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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. At that point, they might as well just increase the overall movement rate across the board, but then that would also mean increasing the movement rate for mounts so we'd be back where we started... only faster.
  2. I use sword/dagger as my main weapon set on my core ranger. Along with the tiger for a pet, the synergy is fun for me as a melee fighter. Probably not so META though as I'm very casual and pretty much play what I enjoy.
  3. I expect another influx of new players insta-leveling to 80, complaining about the difficulty of the content and why they don't have all of the mounts yet.
  4. I think that Anet wants people to see these effects so that they can say "Oooo that's cool" and then work to obtain the item(s) that grant the desired effect. That keeps people playing longer and/or spending money to convert gems -> gold to purchase needed things from the BLTC to craft the item(s). Sure, a setting could be made where a player can just see their own effect, but without seeing other player's effects how would they know that such items exist? Personally, I would like the ability to turn off these effects. I just don't see it in Anet's best interest to do so. /shrug
  5. That's why I stopped debating. The threshold of evidence isn't supported.
  6. Playing through Core zones, completing heart quests and story lines, ought to generate enough experience to level toons. The rushing events on mounts usually refers to more open content (daily events, escort events) that aren't really required to level. Can these mounted rider be annoying and selfish? Absolutely, but they don't prevent players from completing enough content to level. Rental mounts are not needed and could dis-incentivize players from working toward current mounts.
  7. part of the "problem" is the way Guild Wars 2 introduced it's playable races. for each playable race (norn/sylvari/asura/human/charr) you have:⇒ a starter city -- complete with NPCs, voiced, and idle chatter along with story/lore related dialogue⇒ starter zone + 2~4 zones linked to it⇒ extended backstory lore+ personal story sets at level 10 & 20 (3 variants for each set) + tutorial mission⇒ cultural armour (3 tiers and 3 armour weights per tier)⇒ male+female voice acting (for personal story levels 10~20 * 3 variants, personal story level 30~80, all seasons, HoT~PoF~Icebrood Saga)⇒ male+female voice acting (for profession specific call outs, rare item finds, merchant/vendor/npcs goodbye phrase, etc. etc.)⇒ a destiny's edge member (though this is optional but all 5 original-playable races are tied to the personal story because of destiny's edge) --- and a few more i might've missed or forgotten ---so if you skimp on one of these for the new race, we'd inevitably get one-two-few-many threads complaining about: "this new favourite race of mine is being shortchanged! why don't we have the stuff norn/asura/human/charr/sylvari have??? why ANET why? why even make a new race if it's not complete!" 
  8. What amount of work? New races will be introduced straight into the new storyline, which means they won't get a new Personal Story, and will be transformed into other races when they replay all previous stories. Also, new races won't be able to use all armor skins and outfits, only those which are easy to adapt. As for the animations, many of the playable race candidates already have quite a few of them. You're vastly overestimating the amount of work new races would take. I think that you're vastly underestimating what the community wants in a new race. Have you read the previous threads on the topic? Introduce a new race with no personal story and with limited ability to use armor skins and outfits? That, in my opinion, would be a terrible idea. So you'd rather have no new playable races at all? Now that's a terrible idea.Where did I say that? No, I just thought that your post about adding three additional races was very optimistic.ArenaNet won't waste a single penny updating old (and mostly bad) content that 99% of the players don't care about anymore. It doesn't make any sense from a business+development perspective.Hyperbolic arguments will get you nowhere. 99%? Really?
  9. What amount of work? New races will be introduced straight into the new storyline, which means they won't get a new Personal Story, and will be transformed into other races when they replay all previous stories. Also, new races won't be able to use all armor skins and outfits, only those which are easy to adapt. As for the animations, many of the playable race candidates already have quite a few of them. You're vastly overestimating the amount of work new races would take.I think that you're vastly underestimating what the community wants in a new race. Have you read the previous threads on the topic? Introduce a new race with no personal story and with limited ability to use armor skins and outfits? That, in my opinion, would be a terrible idea.
  10. Ok, I disagree. Your statistics are not credible in that they do not account for all accounts. Only Anet has this information. At any rate, I'm not going to argue this further with you since we cannot agree on a common ground from which to even begin to debate.
  11. What do you mean? A player with 268 achievement points reached HOT and quit after finding too difficult? A player with 268 AP hasn't even reached Orr for crying out loud. I mean that your evidence to support your point/claim is anecdotal at best, or hyperbolic at worst. You make it seem that half the player population up and quit because of HoT when you can't back that up with credible statistics. It unnecessarily fuels panic about the state of the game.
  12. Players quitting or players not paying is definitely not the same thing. While I appreciate the argument that you're making, the claims are unsubstantiated.
  13. I also thought that due to the different weights, that the armor types couldn't mix/match without serious overlapping and/or clipping issues. It might be that Anet doesn't want that visual because then the complaints about how horrible things look would be more negative press. /shrug
  14. There are multiple ways to count players (or to be more accurate, accounts), one such hint is the fact that 50% of the total game's accounts have less than 268 Achievement Points. Which means these player accounts stopped a very long time before reaching HOT (or even the end game of Core for that matter) And that of course doesn't include all those players that quit the game much later after accumulating a lot of achievement points, by playing the game more actively. And still quit long before the expansion even hit.You have this actual data of 50% of the game's accounts? Or are you using GW2Efficiency to make this claim?
  15. Not sure that will happen as outfits are pretty much a single unit by design. If they start splitting them up, they might as well make armor sets at that point. See my previous post in this thread for why armor sets aren't as prevalent.
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