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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Some of them are required for map completion.For example, there is a Vista on top of Vizier's Tower. I think there's a hero point as well.Not sure that one has to complete the JP to get those?
  2. Never got the feel or understanding of Scrapper. Took some of the ideas in this thread along with linked builds (no ascended gear, though) and fumbled around in newbie zones to try to get a feel for the mechanics (no pun intended). Still not getting the grenade/bomb kit and how/why it works. Had some fun with hammer though. Didn't know about the crazy barrier generation. Seemed neat. Any advice would be helpful if anyone cares to help explain more to this filthy casual player. ;)
  3. I am a very casual open world PvE player who mains ranger. I've only recently delved deeper into the druid spec. I have found it ... challenging to solo, but when traveling with a few guildies or a pug, it holds its own at least for what I want/need it to do. Sometimes for me, it is nice to hang back and toss healing into the melee mess. I'm still not sold on the spec -- I believe that it was really intended for group play like frac/raid -- but it's a break from the usual game play for me. I use sword/dagger for my main weapon set and staff for when I feel the need to hold back and heal the group. I'm sure it's not META or probably even the most viable build, but as a casual player it works for me for now.
  4. You can try ... but it won't work like it does in other games. I would think that could be considered griefing and against the terms. Be careful. You see, here is another impact. It encourages griefing, which isn't a true issue that it's griefing. The AFKer farmer shouldn't have been afk and they would have moved out of the way of the player with the mobs agro. They choose not to move, that's on the AFKer. Which brings us back to the same, tired argument. No one but Anet knows with 100% certainty if these players are truly AFK. If they aren't, and someone piles a mob of enemies on them, then the player could report that action as griefing. I was just offering caution to anyone who might think to do this.
  5. But that's kinda the point some of us are making. With all of the apparent, rampant AFK farming going on, why hasn't it affected the market? Maybe because it doesn't? And your proof that its hasn't impacted the market is?I never claimed that it did or did not impact the market. I'm sure that there are others more involved in the market than I who can swoop in and provide charts or links to material prices that might show whether or not there is a large fluctuation. Even so, how could anyone tell if AFK farming is the cause?
  6. You can try ... but it won't work like it does in other games. I would think that could be considered griefing and against the terms. Be careful.
  7. I almost never use mine, but was glad to grab it before the cost jumped to 300G Yeah, I remember my regret when the price jumped lol.I didn't have much gold back then and used almost all of it to grab the tag before the price jump. Not sure it was really worth it in the long term since I rarely use it.
  8. I agree wrt raids, but feel that your point is oversimplified. /shrug
  9. I don't mind repeatable hearts. Just don't lock vendors behind them when they've been completed once.
  10. Yeah, I said "flawed" for lack of a better word, because the description that appears saying that there are few players left on the map isn't correct. It creates confusion in situations like the one I was in where there was a 50 man squad.I wonder what the threshold is for when a map instance is considered for closing? Maybe you and your squad were under it? /shrug
  11. I've always been a ranger. From my early days of D&D back in the early 80s, ranger has been my favorite class in any game. GW2 is no exception. I have my ranger spec'd out with all three builds (core, soulbeast, druid) and with the template system I am able to easily swap between builds depending on my mood or what content I'm playing. I am a very casual open world PvE player which is where you will most likely find me when I'm in the game. I've always enjoyed having a pet for my character. In GW1, my team often counted on my to pull one or two enemies from the mobs to make dealing with them easier. In GW2, I've hot-keyed one of my mouse buttons to enable me to target and send my pet after an enemy while I attack a different foe. I enjoy working in tandem with my pet, too. My core ranger's main weapon set is sword/dagger and with my tiger pet I enjoy the ebb and flow of my attack patterns. Sure, I still enjoy the long-bow action when the situation calls for it. I enjoyed soulbeast a LOT before the recent change which locks my character into one pet at a time in combat. That actually helped me to migrate back to core, because I like having that option. Still, soulbeast has its moments where a little extra oomph that it gives over core is needed. I've recently delved into druid, but in OWPvE it really isn't much of a solo profession. I do enjoy using it when roaming and jumping in to whatever events or activities I happen to come across, or when exploring with my small group of friends I will often use the druid to support their more melee oriented preferences.
  12. That would lock people out of content. Currently, every race can play every content. I can't see the business sense of this proposal.
  13. While I wouldn't mind seeing WvW get more attention, having something like Open World PvP is not very popular on the forums. The search feature can help you find the many threads already on this topic.
  14. Or, perhaps this idea doesn't fit with the vision that the Anet has for GW2?
  15. Not sure what the benefit would be on the other mounts?Griffon dive into water just makes sense. Both for fun gameplay and because it would make sense that a griffon would do it, like birds hunting fish by diving into water etc. I don't feel like slowly falling with a raptor down into water would be very satisfying gameplay.But sure, if it could be done and people want it? Sure, I don't see any reason for it, but for griffon it makes a lot of sense to me. Edit: If you mean other mounts automaticly mount to skimmer on the water surface (that mounts can't walk on), then that would also be very cool No, but running across the landscape and then vaulting into the water with a raptor or jackal could then instantly swap to skimmer. Skyscale could also "drop" into the water. Just don't see why your idea should be limited to one mount. I think it makes sense on water surfaces on other mounts, but not underwater.A skyscale flapping its wings to go underwater would be a bit weird.But I get it, personally it doesn't make that much sense to me, except for with griffon dive skill.I'm saying that as soon as any mount touches a water surface that would otherwise dismount the player because of the depth of the water, that player should not be dismounted; rather, the player should instantly be swapped to the skimmer.
  16. Not sure what the benefit would be on the other mounts?Griffon dive into water just makes sense. Both for fun gameplay and because it would make sense that a griffon would do it, like birds hunting fish by diving into water etc. I don't feel like slowly falling with a raptor down into water would be very satisfying gameplay.But sure, if it could be done and people want it? Sure, I don't see any reason for it, but for griffon it makes a lot of sense to me. Edit: If you mean other mounts automaticly mount to skimmer on the water surface (that mounts can't walk on), then that would also be very cool No, but running across the landscape and then vaulting into the water with a raptor or jackal could then instantly swap to skimmer. Skyscale could also "drop" into the water. Just don't see why your idea should be limited to one mount.
  17. Why restrict this to the griffon? Why not have all mounts do this upon encountering deep water?
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