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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. No, the reason you need DPS measurement tools is because without them, it's hard to actually discern the differences between getting better gear, picking better traits and getting better at playing your class on your DPS. Open world mobs fall over if you sneeze near them. Bosses have high enough health pools that your individual damage won't have much appreciable effect on their health bars. The only way to really tell if you're playing well and improving or flailing around with a meme build is via DPS measuring tools. Which is fine. Make the tool personal only.
  2. I thought that legendary items were supposed to take a legendary amount of time and effort?
  3. There are no names included or any data that gives information about the owners of the characters. It is a common problem that has not yet been solved, so it is worth to remind them until it gets fixed.Certainly. Because all of the past posts about AFK farming have worked.
  4. Mount skills have been scaled down for lower level maps. Often, I find asking politely for people to not use the skill during dailies works. It's true that there are players who disregard those requests (heck, one recently actively promoted people to use mounts in spite of my request just to be a kitten), but one needs only tag something to get credit for the event. I disagree with the premise that finding daily events on a map is difficult.
  5. Or, perhaps, support the game and purchase them if you run out. My god, everyone wants everything for free. Please point out where i was asking for them to be made free when they already are?You get them from maps and Ranked PvP and WvW play. Since i don't use them up much... i've ended up with close to 600 of the little buggers. Now I would use them if anet went back to making armour instead of silly outfits. (I'd buy those).It is inferred. Having a permanent one would preclude the need to purchase them. If you have 600 of them, then what's the point of the thread? That's essentially permanent as you ought never run out.
  6. Actually, if you look closely enough you'll see it's your head smashing into things and not the springers. I know, because prior to the skyscale, I cracked my poor toon's skull all of the time!
  7. Or, perhaps, support the game and purchase them if you run out. My god, everyone wants everything for free.
  8. Maybe it's not content that you want. Anet most certainly has the metrics to know what their playerbase plays most.
  9. They had to draw the proverbial line somewhere. If they went back now, then people would cry and complain about other old pieces, legendary or not.
  10. However, I think that you are also onto something. In my experience the game did not use to be this "quiet" at all. To me that is more of a recent development and I would assume that it is tied to the kind of development that the game gets. More of more of the game has been designed in a direction of "playing alone together" (or simply playing alone) and one result of that is activity in things like chats. This was a game that initially was built to be highly social and now quite alot of aspects of it is outright antisocial or circumvent the needs of socialization. I disagree. I think the prevalence of third-party voice chat has all but neutered in-game chat. People didn't have these options 7-8 years ago. That has nothing to do with any perception of the kind of development that the game gets.
  11. Only with permission of the inspectee. Generate a temp inspection key and post it in chat that can be used for others to see your gear.Why?Just about every other major MMO I have played allows this kind of functionality without some form of silly consent mechanism. GW2 isn't every other major MMO. And IMO it shouldn't be.I'm not sure this is a good argument against such a useful QoL addition.I'm not sure it is a good argument for it, either.
  12. Personal stories are instanced content. You can join your friend, but you will be in their instance. You will not gain any progress in your own personal story. I'm not sure what your concern is about your current character?
  13. Or, have an opt in setting so that those who really want this can turn it on. Just as simple. this isn't what the community wants Why not?Because the forums do not represent the majority of the community, so saying that this is something that the community wants is flawed.@Tails.9372 said:I think an official personal DPS meter would be a good thing for the game as you would be the only one who has access to your data. There were other games with build in personal meters and not a single one of them had the issues some people claim they would bring.I would agree with this. @mindcircus.1506 said: Only with permission of the inspectee. Generate a temp inspection key and post it in chat that can be used for others to see your gear.Why?Just about every other major MMO I have played allows this kind of functionality without some form of silly consent mechanism. GW2 isn't every other major MMO. And IMO it shouldn't be.
  14. Although these are official forums, ANet does not run them. Put in a request for a mass delete mail function and perhaps they will take it up with their forums provider.
  15. I often find map chat to be filled with immature chatter, so I rarely pay attention to it. More often than not, I use my Party channel which has map chat turned off.
  16. Because ANet wants you to purchase the core Tyria waypoint unlock instead.
  17. Waste of development time. This is a learn to play issue. The fight is simple. Attack him until you see the circle telegraph under you, and run away from him ASAP so he can't use his health drain. Rinse and repeat. Killed him in less than 2 minutes on my Tempest. Not very considerate of players who don't have the same capabilities, some people play for fun and aren't very good, or some just try to get through the story so they can get certain things, i.e the griffon mount. Not at all a 'waste of development time' when there's plenty of players who could benefit from it. Not everyone is a complete kitten in the game, and that's ok. This shouldn't be such a pain in the kitten boss, as it obviously is for so many.How is it obvious? The forums represent a very small minority of the player base and many in this thread have not had problems with this story step, even before it was nerfed. I, too, believe it is a learn to play issue having defeated this boss both before and after the nerf. As a very casual player, sure I had my struggles but once I learned the boss' attack patterns it was pretty easy.
  18. I do appreciate your courteous dialogue. :) I think that you and I will disagree on this. If Anet changed their rules about unattended farming, then they would be forced to deal with the reports of players who then counter those new rules. There would not be a need to change class design.
  19. I ask this because we seem to here spliting hairs, as what is AFK playing. It seem that some are says that AFK playing is not, when you response to GM. I mean, GW2 tools to testing "the AFK" is the response to GM. In my opinion while this is how Anet is doing it, it's not actually working as intended. Point been, AFK playing can be done also so that you do something else like watching anime and ones a while checking games chat, do you need to response to GM. I consider this still AFK playing, because you don't play the game as it's intented. AFK means you will not be at your keyboard for a while, or that you will not be online for a period of time. Basicly in games it means You aren't playing, but You leave you character standing in gameworld by it self. Rules how ever say while you can stand idle, but you can't perform actions, participate in content, or otherwise engage with the world "while you are away from your computer". Problem here is wording "while you are away from your computer", because you can even be AFK while you are using your computer to someting else. Example many of us are reading GW2 wiki while still in the game. How ever we should not leave our characters in that time to spawn spots.I agree. Botting like this is annoying to me, too, but well within the existing rules. So we need to fix this because if player gonna be idle in game world they should move they character to spot where it doesn't perform actions, participate in content, or otherwise engage with the game world. So, if players leaves they character in spawn spots while not controlling character, they are basicly playing AFK farming. Only way to fix this is to make so that game design doesn't make it possible to players to do this. Because GM checking are players with you computer is not enough.Yes, changing the rules would be a great start. However, to me it seems that since the in-game economy is not dramatically affected by botters, and botting doesn't prevent other players from playing content, Anet isn't too concerned by these actions. Do I agree with Anet? Heck, no, but these players are playing by the rules. If Anet wanted to be rid of them, they could easily change the rules. That they haven't in at least the 7+ years I've been playing tells me that this doesn't concern them or affect their bottom line.
  20. And that's just it. Anet does not publicly state what their actions are toward any players. For all we know, a GM could have whispered to all 60+ of your reported players and gotten a reply from all 60+ of them, which does not violate the CoC. All of us are making assumptions with no basis in fact. You can put them on your block or friend list and see if they still "play". I have "people" on my list who have been standing on the same spot for years and they will continue to stand there as they play on their actual account. As i said somewhere, they log out, not out of the game but the character occasionally, then come back with another character on the same spot. This has been going on FOR YEARS. You can say they play but we all know that is BS. It's highly likely that you also take part in this "activity" at this point, no other reason for so vehemently defending anets indifference. You just keep on assuming that you know me. Still, you haven't shown how any of this affects your ability to play the game. Here's a hint: it doesn't. Still not denying that it's fact. Not like it's necessary... Not denying what fact? That I do botting? Um.... yeah, I have. But you would rather make assumptions about me and the way that I play GW2. That's fine. As for defending ANet's "indifference" as you put it, that's not entirely true. I have stated that I do not condone the practice of botting. Refer the previous link. However, it appears that you would rather cast aspersions and try to drum up support for your assumption that I am a botter despite my claim otherwise. I have not made any statements beyond what the official CoC says with regards to unattended gameplay. There is a report tool in the game, with an option specifically for botting. Anet has never been specific about any actions taken against specific players, so complaining here on the forums is pointless. But you can keep on doing what you're doing. Good luck to you and your endeavors. All you ever actually say is "it doesn't affects your ability to play the game" every time.Because it doesn't. Bots or not, you are able to log in to GW2 with a valid account and play the content. It cannot be any more simple that this.We all know that reporting is useless so parroting how anet doesn't care about it seems redundant.Then why does this entire thread, and the others like it, exist? They serve no purpose.And as i said many times as well, why else would you go to these lenghts to cover for them if not to also cover yourself?Because people tend to ignore the actual rules and want the game to be changed to suit them. This is not the case. All I am doing is pointing out the rules as they currently exist. If you want to continue to believe that I am a botter, there is nothing more I can say to change your mind. I have already invited you to add me to your friends list in game so that you can actually see that when I am online I am not botting. This isn't good enough for you, so there isn't anything more I can do or say to placate your fantasy.Not like you are showing anything else, especially when we both know it doesn't matter as anet simply does not care at all.You know that Anet doesn't care... how? Why should they ban players who are playing by the existing rules?Why do you keep saying the same thing when nothing is going to be done one way or another?You don't know that nothing is being done. Neither do I. Anet could be checking on these players and if they respond to the GM, then they aren't breaking any existing rules. I could ask you the same question: why do you keep saying the same thing, especially when you earlier stated that Anet doesn't care?I tell people so they know that companies are out for profit only and in this sitsuation, savings (which should be obvious but seems like it isn't), why do you do you?Welcome to Business 101. Companies like ANet are only out for profit. Without it, the game and the company wouldn't exist.
  21. It has been show in this tread that boting hurts others. I give you examples. What is purpose of Boting in first place?I never said anything about hurting anyone. I said that it does not prevent players from playing the game. Answer is gather resources for them self or/and make money by selling them in TP. So how is botting harmin others.It does not prevent other players from selling or making money in the TP. Even so, if this really harmed the in-game economy, then Anet would step in just like they did with the previously mentioned example of the leather farm. Where bots work, there is more difficult to other active players hunt, because bots will kill anyting that pops up. This reduce real players ability hunt in that same area and that way reduse active plyers loot. Bot seem to allways be in best easy spots for loots, what is little bit hiding from public eyes. Why would active player has to go somewhere else, when bot's are doing there what isn't even acceptable by GW2 rules.If the player is farming an area, and appears to be AFK but still responds to a GM, then they are not breaking any rules. Too many people seem to think otherwise.When bots sells they year after year 24/7 loots, it will lower the value of that loot in TP. That means any casual player who tries to make money by selling stuff in TP get less money because bots. Yes, I know it also lower for buyers, but all that money flows to botters. Even now GW2 economy has major issue as supplay is alot higher than demand. Boting just make situation alot worst, because 24/7 loot colleting does affect the games economy.Again, this does not prevent a player from playing the game. See above for my point on the economy.People get upset when they see AFK botters and games reputation goes down. Because who would even wanna play game if there would be alot boting. I'm not saying that GW2 has, but boting has no positive affect for games future in customers eyes. Even these posts in here is evidence that players get upset by it. That means it's affecting GW2 customers happiness in this game.Sure. And I've even said in this thread and in others on the same topic that I don't condone botting. I think it should be removed when and where it is found. But, again, people make assumptions that ANet is turning a blind eye to this when none of us (including me) know what action(s) Anet is taking. Maybe when reported, GMs do whisper the player and s/he responds. That is not against the CoC.In general there is no reason to defend boting or very passive AFK gameplay in GW2. Even the official CoC says that as regards to unattended gameplay. Now what's wrong trying to figure what would be best way to reduse boting and passive AFK gameplay, without hurting the other active players.I have never defended this practice and challenge anyone to show that I have. I have only defended the official rules for unattended gameplay as set out by Anet.
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