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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Soulbound items in my personal bank sit there, unavailable to all of the characters on my account except for the one to which it is bound. I wonder if guild bound items would do the same. Would seem easier from a coding perspective than having the game check, remove items and return them to the guild. /shrug
  2. We both know that it IS because of competitive enviroment, as it always has been and always will be. While it's true that i haven't tried PvP in GW2(and never will), i have tried PvP in more than enough games where it was exactly the same. So after years of trying different games where the gameplay was different but the people were the same, i decided that i don't want to deal with them ever again and so i stopped. No matter what game developers try to "encourage" me to do it, i simply won't. Never again. Cheaters/hackers/AFKers are ignored by anet and MMO developers in general, so that is nothing new either. It's all just the same. But it's not though, that's the issue. PVErs wanna assume the ABSOLUTE most when it comes to competitive, when if you go and literally ask any PvPer they will tell you that people are not pissed about whether they win or lose, we are annoyed because classes have been purposefully imbalanced, ignored. Degenerate builds run rampant for months on end. Certain top players disrespect the authenticity of PvP because Anet is not willing to put their foot down. Literally, take off your PvE glasses for one SECOND and actually go ask the PvP people why they are ACTUALLY mad. A good game that has PvP and PvE don't ignore you. They don't ignore the thousands of suggestions people gave in the most non-biased way. If you actually ask hardcore pvpers they will tell you they actually ENJOY the scene and keep to themselves, and that our population has decreased because of the NEGLECT. When you get neglected you'd be angry too. But again, for whatever reason casuals seem to forget we actually exist, which I'm not surprised. When everything gets tossed on your plate and we basically get scraps of course y'all are gonna react the way you do. There was a time everyone, PvP/WvWers/PVers all supported each other. Now all I see is PvErs saying to get rid of everything that doesn't have to do with open world.That may well be the case, but my experience in that format was completely different. I didn't appreciate the manner in which I was treated, so I don't engage with those players any more. For me, I don't think that increasing attention to PvP would get me to try it again as it was more of a problem that I had with the players than the builds. /shrug
  3. BLC "gambling" is fair in that every player has the same chances.
  4. So what happens when someone from the guild takes things from the guild bank or takes guild banners and then leaves the guild?
  5. Who wall-clings while AFK anyway? I thought you were supposed to be farming in Drizzlewood when you go AFK? Isn't that what everyone is doing?
  6. The fact that GW2 has persevered over 7+ years without the holy trinity would seem to disagree with this point.
  7. I think that the answer also depends on the content that you want to play. I play open world PvE almost exclusively, so exotic items are enough. They can be gotten from the TP pretty easily. Stats don't matter so much for OWPvE, either.
  8. Can't vote. I'm ambivalent about it. Is this really an issue? I'm not on the login screen long enough for it to matter.
  9. You must have missed the EU server downtime compensation threads a little while back then.
  10. Although the skyscale is very useful throughout Tyria, I don't believe that it was designed with the entire world in mind; rather, it was designed for Dragonfall where it is obtained and maps that follow. At least, that's my take on it.
  11. wait until you reach orr and the expansions. its almost a completely different game. if you really like the casual experience of core tyria, then you prolly wont like it therei loved the organic, low key feel of the lower levels, it was so natural...fighting normal enemies over outposts and forts...it felt REALthe later stuff is all about gods and doomsday scenarios, that gets boring VERY fast Yes! So much this. I loved the early part of the game. Hot was horrid, but PoF has some fun areas, if you skip the story. I was glad to see more hearts, but I do not care for repeatable hearts... repeatable hearts are still better, than all those metas IMOWish they were made optional after completing them the first time. Hate having to do them again just to deal with the vendor.
  12. There already exists a thread on this very topic which is still on the first page of the General Forum. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/109838/people-are-afk-botting-at-drizzlewood-to-get-unfair-map-participation-event-rewards Please use the forums search function.
  13. One of the last things that I enjoy in GW2 is standing around selling stuff. Additional bag slots would only make that take longer, especially when you can only sell so many things at a time before the BL store stops you.
  14. I wonder why in every game where they don't have this garbage, there are always people asking for the ganking game mode/area? Is it really so empowering to backstab someone that doesn't want anything to do with PvP? Of course if it's their choice then whatever, but you should expect that there will be nobody there and you can only kill people who also want to backstab people, which means why not just go PvP? It's already in the game. also makes you wonder why most games that had this garbage either failed and are shutdown or are mostly barren if still up and running (where you mostly see the same groups/faces every day) -or- have closed/merged their servers that had this garbage on and focused on the PvE servers with group PvP and Realm vs Realm kept confined to their own instances/maps/gamemodesalso makes you wonder why players come to a game where open world PvP doesn't exist and pine for it.
  15. Thanks for your clarification in the other thread. Sorry about the confusion. Where did Anet announce this item? That thread is updated by players, not by Anet staff so it's possible an error was made?
  16. Template discussion is over here --> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/91126/official-feedback-thread-about-build-and-equipment-templates
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