafts? Some of the norn and charr I see in the OP are sometimes larger and probably much heavier than griffins. Charr or Norn could not be larger and/or heavier than griffons, else griffons would never be able to carry them. Additionally, both races are able to use gliders for updrafts, so they can't be heavier than griffons. So it's just a matter of being able to do it in the game? Not about any logic or anything?So if the day would actually come where anet decides, Griffin can use the updrafts(Whether realistic or not, purely hypothetical), you would switch to: Okay, apparently they're not that heavy after all and can use Updrafts /shrug. No, my first point was that it was lore related. Unfortunately, I don't have the exact post/quote, just my aged memory from being around these forums for much too long. Could it be done mechanically? Certainly, if Anet decides to allow mounts to use updrafts. I just recall it being said that the reason griffons couldn't use them (this was pre-skyscale when the griffon was still new and people were requesting updraft use for it) because lore-wise, they were too heavy. That was the reason given back then.
  2. Somewhere in one of the previous threads on this topic it was explained that griffons (and now, by extension skyscales) are too heavy to benefit from updrafts. Thus, the glider. So then how can giant norn and charr use updrafts? Some of the norn and charr I see in the OP are sometimes larger and probably much heavier than griffins.Charr or Norn could not be larger and/or heavier than griffons, else griffons would never be able to carry them. Additionally, both races are able to use gliders for updrafts, so they can't be heavier than griffons.
  3. I believe that you are incorrect in that assessment.
  4. you can't earn when you don't pay, if they hire ppl to make the minion skins it would actually make income. Have you run a business? In the US, you have to pay for things other than salaries, and you would be paying for that on day one before any work would even begin on these skins. You also seem to assume that these skins would make a LOT of money. If they were placed in the gem store for 800 gems (or 1200), how many players would actually pay cash for gems to buy them rather than simply convert gold -> gems? That conversion brings in no capital. It would take more than making a few skins to afford extra employees to do that work. My earlier point was that players should purchase a LOT more gems with cash to infuse the company with capital. Then, Anet might have the resources to hire additional staff. i am running my own part of a shop, i know exactly how a business works since i am running one.Ok, cool!also, if there is nothing but the same being added to the store ppl are less likely to buy anything, new stuff lures in new and returning customers but you need to invest before anything happens.That's my point. However, in order to invest you need capital first. I suppose you could take out a business loan for the capital, but I really don't see Anet asking NCSoft for more money. they did have a lay-off run so if things went well they actually saved allot of income, less employees and such.Again, the layoffs had nothing to do with GW2.
  5. you can't earn when you don't pay, if they hire ppl to make the minion skins it would actually make income. Have you run a business? In the US, you have to pay for things other than salaries, and you would be paying for that on day one before any work would even begin on these skins. You also seem to assume that these skins would make a LOT of money. If they were placed in the gem store for 800 gems (or 1200), how many players would actually pay cash for gems to buy them rather than simply convert gold -> gems? That conversion brings in no capital. It would take more than making a few skins to afford extra employees to do that work. My earlier point was that players should purchase a LOT more gems with cash to infuse the company with capital. Then, Anet might have the resources to hire additional staff. i am running my own part of a shop, i know exactly how a business works since i am running one.Ok, cool!also, if there is nothing but the same being added to the store ppl are less likely to buy anything, new stuff lures in new and returning customers but you need to invest before anything happens.That's my point. However, in order to invest you need capital first. I suppose you could take out a business loan for the capital, but I really don't see Anet asking NCSoft for more money.
  6. you can't earn when you don't pay, if they hire ppl to make the minion skins it would actually make income.Have you run a business? In the US, you have to pay for things other than salaries, and you would be paying for that on day one before any work would even begin on these skins. You also seem to assume that these skins would make a LOT of money. If they were placed in the gem store for 800 gems (or 1200), how many players would actually pay cash for gems to buy them rather than simply convert gold -> gems? That conversion brings in no capital. It would take more than making a few skins to afford extra employees to do that work. My earlier point was that players should purchase a LOT more gems with cash to infuse the company with capital. Then, Anet might have the resources to hire additional staff.
  7. Yeah, I am still having a hard time believing that all of Tyria's dwarven population got transformed.Why? According to the lore, they were all, regardless of faction, connected to The Great Dwarf, and it was this connection that was the basis for the transformation ritual. Basically, due to this, no dwarf was able to avoid being subject to the ritual - If they didn't like it, still the best they could hope for was to delay the effect for a while.So, all of them eventually succumbing to the ritual is not exactly surprising or doubtful. Even so, magic exists in the world. Maybe some sort of quest to find something that would revert the dwarves from stone? Just a thought.
  8. Sure it would make sense. It's just my preference. If I were able to choose dwarves or tengu, it'd be dwarves.
  9. This is yet another achievement that does not appeal to me, so I probably won't even bother with whatever content there is to gain it. I know that most in my small play group feel the same. I get it: there are those who have been panting for this emote thing for ages. It disappoints me to place it behind content which pretty much dis-incentivizes me from playing. Yeah, I know, I could still do the content anyway, but ... why?
  10. I don't see that on the wiki. I'm looking at https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scaled_Dragon_Wings_Backpack
  11. I would more easily accept dwarves over tengu.
  12. Then we will have to simply disagree. Good luck with your proposal.
  13. I disagree. I don't believe that players with home instance nodes log in every day and farm them. This butler idea would farm the instance every day whether or not the player logs in. This could only increase the amount of mats that are introduced into the economy which, in turn, would affect the economy as a whole. At least, that's what I would expect to happen. I'm no economist or expert in the field; I'm just going by business experience. /shrug
  14. Of course you would. It would be effectively a limited-usage bot that makes you some money every day with no effort, why wouldn't you use it? :D Also give me a raid butler, fractal butler, wvw butler and overally open world gathering route butler per map. ^^ Thanks for helping make my point. This is why I believe such an addition to the game would have an adverse effect on the in-game economy, too. Oh no. That's my point, go find your own. :grimace: Wait, it was my point first. Why.... why you.... oh, nevermind. =P
  15. Of course you would. It would be effectively a limited-usage bot that makes you some money every day with no effort, why wouldn't you use it? :D Also give me a raid butler, fractal butler, wvw butler and overally open world gathering route butler per map. ^^ Thanks for helping make my point. This is why I believe such an addition to the game would have an adverse effect on the in-game economy, too.
  16. Need and Want are two different things. I'd rather resources be spent elsewhere. I don't need this at all.
  17. If it does work out for you, then perhaps you can appeal to Microsoft to bring Windows XP back?
  18. I'd say that mesmer is more about copying than stealing. Steal is supposed to imply a loss on the target that's been stolen from. I can see that, too.
  19. i think starting a new thread with new comments or opinions would be just fine. Problem is, most thread necro's are nothing more than another re-hashing of the points already made in the thread. Akin to "me too". Which adds nothing new.
  20. Stealing mechanics from another profession seems more like a mesmer kind of thing than a thief, no?
  21. QoL suggestions should go here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged where they have a higher chance of being seen by Anet
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